Re: "Design user stories and models for user interfaces"?? - IMPORTANT

> I'm not sure what the precise intention of the section was, originally. But I
> prize the idea to emphasize the need to think about user-oriented
> stories/scenarios/use cases/whatever, and thus keep it in the heading!

It was:

> >     "Design (user stories and models) for user interfaces"     - or:
> >     "Design (user stories) and (models for user interfaces)"?

I see the point about not losing the emphasis on "user-oriented".
The problem was that "user stories" and "models" were not mentioned in
the text that followed - but "user services" and "use cases" were.

How about: 

    Design and test user services based on new use cases




Received on Monday, 5 September 2011 12:29:23 UTC