Re: Library data is expressed primarily as text strings

Tom, from a logical point of view, de-referencing an HTTP URI, i.e. returning the web resource denoted by the HTTP URI, can be seen as computing the meaning of that HTTP URI. In fact, an HTTP URI can be seen as a constant symbol, whose meaning is, in a given interpretation, some individual from the domain of the interpretation. Then, the world can be seen as an interpretation, having resources as domain, and the web can be seen as that part of the interpretation that gives the meaning of certain constant symbols, namely HTTP URIs.

On Sep 6, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Tom Baker wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 02:15:33PM +0200, Carlo Meghini wrote:
>> Very interesting debate indeed. 
>> I am not sure I have followed all the developments, but here it seems to me
>> that the problem is NOT the "text string" per sé. A URI (in its abstract
>> syntax) is in fact a text string, and so is an ISBN. The difference between a
>> URI and any other type of string is that a URI has a meaning associated to
>> it, and this meaning allows an agent (for instance a piece of software), who
>> knows there is a URI in a certain place, to do something with the URI
>> (whether display it nicely or dereference it and get back a representation).
>> So, a text string is fine, as long as the string conforms to a syntax with an
>> associated semantics.
> Interesting point, Carlo!  I guess I'd put the difference this way: that the
> URI lies in the managed, global context provided by the Domain Name System,
> within which the URI (i.e., strings that are URI) are globally unique.  In the
> case of HTTP URIs, those unique identifiers are also associated not just with a
> meaning, but with a protocol universally supported by Web browsers, so that the
> identifier can resolve to documentation.
> Tom
> -- 
> Tom Baker <>

Carlo Meghini                                                                      
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie della Informazione [ ISTI ]    
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [ CNR ]                                       
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Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 09:17:09 UTC