Re: Editing Scope of this report

Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:

> It is still not 100% clear to me, sorry. I can buy most of it, it's  
> just that I think there could be some use in e.g., acquisition data,  
> as there is in circulation data. To tell the truth as I'm not aware  
> of how precise these notions are, I had intuitively categorized  
> circulation data as library management data. Since we have use cases  
> for circulation data, I found the entire thing quite puzzling...

I wasn't aware of use cases for circ data. I think the issue is  
whether we are mainly or solely talking about bibliographic data. If  
we wish to refer to other library data than I'm not sure we've really  
covered it in the report. We don't mention NCIP (circulation data),  
SUSHI (statistics), serials holdings, RFID standards nor numerous  
other standards being used in those systems. Our examples in the  
vocabulary area seem to all be bibliographic. Perhaps if we don't want  
to exclude these others we need to say that although they could  
potentially be used as linked data, they have not yet been defined as  


Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Monday, 5 September 2011 18:29:31 UTC