Editing Scope of this report


I've checked the "Scope" section, and made some editorial changes:

Most important items:

1.  removed a bit in
[Data used primarily for library-management purposes or covered by library privacy policies is generally out of scope.]
[Data covered by library privacy policies is generally out of scope.]
I entirely agree with Adrian's comment at http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/w3clld/2011/06/26/benefits/#5: I don't see a clear distinction between "“data used primarily for library-management purposes" and "information produced or curated by libraries that describes resources or aids their discovery" (in the previous sentence). In doubt I prefer to keep only the clear item.

2. Changed "Web addresses (URI)", in relation with a previous comment from Tom. And streamlining the enumeration of resources that are given URIs.

3. Moved the final sentence on data openness to the definition of Open Data.

Note that I am very much tempted to give more concrete example (and cite ISBN!) for "analogously to the library world's identifiers for authority control". I.e., put "analogously to the library world's identifiers for books (ISBN) or authority control (classification numbers)". But I feel this is slightly more than copy-editing, and, especially, a personal move, so I'll abstain for now :-)


Received on Monday, 5 September 2011 12:27:31 UTC