Re: questions from the Vocabulary and Dataset editing.

On 15 Sep 2011, at 17:21, Antoine Isaac wrote:

> Ok, trying it...
>> * I'm not sure what this means:
>> "Although ULAN not yet published as Linked Data per se, it does appears in the [|VIAF]."
> ULAN data has been included in VIAF. So ULAN available via VIAF, in a way...

I modified this to 
"Although ULAN not yet published as Linked Data per se, it is included in the VIAF as the Getty Research Institute's contribution."

Feel free to fix that!

>> * What does "their own" refer to here?
>> "In addition to the documentation made available on their own websites, the reader can view their content using generic ontology creation and visualization tools such as [ Protégé], the [ Manchester ontology browser], [ OWL Sight] or the [ Live OWL Documentation Environment (LODE)]"
> "the websites of these vocabularies"


How about this?

 In addition to the documentation provided by its maintainers, an ontology can also be viewed using generic ontology creation and visualization tools such as Protégé, the Manchester ontology browser, OWL Sight or the Live OWL Documentation Environment (LODE) (see for example the Description of a Project (DOAP) ontology rendered in LODE).

>> * Does NACO stand for "name authority component"? Should we spell that out?

Ok--so Name Authority Component (NACO) Authority File? Or is that redundant?

>> * Does TELplus stand for The European Library plus?
> Yes
>> Should we spell that out?
> I don't know. It reads really weird spelled out.

Ok, I'll leave TELplus. :)

>> * What is the correct name for MARC21? MAchine-Readable Cataloging21?
>> * When should DC be abbreviated?
>> * Should API be spelled out?

Still looking for opinions on these three

>> * Does SKOS-XL have a long name?
> No (unless you spell out SKOS, but then it will look ugly)

I followed Marcia's suggestion.
>> * Ditto for OWL-DL?
> Ditto

Hmm-- since we spelled out SKOS-XL, maybe OWL-Description Logic (OWL-DL)?

>> * Does LOCAH have a long name?
>> * Does SPECTRUM have a long name?

Still waiting for opinions on these two. :)

>> * "As of the winter of 2011," "It contains terms in 24 languages (as of May 2011)."
>> Do we want to say "As of the date of this report"?
> Yes.

Ok -- fixed in two places:

>> * It's a little strange that the usage examples appear before the vocabs here:
> could not find a better way...

I don't think it needs to be changed, just struck me at the time. :)

>> =====Preservation vocabularies from LoC=====
>> * Usage examples: [[Use Case Digital Preservation]]
>> ======[ Preservation Events]======
>> A concept scheme for the preservation events, i.e., actions performed on digital objects within a preservation repository.
>> ======[ Preservation Level Role]======
>> A concept scheme for the preservation level roles, i.e., values that specify in what context a set of preservation options is applicable.


Received on Monday, 19 September 2011 10:25:00 UTC