Re: "Connect library data standards to the linked data space"

I think "connect" is stronger than align. I think we want actual  
connections (links). - kc

Quoting Tom Baker <>:

> I'm tempted to say "align" here, and I think that some vagueness in the
> text can be resolved by spelling out that datasets are expressed using
> properties, classes, and concepts [1]:
>     Align library data standards with the Linked Data space
>     In order maximize linkability with other datasets, library  
> datasets must be
>     expressed using properties, classes, and concepts that have well-defined
>     relationships to properties, classes, and concepts used in the  
> wider Linked
>     Data space. This can be done in two ways: by using Linked Data  
> vocabularies
>     based on existing standards, such as ISO language names; and by defining
>     explicit relationships ("alignments") between the Linked Data  
> terms of the
>     library world and those of other communities.
> -- Note: "Linked Data terms" in order to avoid a tedious repetition  
> of "properties,
>    classes, and concepts"...
> [1]  

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Sunday, 4 September 2011 22:14:33 UTC