- From: Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net>
- Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 08:03:18 -0700
- To: public-xg-lld@w3.org
Yes, I too have been removing the UK "u" in cataloging. (That change is attributed to Melvil Dewey, BTW, an advocate of spelling reform.[1]) As for the use of W3C as an example, I wouldn't do that. There are more logical partners, such as Editeur (the ONIX standard for publishers). So I'd not use a "such as" since the range is wide and we don't want to limit to one. kc [1] The introduction to this edition is written in his reformed spelling: http://books.google.com/books?id=xcYGAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA20 Quoting Tom Baker <tbaker@tbaker.de>: > I'd like some additional eyes on edits I made to one particular sub-section > of The Current Situation [1], which previously read: > > Many library standards, such as MARC or Z39.50, have been > developed or are > developed in a library-specific context. Standardization in libraries is > often undertaken by bodies only dedicated to the domain, such as IFLA or > the JSC for development of RDA. By encouraging these bodies to broaden > their scope or to liaise with other standardization bodies, Linked Data > creates an opportunity to expand the context and utility of such > standards > to relevant data created and used by other communities. > > ...and now reads: > > Many library standards, such as the MAchine-Readable Cataloging format > (MARC) or the client-server protocolo Z39.50, have been (or > continue to be) > developed in a library-specific context. Standardization in the library > world is often undertaken by bodies focused exclusively on the library > domain, such as the International Federation of Library > Associations (IFLA) > or the Joint Steering Committee for the Development of Resource > Description > and Access (RDA). By broadening their scope or liaising with other > standardization bodies, such as W3C, bodies such as these can expand the > relevance and applicability of their standards to data created > and used by > other communities. > > Note: > > -- US spelling of "cataloging," which I have now also changed in > Benefits [2] and > ConversionStyle [3] (after consulting with Gordon). > -- Full expansion of acronyms or, in the case of Z39.50, an > adjective saying what > it is. > -- Corrected a final sentence which said that "Linked Data" would > itself act to > "encourage standardization bodies". > > It would be great if one or two of you could give the paragraph a > careful read... > > Tom > > [1] > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/index.php?title=Draft_issues_page_take2&diff=6083&oldid=6082 > [2] > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/index.php?title=Benefits&diff=6084&oldid=6065 > [3] > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/index.php?title=ConversionStyle&diff=6085&oldid=6069 > > -- Karen Coyle kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net ph: 1-510-540-7596 m: 1-510-435-8234 skype: kcoylenet
Received on Friday, 2 September 2011 15:03:59 UTC