Re: Terminology : libraries, library world, library community

I prefer "community" - kc

Quoting Emmanuelle Bermes <>:

> I've bumped on several ocurences, in the report, of the expression
> "the library world"
> e.g.
> "the library world's identifiers for authority control" (scope [1])
> "vendors outside the library world may be able to adapt..." (benefits
> to developers and vendors [2])
> "Standardization in the library world..." (the current situation [3])
> I'm wondering if that expression is not a kind of jargon left over
> from informal discussions in the group ("in libraryworld"). Does
> everybody feel comfortable with it ? Should we use "library community"
> instead ? or just "libraries" as expected in [4] ?
> If I'm the only one to feel strange about "library world", we may just
> leave it as is...
> [1]  
> [2]  
> [3]  
> [4]
> Emma

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 16:01:34 UTC