Re: Terminology : libraries, library world, library community

On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 05:34:23PM +0200, Emmanuelle Bermes wrote:
> I've bumped on several ocurences, in the report, of the expression
> "the library world"
> e.g.
> "the library world's identifiers for authority control" (scope [1])
> "vendors outside the library world may be able to adapt..." (benefits
> to developers and vendors [2])
> "Standardization in the library world..." (the current situation [3])
> I'm wondering if that expression is not a kind of jargon left over
> from informal discussions in the group ("in libraryworld"). Does
> everybody feel comfortable with it ? Should we use "library community"
> instead ? or just "libraries" as expected in [4] ?

None of the following alternatives sound quite right:

    1. the library's identifiers for authority control
    2. libraries' identifiers for authority control
    3. library identifiers for authority control
    4. librarian identifiers for authority control

Of the four, #2 works best.

"Library community" seems a bit informal - "standardization in the 
library community" a bit odd.  How about:

    libraries' identifiers for authority control?
    vendors outside the library market?
    standardization in librarianship? (urg)

In each case, my impulse is to say something like "library world", but
not if it evokes the wrong associations...


> If I'm the only one to feel strange about "library world", we may just
> leave it as is...
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Tom Baker <>

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 16:35:26 UTC