Alex Danilo
Alexander Adam
Andrew And Tracy Emmons
Andrew Emmons
- Telcon Agenda, Tuesday Sept 23rd (Tuesday, 23 September)
- Ottawa Test Fest information posted (Saturday, 20 September)
- Late for Thursday's telcon (Thursday, 18 September)
- Agenda, Tuesday Sept 16th telcon (Tuesday, 16 September)
- Re: Publishing SVG 1.2 Tiny (Saturday, 13 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Thursday, 11 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Monday, 8 September)
- New contact information (Sunday, 7 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Sunday, 7 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Friday, 5 September)
- RE: Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 14 August 2008 (Monday, 18 August)
- Agenda, August 14th, 2008 (Thursday, 14 August)
- RE: SVG Tiny 1.2 spec now in public CVS (Wednesday, 13 August)
- Test for runtime synchronization attributes (Tuesday, 12 August)
- Added test for SVGSVGElement.moveFocus() (Tuesday, 12 August)
- prefetch test added (Tuesday, 12 August)
- RE: SVG Tiny 1.2 spec now in public CVS (Tuesday, 12 August)
- SVGT 1.2 edit action leaderboard (Monday, 11 August)
- RE: Marathon telcon date (Thursday, 7 August)
- Agenda August 7th, 2008 telcon (Thursday, 7 August)
- Marathon telcon date (Wednesday, 6 August)
- Marathon telcon date (Wednesday, 6 August)
- Regrets (Thursday, 24 July)
- Test Fest hosting by BitFlash confirmed (Tuesday, 22 July)
- RE: Progress Event tests submitted (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Agenda, Tuesday July 22nd telcon (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Timer test created (Thursday, 17 July)
- Progress Event tests submitted (Wednesday, 16 July)
- Agenda, Tuesday July 15th telcon (Monday, 14 July)
- RE: Agenda requests (Monday, 14 July)
- RE: SVG Tiny 1.2 spec now in public CVS (Monday, 14 July)
- Agenda, Tuesaday July 8, 2008 (Tuesday, 8 July)
- animate-elem-60-t.svg and animate-elem-62-t.svg using wallclock (Monday, 7 July)
- error in paint-nsstroke-202-t.svg (Monday, 7 July)
- paint-other-202-t.svg regression (Monday, 7 July)
- error in (draft) test struct-discard-202-t.svg (Monday, 7 July)
- Agenda request (Wednesday, 2 July)
- RE: Agenda, July 1, 2008 telcon (Tuesday, 1 July)
Anthony Grasso
- ACTION-2242 (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ACTION-2243 (Tuesday, 30 September)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Tuesday 23 September 2008 (Tuesday, 23 September)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Tuesday 23 September 2008 (Tuesday, 23 September)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 18 September 2008 (Thursday, 18 September)
- Agenda Request: Review of struct-discard-208-t.svg test (Monday, 15 September)
- Re: Publishing SVG 1.2 Tiny (Sunday, 14 September)
- Re: updated text-align-202-t (Saturday, 13 September)
- New Publication of the SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite (Friday, 12 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Thursday, 11 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Monday, 8 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Friday, 5 September)
- SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Friday, 5 September)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 4 September 2008 (Thursday, 4 September)
- Re: Rename Timer? (Monday, 1 September)
- Minutes, SVG Nuremberg Face-to-Face Day 1, Thursday 21 August 2008 (Thursday, 21 August)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 14 August 2008 (Thursday, 14 August)
- Re: The <xslt-qname> type (Friday, 8 August)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 7 August 2008 (Thursday, 7 August)
- Re: Marathon telcon date (Thursday, 7 August)
- Re: Unwanted restriction for JPEG images that have colour profiles. (Friday, 18 July)
- Regrets, Tuesday 17 July telcon (Thursday, 17 July)
- Minutes, SVG teclon Tuesday 15th July 2008 (Tuesday, 15 July)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 10 July 2008 (Thursday, 10 July)
- Re: animate-elem-60-t.svg and animate-elem-62-t.svg using wallclock (Wednesday, 9 July)
- Re: error in paint-nsstroke-202-t.svg (Wednesday, 9 July)
- Re: paint-other-202-t.svg regression (Tuesday, 8 July)
- Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 3 July 2008 (Thursday, 3 July)
Cameron McCormack
- Fixed error in udom-svg-220-t (Friday, 26 September)
- Minutes, September 25, 2008 telcon (Thursday, 25 September)
- Re: Possible incompatibilty uDOM <-> SVG 1.1 (Thursday, 25 September)
- Scope chain modification for <handler>s (Wednesday, 24 September)
- [D3E] Include mouse capture functionality (Monday, 22 September)
- Re: Publishing SVG 1.2 Tiny (Saturday, 13 September)
- Republishing the spec (Friday, 12 September)
- Re: Closing ACTION-2155, Keyboard Stuff (Friday, 12 September)
- Re: Closing ACTION-2099 (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Re: Closing ACTION-2099 (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Re: [ProgressEvents] (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Re: uDOM changes for Global/AbstractView/etc. (Monday, 8 September)
- Regrets for telcons this week (Monday, 8 September)
- Re: More thoughts on when <script>s get run (Monday, 8 September)
- udom-event-208-t and udom-event-209-t updated (Sunday, 7 September)
- My part of the DOM 2 Events migration done (Sunday, 7 September)
- udom-event-201-t updated (Sunday, 7 September)
- Remove "DOM3 event category" column of the events table in Interactivity (Sunday, 7 September)
- Re: Event capture (Sunday, 7 September)
- Event capture (Saturday, 6 September)
- Re: <script> element processing proposed text (Saturday, 6 September)
- Re: OpenGIS entry in references (Saturday, 6 September)
- Re: Review of script-handler-201-t.svg and script-handler-202.svg (Saturday, 6 September)
- Re: uDOM changes for Global/AbstractView/etc. (Saturday, 6 September)
- Re: OpenGIS entry in references (Saturday, 6 September)
- OpenGIS entry in references (Friday, 5 September)
- Re: <script> element processing proposed text (Friday, 5 September)
- uDOM changes for Global/AbstractView/etc. (Friday, 5 September)
- <script> element processing proposed text (Thursday, 4 September)
- Re: Coordinate system stuff (Thursday, 4 September)
- Re: Agenda, telcon Sept 4, 2008 (Thursday, 4 September)
- Re: Remove SVGGlobal::parent (Wednesday, 3 September)
- Pragmas and extended attributes at the top of the uDOM IDL (Wednesday, 3 September)
- Re: Remove SVGGlobal::parent (Wednesday, 3 September)
- Remove SVGGlobal::parent (Wednesday, 3 September)
- Remove Document::implementation and DOMImplementation from uDOM (Wednesday, 3 September)
- Rename Timer? (Monday, 1 September)
- Re: Urgent: How to fix up references to XMLRIs (Monday, 25 August)
- Re: Make Broken, Make Less Broken (Monday, 25 August)
- Minutes, SVG Nuremberg Face-to-Face Day 4, Sunday 24 August 2008 (Sunday, 24 August)
- Re: Single page spec (Sunday, 24 August)
- Single page spec (Sunday, 24 August)
- Urgent: How to fix up references to XMLRIs (Saturday, 23 August)
- Make SVG WG tracker monitor CVS commit mailing list (Saturday, 23 August)
- Minutes, SVG Nuremberg Face-to-Face Day 2, Friday 22 August 2008 (Friday, 22 August)
- Coordinate system stuff (Monday, 18 August)
- Re: Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 14 August 2008 (Thursday, 14 August)
- Re: Element Traversal Spec is in CR (Thursday, 14 August)
- Re: Element Traversal Spec is in CR (Thursday, 14 August)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 spec now in public CVS (Wednesday, 13 August)
- Value of SVGElement::id when both id="" and xml:id="" are specified (Tuesday, 12 August)
- Re: SVGT 1.2 edit action leaderboard (Tuesday, 12 August)
- Test attributes on <discard> (Monday, 11 August)
- Test attributes on <tbreak> (Monday, 11 August)
- Test attributes on non-rendering elements; styling changes (Monday, 11 August)
- Re: Adding reference to Authoritative Metadata TAG finding (Monday, 11 August)
- Adding reference to Authoritative Metadata TAG finding (Monday, 11 August)
- Lacuna values (Sunday, 10 August)
- Re: Negative values for width="" and height="" on <svg> and <image> (Sunday, 10 August)
- Negative values for width="" and height="" on <svg> and <image> (Saturday, 9 August)
- Re: Guide for referencing W3C TRs (Saturday, 9 August)
- Guide for referencing W3C TRs (Saturday, 9 August)
- Cleaned up types chapter (Friday, 8 August)
- The <xslt-qname> type (Friday, 8 August)
- XMLRIs, IRIs and LEIRIs (Friday, 8 August)
- Regrets (Wednesday, 30 July)
- Re: Proposed Text for Unresolved Resources (Sunday, 27 July)
- Re: Proposed Text for Unresolved Resources (Sunday, 27 July)
- Re: More thoughts on when <script>s get run (Friday, 25 July)
- Re: More thoughts on when <script>s get run (Thursday, 24 July)
- More thoughts on when <script>s get run (Thursday, 24 July)
- Java package name (Thursday, 24 July)
- Re: ISSUE-2021 (image-bbox): Bounding box of <image> subject to aspect-ratio preservation undefined [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Re: Whitspace/comma separation in lists (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Whitspace/comma separation in lists (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Re: Minutes, telcon Apr 10, 2008 (Monday, 21 July)
- Re: textInput and KeyboardEvent Tests Complete (Saturday, 19 July)
- Re: ISSUE-2021 (image-bbox): Bounding box of <image> subject to aspect-ratio preservation undefined [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Saturday, 19 July)
- Elements for which "defer" can be used in preserveAspectRatio="" (Friday, 18 July)
- Re: Attempting to encode a bad DOMString with stringToBinary() (Friday, 18 July)
- Minutes July 17, 2008 telcon (Thursday, 17 July)
- Trailing semicolon in values="" erratum for 1.1? (Thursday, 17 July)
- Tests for binaryToString() and parseXML() added (Thursday, 17 July)
- Attempting to encode a bad DOMString with stringToBinary() (Thursday, 17 July)
- Re: Does Connection::send() block? (Tuesday, 15 July)
- Does Connection::send() block? (Tuesday, 15 July)
- CVS commit messages (Tuesday, 15 July)
- Re: Agenda requests (Monday, 14 July)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 spec now in public CVS (Monday, 14 July)
- Agenda requests (Monday, 14 July)
- SVG Tiny 1.2 spec now in public CVS (Monday, 14 July)
- Minutes, Tuesaday July 8, 2008 (Tuesday, 8 July)
- Fw: SVG Paint Servers for HTML (Tuesday, 8 July)
- Current state of spec generation tools (Monday, 7 July)
- Made non-finite floats throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR (Friday, 4 July)
- Use of org.w3c.svg package in Java bindings (Friday, 4 July)
- Testing animation of empty string values (Thursday, 3 July)
Charles McCathieNevile
Chris Lilley
- Re: New Publication of the SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite (Thursday, 18 September)
- Re: ISSUE-2056 (Ref to CSS2.1): Consider referring to Instead of linking to CSS2.1 instead of CSS2 [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Thursday, 18 September)
- Re: Agenda Request: Fixing the Test Suite [Fwd: Re: SVG 1.2 Tiny: Beta3 of Test Suite Published] (Sunday, 14 September)
- Re: Agenda Request: values of requiredExtensions to use XHTML/MathML (Sunday, 14 September)
- Re: Publishing SVG 1.2 Tiny (Saturday, 13 September)
- Re: New Publication of the SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite (Friday, 12 September)
- Re: New Publication of the SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite (Friday, 12 September)
- updated text-align-202-t (Friday, 12 September)
- Re: New Publication of the SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite (Friday, 12 September)
- Media type list (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Re: Closing ACTION-2099 (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Re: Minutes, 9 Sept 2008 SVG WG telcon (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Minutes, 9 Sept 2008 SVG WG telcon (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Re: Closing ACTION-2099 (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Closing ACTION-2099 (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Re: OpenGIS entry in references (Friday, 5 September)
- Re: Agenda, telcon Sept 4, 2008 (Thursday, 4 September)
- Re: Urgent: How to fix up references to XMLRIs (Tuesday, 26 August)
- Re: Urgent: How to fix up references to XMLRIs (Monday, 25 August)
- struct-cond-211-t.svg created (Tuesday, 29 July)
- Re: Test Fest hosting by BitFlash confirmed (Thursday, 24 July)
- Minutes, 24 July 2008 SVG telcon (Thursday, 24 July)
- Re: Progress Report on Test Coverage (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Unwanted restriction for JPEG images that have colour profiles. (Wednesday, 16 July)
- Re: Current state of spec generation tools (Monday, 7 July)
- Re: ISSUE-2009 (Broken Schema): Broken Schema for SVG 1.2 Tiny [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Tuesday, 24 June)
Dave Singer
David Hyatt
Doug Schepers
- Attending Test Fest (Sunday, 28 September)
- TPAC Agenda (Friday, 26 September)
- Re: Possible incompatibilty uDOM <-> SVG 1.1 (Wednesday, 24 September)
- Re: [Moderator Action] Re: overflow issue with CSS and SVG specs (Tuesday, 23 September)
- Re: overflow issue with CSS and SVG specs (Tuesday, 23 September)
- [Fwd: overflow issue with CSS and SVG specs] (Monday, 22 September)
- Re: [D3E] Include mouse capture functionality (Monday, 22 September)
- [Fwd: topics for TPAC week -- when/where discuss?] (Sunday, 21 September)
- [tracker] Add www-svg to SVG's Tracker (Tuesday, 16 September)
- Re: Spec Index (Tuesday, 16 September)
- Dreampark (Tuesday, 16 September)
- Re: Agenda, Tuesday Sept 16th telcon (Tuesday, 16 September)
- SVG 1.2 Tiny Published! (Monday, 15 September)
- Weird Make Artifact (Monday, 15 September)
- Re: Agenda Request: values of requiredExtensions to use XHTML/MathML (Monday, 15 September)
- Agenda Request: Fixing the Test Suite [Fwd: Re: SVG 1.2 Tiny: Beta3 of Test Suite Published] (Sunday, 14 September)
- Spec Index (Saturday, 13 September)
- Agenda Request: values of requiredExtensions to use XHTML/MathML (Saturday, 13 September)
- Publishing SVG 1.2 Tiny (Saturday, 13 September)
- Closing ACTION-2164 (Friday, 12 September)
- Closing ACTION-2155, Keyboard Stuff (Friday, 12 September)
- Re: global -> defaultView (Thursday, 11 September)
- Closing ACTION-2143 (Thursday, 11 September)
- Added Conformance Criteria for Search Engines (Thursday, 11 September)
- Closing ACTION-2185 (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Closing ACTION-2132 (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Re: <script> element processing proposed text (Friday, 5 September)
- Re: ISSUE-2046 (negative_startoffset): Allow negative startOffset for textPath elements [SVG Full 1.2] (Tuesday, 2 September)
- Minutes, SVG Nuremberg Face-to-Face Day 3, Sunday 23 August 2008 (Monday, 1 September)
- Make Broken, Make Less Broken (Monday, 25 August)
- SVG Test Fest F2F in Ottowa (Thursday, 21 August)
- Re: Minutes, SVG telcon Thursday 14 August 2008 (Thursday, 14 August)
- Re: Element Traversal Spec is in CR (Thursday, 14 August)
- Element Traversal Spec is in CR (Thursday, 14 August)
- Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module (Tuesday, 12 August)
- Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module (Tuesday, 12 August)
- Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module (Sunday, 10 August)
- Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module (Saturday, 9 August)
- Re: Negative values for width="" and height="" on <svg> and <image> (Saturday, 9 August)
- Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module (Thursday, 7 August)
- Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module (Thursday, 7 August)
- Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module (Thursday, 7 August)
- Telcon Cancelled? (Thursday, 31 July)
- "struct-class-201-t.svg" Created (Tuesday, 29 July)
- Re: Proposed Text for Unresolved Resources (Sunday, 27 July)
- Proposed Text for Unresolved Resources (Saturday, 26 July)
- Re: ISSUE-2022 (link-activation-behavior): The activation behaviour of <a> elements should be defined [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Friday, 25 July)
- Added Tests for 'switch' (Thursday, 24 July)
- Moved SVG Testsuite HowTo (Wednesday, 23 July)
- [Fwd: Re: ISSUE-41: Decentralized extensibility] (Wednesday, 23 July)
- Re: Whitspace/comma separation in lists (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Progress Report on Test Coverage (Sunday, 20 July)
- textInput and KeyboardEvent Tests Complete (Friday, 18 July)
- Re: Progress Event tests submitted (Friday, 18 July)
- Proposed Agenda (Thursday, 10 July)
- Proposed SVG WG Review of XHTML Access Module (Thursday, 10 July)
- Re: Agenda Request: SVG WG Review of XHTML Access Module (Saturday, 5 July)
- Re: Agenda Request: SVG WG Review of XHTML Access Module (Saturday, 5 July)
- Regrets This Week (Tuesday, 1 July)
Erik Dahlstrom
Erik Dahlström
- Possible incompatibilty uDOM <-> SVG 1.1 (Wednesday, 24 September)
- Agenda, September 25, 2008 telcon (Wednesday, 24 September)
- Re: Scope chain modification for <handler>s (Wednesday, 24 September)
- SVGT12 testsuite review (Tuesday, 23 September)
- Agenda, September 18, 2008 telcon (Thursday, 18 September)
- Re: Publishing SVG 1.2 Tiny (Monday, 15 September)
- Re: New Publication of the SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite (Friday, 12 September)
- Re: Closing ACTION-2185 (Wednesday, 10 September)
- Draft agenda, telcon Sept 9, 2008 (Tuesday, 9 September)
- Re: [ProgressEvents] (Tuesday, 9 September)
- [ProgressEvents] 'loadend' progressevent (Was: Re: [ProgressEvents]) (Monday, 8 September)
- Re: uDOM changes for Global/AbstractView/etc. (Monday, 8 September)
- [ProgressEvents] (Sunday, 7 September)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 Test Suite Reference Image Summary (Friday, 5 September)
- Re: uDOM changes for Global/AbstractView/etc. (Friday, 5 September)
- Agenda, telcon Sept 4, 2008 (Wednesday, 3 September)
- Re: Rename Timer? (Tuesday, 2 September)
- Related to ISSUE-2031 (Thursday, 21 August)
- Agenda July 24, 2008 telcon (Thursday, 24 July)
- Re: [Fwd: Re: ISSUE-41: Decentralized extensibility] (Wednesday, 23 July)
- Re: ISSUE-2021 (image-bbox): Bounding box of <image> subject to aspect-ratio preservation undefined [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Tuesday, 22 July)
- Agenda July 17, 2008 telcon (Wednesday, 16 July)
- Updated coverage for scripting chapter (Wednesday, 16 July)
- Re: Patch for Acid3 test 77 (SVGTextContentElement errata) (Tuesday, 15 July)
- Re: Agenda requests (Monday, 14 July)
- Re: SVG Tiny 1.2 spec now in public CVS (Monday, 14 July)
- Re: Patch for Acid3 test 77 (SVGTextContentElement errata) (Monday, 14 July)
- Re: Regrets This Week (Tuesday, 1 July)
Gregory J. Rosmaita
Maciej Stachowiak
Niklas Hagelroth
Robert O'Callahan
Shane McCarron
SVG Working Group Issue Tracker
- ISSUE-2080 (focusable_auto): Clarify focusable=auto [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ISSUE-2079 (audio and rendering): Better specify the effects of audio and rendering [SVG Core 2.0] (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ISSUE-2078 (font-variant): font-variant in SVGT1.2 and SVG1.1 [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ISSUE-2077 (font-variant-anim): font-variant not animatable [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ISSUE-2076 (animatable role): should @role in SVG be animatable? [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ISSUE-2075 (aria prefix): lose the 'aria:' in role attribute examples using WAI-ARIA roles [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ISSUE-2074 (role, ARIA, and metadata): WAI-ARIA use of @role as discussed under 'extensible metadata attributes' [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Tuesday, 30 September)
- ISSUE-2073 (constrained transformations): inverse and constrained transformations [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Sunday, 28 September)
- ISSUE-2072 (XSLT 2): Please add XSLT 2.0 [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Saturday, 27 September)
- ISSUE-2071 (filter security): potential security hole involving pointer-events, filters, foreignObject, cross-origin IFRAMEs, and elementFromPoint [SVG Full 1.1] (Thursday, 25 September)
- ISSUE-2069 (audibility): Consider treating audio separately to graphics [SVG Core 2.0] (Wednesday, 24 September)
- ISSUE-2068 (focusHighlight inheritable): focusHighlight must be inheritable [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Tuesday, 23 September)
- ISSUE-2067 (parameter keywords): Consider adding parameter keyword access without script [SVG Core 2.0] (Tuesday, 23 September)
- ISSUE-2066 (datatype): datatype (5.10.1) [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Monday, 22 September)
- ISSUE-2065 (find text): Text selection - but what about Find Text ? [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Monday, 22 September)
- ISSUE-2064 (type or typeof): type or typeof? [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Sunday, 21 September)
- ISSUE-2063 (save state): Consider adding API for saving and restoring SVG state [SVG Core 2.0] (Saturday, 20 September)
- ISSUE-2062 (foreignObject refs): foreignObject content and referenced resource [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Saturday, 20 September)
- ISSUE-2061 (video interfaces): play, stop, pause, resume on video [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Friday, 19 September)
- ISSUE-2060 (title-desc-tooltip): [1.2T-LC] title and desc example 'title-desc-tooltip.svg' [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Thursday, 18 September)
- ISSUE-2059 (stroking rectangles): behaviour for behaviour for stroking rectangles [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Thursday, 18 September)
- ISSUE-2058 (BIDI 'direction'): Lack of BIDI 'direction' [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Wednesday, 17 September)
- ISSUE-2057 (CSS text-align): text-align incompatible with CSS [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Wednesday, 17 September)
- ISSUE-2056 (Ref to CSS2.1): Consider referring to Instead of linking to CSS2.1 instead of CSS2 [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Wednesday, 17 September)
- ISSUE-2055 (evt and event): Define 'evt'/'event' relationship more formally [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Wednesday, 17 September)
- ISSUE-2054 (foreignObject w/h): Consider removing the requirement for @width and @height for <foreignObject> [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Wednesday, 17 September)
- ISSUE-2053 (requiredExtensions values): Clarify values of requiredExtensions [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ] (Tuesday, 16 September)
- ISSUE-2052: Develop method to share sections os spec covered by multiple modules (Tuesday, 16 September)
- ISSUE-2051: Develop consistent style guidelines for modules (Tuesday, 16 September)
- ISSUE-2050 (path subelements): Consider additional path syntax [SVG Core 2.0] (Saturday, 13 September)
- ISSUE-2049 (stylesheet link): Consider adding an href to the style element to link to external stylesheets [SVG Core 2.0] (Wednesday, 10 September)
- ISSUE-2048 (microformats attributes): Consider adding certain HTML attributes used in microformats [SVG Core 2.0] (Monday, 8 September)
- ISSUE-2047 (namedcolors): Using author-defined named colors where <color> can be specified [SVG Core 2.0] (Monday, 8 September)
- ISSUE-2046 (negative_startoffset): Allow negative startOffset for textPath elements [SVG Full 1.2] (Tuesday, 2 September)
- ISSUE-2045 (fallback): Consider adding fallback behavior [SVG Core 2.0] (Monday, 1 September)
- ISSUE-2044 (svg-dom-enh): Consider improving the SVG DOM interfaces for attribute access [SVG Core 2.0] (Thursday, 28 August)
- ISSUE-2043 (References in spec): Make all references to TRs use dated URLs [SVG Core 2.0] (Wednesday, 27 August)
- ISSUE-2042 (XLink-less Linking ): Consider adding adding non-NS linking syntax [SVG Core 2.0] (Wednesday, 27 August)
- ISSUE-2041 (whitespace-textarea): Revisit and define how whitespaces are consumed in textArea [SVG Core 2.0] (Sunday, 24 August)
- ISSUE-2040 (image fallback): Consider adding placeholders or fallback for unresolved resources [SVG Core 2.0] (Sunday, 24 August)
- ISSUE-2039 (whitespace): Consider using CSS whitespace property instead of xml:space [SVG Core 2.0] (Saturday, 23 August)
- ISSUE-2038 (switch-cond-attrs): Description of conditional processing attributes inconsistent [SVG Core 2.0] (Saturday, 23 August)
- ISSUE-2037 (focushighlight-inheritance): Define how focusHighlight is applied when put on a container element [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Saturday, 23 August)
- ISSUE-2036 (Paced animation: Section 2): Paced animation: Inconsistencies [SVG Core 2.0] (Friday, 22 August)
- ISSUE-2035 (Paced animation - Section 1): Unnecessary assertion [SVG Core 2.0] (Friday, 22 August)
- ISSUE-2034 (Paced animation - Section 7): Interpretation of some given formulas missing [SVG Core 2.0] (Friday, 22 August)
- ISSUE-2033 (hasfeature): Require DOM hasFeature with svg featurestrings (like in SVG 1.1) [SVG Core 2.0] (Thursday, 21 August)
- ISSUE-2029 (stroke-dasharray-spaces): 'stroke-dasharray' should allow space separation? [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Thursday, 21 August)
- ISSUE-2032 (paced-anim-complex): SVGT 1.2; 16.2.6 Paced animation and complex types [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Thursday, 21 August)
- ISSUE-2031 (focus-remove-element): Focus change event when elements are removed from the rendering tree [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Thursday, 21 August)
- ISSUE-2030 (feature-string-discrepancy): features string discrepency mobile vs 1.1 [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Thursday, 21 August)
- ISSUE-2028 (additive-interpolable-anim): Does additive also mean interpolable for animations? [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Thursday, 21 August)
- ISSUE-2027: Missing viewBox on externally reference SVG files [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Tuesday, 12 August)
- ISSUE-2026 (Animate Class): Need Test Ensuring that 'class' is Animatable [Test Suite - SVG Full 1.2] (Thursday, 7 August)
- ISSUE-2025 (Test Harness): Adapt to Mobile Web Test Harness [All] (Friday, 1 August)
- ISSUE-2024 (SVG in Image): Elements for which "defer" can be used in preserveAspectRatio="" [SVG Full 1.2] (Tuesday, 29 July)
- ISSUE-2023 (Unresolved Resources In Error): Should unresolved resources be categorized as "unsupported values" or "in error"? [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Saturday, 26 July)
- ISSUE-2022 (link-activation-behavior): The activation behaviour of <a> elements should be defined [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Friday, 25 July)
- ISSUE-2021 (image-bbox): Bounding box of <image> subject to aspect-ratio preservation undefined [SVG Tiny 1.2] (Friday, 18 July)
- ISSUE-2015 (SVG Duration): Should the svg element provide a duration element? [All] (Thursday, 10 July)
Tina Holmboe
WBS Mailer on behalf of
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 2008 20:58:40 UTC