Re: (PFWG) ACTION-211 Query re: SVG Request for @order for Access Module

Hi, Shane-

Shane McCarron wrote (on 8/11/08 6:19 PM):
> Regardless, I 
> am stepping out of the decision loop on this issue.  I am clearly very 
> opinionated on this, and it is possible my opinions are out of sync with 
> the current thinking of the XHTML 2 Working Group.

I understand your philosophical objection, and your goal.  I appreciate 
that you are objective enough to see that your personal feelings may not 
reflect those of your fellow WG members, or those of your constituency.

The role of the editor is difficult: they must have the technical 
ability to assess and reify technical decisions made by the group, but 
also understand that they are the servant, not the master, despite the 
relative power put into their hands.  Thanks for exemplifying that kind 
of too-rare accountability.

> Thanks again for your hard work and suggestions.  I hope that this will 
> get resolved at the next XHTML 2 Working Group meeting on Wednesday.

If I wouldn't be intruding, I would like to attend your telcon to 
briefly prosecute my views on the issue, and to hear the arguments 
against it.  I don't want to take too much of your time on what 
ultimately is a small issue, though, so I'm also happy to abide by the 
decision of the XHTML2 WG on this matter.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, WebApps, SVG, and CDF

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 06:32:48 UTC