[Fwd: topics for TPAC week -- when/where discuss?]

>From Al Gilman, regarding TPAC and the accessibility folks.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Al Gilman <Alfred.S.Gilman@ieee.org>
Subject: topics for TPAC week -- when/where discuss?
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 13:52:26 -0400

** summary

Three topics, expanded below

* validation for SVG+ARIA docs
* implicit ARIA semantics of SVG markup
* roles for diagrams (post ARIA 1.0)

** details

* validation for SVG+ARIA docs

Doug and I, speaking on a Hypertext CG call, agreed that PFWG would
help SVG
gain the capability to check documents that use WAI-ARIA in SVG.


Interested parties as I can see it include:

Evaluation and Repair Tools WG (ERTWG)
Authoring Tools (AUWG)

I had been thinking that it would be better to do this during AUWG
time than in PFWG meeting time because validation sees general use in
context of authoring.

But the SVG and AUWG meetings are totally overlapping.

SVG: Doug mentioned someone involved with validation technology for SVG
that was not Henri Sivonen.  I have lost the reference.  May I have
information, or would you pass this note to that person?  Will he/she
be at TPAC?

Eric, Andrew, Shadi, Jutta:  please confirm/deny interest in organizing
some real-time intersection at TPAC to advance this thread.  This could
be meeting time, it could be a rendezvous over lunch or even at the
reception (last resort).

* implicit ARIA semantics of SVG markup
.. continuing from

I would propose to give this agenda time in the PFWG F2F meeting
on Monday or Tuesday, in a cluster of topics:

+ brief review of ARIA:host-language relationship
+ implicit ARIA semantics of SVG markup
+ implicit ARIA semantics of HTML4 markup
+ implicit ARIA semantics of HTML5 proposals [if time]

Does SVG know who would be the right people to join us at this time?
Do you have any good/bad time information for Monday and Tuesday that
I could work around?

* roles for accessible diagrams and role extension (past ARIA 1.0)
I think that PFWG would be hard pressed to mobilize much mind-share
for this topic at this time.  How does it look from the SVG side?


** For reference:

* overview of SVG test suite

* tools coming over the hill to check WAI-ARIA

AccProbe: http://www.eclipse.org/actf/downloads/tools/accprobe/index.php

API-level checker from Eitan Isaacson:

* other WAI-ARIA references

Tracker (issues and actions): http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track
spec Editor's draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria
best practices Editor's draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-practices
Style Guide: http://dev.aol.com/dhtml_style_guide
test-set Wiki: http://wiki.codetalks.org/wiki/index.php/

Received on Sunday, 21 September 2008 20:23:34 UTC