Re: Review of script-handler-201-t.svg and script-handler-202.svg

Niklas Hagelroth:
> I think there is an error in Script-handler-201. On line 86 the
> xlink:href of the handler h2 is changed and the test assumes it to be
> executed. According to Cameron's email and the specification, changing
> the xlink:href of a script or handler element shall have no effect.

Changing @xlink:href on <script> shouldn’t have an effect, but changing
it on <handler> should:

  When the xlink:href attribute is modified or the content of the
  handler element is modified, the existing event listener is preserved,
  but the user agent must execute the updated handler logic.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Saturday, 6 September 2008 01:05:29 UTC