RE: Test suite comments

Hi svg-wg,


Regarding the test interact-focus-208-t.svg and my previous comment:


> The description does not match the expected behavior. Expected

> Text should turn green in the following order when focusing "next":
"Old", "pond", ("frogs" and "in"), "jumped", "sound", "of", "water".

> When "jumped" gets focus the test states: 

> > "jumped" must turn green when given focus and in addition "frogs"

> > "in" must turn green at the same time due to focus bubbling.

>This is not true due to the order of focusin & focusout animations.
Since both will be activated at the same time it is the latter animation
that will have precedence. So "frogs" and "in" will be fill="blue" and
not fill="green".


See SMIL specification
AnimationSandwichModel which specifies the priority of animations
starting at the same time.


>From the spec:


Within an OM, animations are prioritized according to when each begins.
The animation first begun has lowest priority and the most recently
begun animation has highest priority. When two animations start at the
same moment in time, the activation order is resolved as follows:


    * ...

    * If two animations share no time dependency relationship (e.g.
neither is defined relative to the other, even indirectly) the element
that appears first in the document has lower priority. This includes the
cases in which two animation elements are defined relative to the same
syncbase or event-base.




Niklas Hagelroth



From: []
On Behalf Of Niklas Hagelroth
Sent: den 19 september 2008 10:58
Subject: Test suite comments


Hello SVG-WG,


We have found some invalid tests in the latest test suite. This is our



According to the SMIL Spec (The normative part at the end of section
3.3.5 The animation effect function F(t,u)) the freeze time will be
effectively the same as the AD (active duration). Since the end
attribute is 2 the AD will also be 2. The discrete animation will change
its value exactly at 2s which will put the rectangle in its left
position (see, 3.5.2 Specifying the simple animation function f(t)).



Line 51 should read NAV_PREV.



The two focusable <rect> elements are before the text element pointed
out by the svg elements nav-next attribute. Thus, the text element will
receive focus instead of the rectangles when focus moves "next". 13.13.1
Navigation behavior.



The test assumes that the focusable red circle should have focus from
the start and never loose it, this is not the behavior specified in the
spec, see section 13.13.1, it states that the SVG User Agent should
initially receive focus and when going from a focused object in the SVG
tree focus should be offered to the SVG User Agent.



On line 71 in the test file there is an attempt to use "nodeValue", this
is not a part of the uDOM, it is from the full spec.



Problems with audio and display=none and visibility=hidden. The spec
says that visibility and display is not applicable to the audio element,
hence it should not be affected. The test assumes that it should be
muted when display=none or visibility=hidden.



Problems with audio and display=none and visibility=hidden. The spec
says that visibility and display is not applicable to the audio element,
hence it should not be affected. The test assumes that it should be
muted when display=none or visibility=hidden.



The viewbox="100 100 100 100" and preserveAspectRatio="none" has been
removed from the SVG element, this makes the test invalid.



The viewbox="100 100 100 100" and preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" has
been removed from the SVG element, this makes the test invalid.



SVG as child element defined, otherwise OK.



According to 13.12.1 only renderable elements are required to accept
focus. The test expects that audio elements can be focusable. 



According to 13.12.1 only renderable elements are required to accept
focus. The test expects that audio elements can be focusable. 



The description does not match the expected behavior. Expected behavior:

Text should turn green in the following order when focusing "next":
"Old", "pond", ("frogs" and "in"), "jumped", "sound", "of", "water".

When "jumped" gets focus the test states: 

> "jumped" must turn green when given focus and in addition "frogs" and

> "in" must turn green at the same time due to focus bubbling.

This is not true due to the order of focusin & focusout animations.
Since both will be activated at the same time it is the latter animation
that will have precedence. So "frogs" and "in" will be fill="inherit"
and not fill="green".



All of the navigation attributes should have a "url()" around the "#t1"
etc references.



There is a small error in the used file "svgREF13.svg", line 19, the
color "ghostwhite" is not defined in tiny. 



Error in script, line 84, 88 and 89 uses a "set" incorrect; changing it
to use a list as on lines 78-80 makes it correct.



Animation element is not child of svg root when trying to animate
viewBox. It should be moved to be a direct child of the svg root



Section A8.5 in the specification is unclear when discussing the
components of the SVGRGBColor object. The test assumes that the
components can be set, our interpretation is that they can _not_ be set
using the syntax as in the test file, ie = 128.



Minor error in the test; the rect has a nav-index attribute which is not
used in Tiny. 






Received on Thursday, 25 September 2008 13:53:17 UTC