Re: Minutes, telcon Apr 10, 2008

Minutes from 10 April 2008 telcon:
> XLink 1.1 LC
>    AE: should we send LC comments?
>    CL: we should read it and send a mail to them even if we have no
>    comments other than "it's ok"
>    ... is there a diffmarked version?
>    ED: yes, linked from the forwarded mail there
>    <ChrisL> 5.4 Locator Attribute (href)
>    CL: one of the changes it that it's a LEIRI
>    ... basically allows anything that is an xlink is a LEIRI
>    ... svg doesn't need to update anything, we should say links are
>    IRI:s
>    ... svg doesn't have to talk about LEIRI:s at all

SVG Tiny 1.2 refers to XMLRIs from the old XLink 1.1 CR.  Since the new
XLink 1.1 WD now just references LEIRIs, is that what we should change
our XMLRI references to?



Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 07:26:59 UTC