from February 2004 by subject

[Cross-spec] Namespace URI? Namespace Name? Namespace IRI?

[DM&FO] BEA_001

[DM] BEA_002

[DM] BEA_003

[DM] BEA_004

[DM] BEA_005

[DM] BEA_006

[DM] BEA_007

[DM] BEA_008

[DM] BEA_009

[DM] BEA_011

[DM] BEA_013

[DM] BEA_12

[DM] Expanded QName as a triple

[DM] IBM-DM-031: No need for namespace nodes

[DM] IBM-DM-100: Set of built-in types includes those in xdt namespace

[DM] IBM-DM-101: Consistency of anonymous types names across expression evaluations

[DM] IBM-DM-102: Permit documents conformant to Namespaces 1.1

[DM] IBM-DM-103: Explain why timezone is represented as a duration

[DM] IBM-DM-103: fn:collection shouldn't require nodes returned to have same base URI

[DM] IBM-DM-104: Does dm:string-value return "original lexical representation" or construct an equivalent?

[DM] IBM-DM-105: Order of comments, PI's and text given [schema normalized value] property

[DM] IBM-DM-106: Rationale for typed value of namespace nodes

[DM] IBM-DM-107: untypedAny and untypedAtomic should be described as concrete types

[DM] IBM-DM-108: Document order should be described by "pre-order traversal" rather than "in-order"

[DM] IBM-DM-109: Data model editorial comments

[DM] Normative mappings for construction from Infoset, PSVI

[DM] Typed value for elements

[DM] Typed value of document node

[DM] Untyped data (xs:anyType, xs:anySimpleType, xdt:untypedAny, xdt:untypedAtomic)

[F&O] 1.4 Type Hierarchy

[F&O] 15.1.10 fn:insert-before

[F&O] 15.1.14 fn:unordered

[F&O] 15.1.5 op:concatenate

[F&O] Deep Equality of Nodes

[F&O] 15.3.3 fn:max

[F&O] 15.3.4 fn:min

[F&O] 15.4.4 fn:doc

[F&O] 17.10 example functions (editorial)

[F&O] 2.4 fn:base-uri

[F&O] 2.5 fn:document-uri

[F&O] 3 The Error Function

[F&O] 5.1 Constructor Functions for XML Schema Built-in Types

[F&O] 6.4 Functions on Numeric Values

[F&O] 6.4.2 fn:ceiling

[F&O] 6.4.5 fn:round-half-to-even

[F&O] 7.3.1 Collations

[F&O] 7.3.2 fn:compare

[F&O] 7.5.4 fn:substring-before

[F&O] 9.4.11 fn:get-minutes-from-dateTime

[F&O] 9.4.18 fn:get-hours-from-time

[F&O] 9.5 Arithmetic Functions on xdt:yearMonthDuration and xdt:dayTimeDuration

[F&O] 9.7.1 fn:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration

[F&O] adjust-date-to-timezone underspecified?

[F&O] Appendix B not up to date

[F&O] BEA_034

[F&O] C.6 Working With xs:duration Values

[F&O] CER-07 exactly-one et al

[F&O] CER-08 position-of

[F&O] CER-09 xs:double parameters to fn:substring

[F&O] CER-10 extract-match

[F&O] CER-11 xs:decimal overflow

[F&O] Deep equal nodes with different IDs?

[F&O] Errors that are never referenced (editorial)

[F&O] fn:id 'space-separated sequence of tokens'

[F&O] IBM-FO-002: Define function overloading

[F&O] IBM-FO-003: Description of function signatures

[F&O] IBM-FO-004: Cross-document references

[F&O] IBM-FO-005: Get rid of xdt:untypedAny

[F&O] IBM-FO-006: No user-defined document types

[F&O] IBM-FO-007: Section 1.5 needs better heading

[F&O] IBM-FO-008: No support for DTD's.

[F&O] IBM-FO-009: Fixes to namespaces and prefixes

[F&O] IBM-FO-010: Entity accessors should be exposed

[F&O] IBM-FO-011: Trace function

[F&O] IBM-FO-012: Return types are not valid SequenceTypes

[F&O] IBM-FO-013: Unnecessary note, not a special case

[F&O] IBM-FO-014: Constructors for user-defined types

[F&O] IBM-FO-015: xdt:untypedAtomic is not a numeric type

[F&O] IBM-FO-016: Bug in fn:ceiling

[F&O] IBM-FO-017: Dependency on casting QName to string

[F&O] IBM-FO-018: Request for copy function

[F&O] IBM-FO-019: Request for deep-distinct function

[F&O] IBM-FO-020: Need a function to dereference XPointers

[F&O] IBM-FO-021: Editorial comments

[F&O] IBM-FO-100: untypedAny and untypedAtomic should be described as concrete types

[F&O] IBM-FO-101: Error prefix "err" is undefined

[F&O] IBM-FO-102: Concept of system-defined collation is not clearly defined

[F&O] IBM-FO-103: List describing how collation is determined doesn't account for "system defined default"

[F&O] IBM-FO-104: Description of substring matching should account for ignorable collations units

[F&O] IBM-FO-105: \0 should be prohibitied as a back reference in regular expressions

[F&O] IBM-FO-106: fn:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration - "maximum number of months" is imprecise

[F&O] IBM-FO-107: F&O editorial comments

[F&O] IBM-FO-108: Normative definition of case mapping

[F&O] No error number for "invalid timezone value" (editorial)

[F&O] Protocol language information

[F&O] resolve-QName function, $element as empty sequence

[F&O] Underflow in date arithmetic

[F&O] XSCH-FO-001 Tabular type hierarchy errors

[F&O] XSCH-FO-002 Datetime without a timezone

[F&O] XSCH-FO-003 fn:data algorithm description

[F&O] XSCH-FO-004 fn:escape-uri and percent

[F&O] XSCH-FO-005 Casting xs:double and xs:float to xs:string

[F&O] XSCH-FO-006 Casting numerics and implementation limits

[F&O] XSCH-FO-007 Casting numerics and inconsistency

[F&O] XSCH-FO-008 Casting and constructor fidelity

[F&O] XSCH-FO-009 Editorial

[F+O] base-URI() undefined [was RE: [XQuery] BEA_028]

[F+O] Division by zero question

[F+O] Links are to XQuery not XPath

[F+O] Relationship of casts and constructors

[F+O] Rename component-from-duration() functions

[F+O] replace() - use of $0

[F+O] resolve-QName()

[FO] Bug in contains()

[FS/DM] parent value of element?

[FS] defining in fs namespace

[FS] error in Variable Reference rule's use of $VarName

[FS] errors in "Module Import"

[FS] errors in 5.11 Variable Declaration

[FS] inconsistency for Computed Element Constructors

[FS] module declaration inconsistency

[FS] modules no longer recursive?

[FS] possible editing error following 'for' example

[FS] possible error in Scheme Import / Static Context Processing

[FS] possible errors in Function Declaration

[FS] redundancy in static typing of booleans expressions?

[FS] rules for Function calls unclear

[FS] some editorial issues / typos

[FS] typo in 2.4.1 Processing model

[FS] typo in Auxiliary Judgments / Type Promotion ?

[FS] wrong dynEnv in evaluating function value

[FS]Is "XQuery Core grammar" a complete language?

[General] CER-03 Input sources

[General] Please use less namespaces

[General] Typing issues

[public-qt-comments] <none>

[QT] CER-01 Comments and pragmas

[QT] CER-02 Line-oriented comment syntax

[QT] CER-04 Module import

[QT] CER-05 Catching dynamic errors

[QT] CER-06 xs:string/xs:anyURI

[QT] CER-12 Default function namespace

[QT] CER-13 prefix vs. namespace

[QT] CER-14 local:

[QT] CER-15 Schema import

[Serial] canonicalization

[Serial] I18N WG last call comments

[Serial] IBM-SE-100: Default parameter values should account for specifics for particular output methods

[Serial] IBM-SE-101: Default HTML version

[Serial] IBM-SE-102: Serialization editorial comments

[Serial] IBM-SE-103: Treatment of whitespace in XHTML attributes

[Serialization] IBM-SE-001: Documentization

[Serialization] IBM-SE-002: Bugs in example

[Serialization] IBM-SE-003: Undeclare-namespaces parameter

[Serialization] IBM-SE-004: XML Output Method

[Serialization] IBM-SE-005: Definition of serialized output

[Serialization] IBM-SE-006: Schema used in round-tripping

[Serialization] IBM-SE-007: Definition of round-tripping

[Serialization] IBM-SE-008: Serializing namespace nodes

[Serialization] IBM-SE-009: Discarding of type annotations

[Serialization] IBM-SE-010: Namespace nodes after round-trip

[Serialization] IBM-SE-011: Character expansion

[Serialization] IBM-SE-012: Version parameter

[Serialization] IBM-SE-013: XML v1.1 vs. Namespaces v1.1

[Serialization] IBM-SE-014: Serializing the "nilled" property

[Serialization] IBM-SE-015: Serializing QNames

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-001

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-002

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-003

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-004

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-005

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-006

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-007

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-008

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-009

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-010

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-011

[Serialization] MS-SER-LC1-012

[Serialization] SCHEMA-A

[Serialization] SCHEMA-B

[Serialization] SCHEMA-C

[Serialization] SCHEMA-D

[Serialization] SCHEMA-E

[Serialization] SCHEMA-F

[Serialization] SCHEMA-G

[Serialization] SCHEMA-H

[Serialization] SCHEMA-I

[Serialization] SCHEMA-J

[Serialization] SCHEMA-K

[Serialization] SCHEMA-L

[Serialization] SCHEMA-M

[Serialization] SCHEMA-N

[Serialization] SCHEMA-O

[Serialization] SCHEMA-P

[Serialization] SCHEMA-Q

[XPath 2.0] function names outdated (editorial)

[XPath 2.0] 3.5.2 General Comparisons

[XPath 2.0] Book title mismatch (editorial)

[XPath 2.0] clarifying note in effective boolean value

[XPath 2.0] data model accessors

[XPath 2.0] definition of "dynamic type"

[XPath 2.0] definition of atomization

[XPath 2.0] definition of dynamic context

[XPath 2.0] input sources

[XPath 2.0] Return value always has declared return type?

[XPath 2.0] serialization

[XPath 2.0] typed value and string value

[XPath 2.0] types - subtype vs (schema) derived from

[XPath 2.0] XPath 1.0 compatibility mode and numeric arguments

[XPath 2.0] XPath 1.0 Compatibility Mode doesn't cover fn:number

[XPath 2.0] XSCH-XPATH-001

[XPath 2.0] XSCH-XPATH-002

[XPath 2.0] XSCH-XPATH-003


[XPath/XQuery] collections

[XPath/XQuery] document order between trees

[XPath/XQuery] note test of the form *:NCName

[XPath/XQuery] static and dynamic errors, static typing feature

[XPath/XQuery] streamline item 2 in precedence order

[XPath/XQuery] syntax of variable reference

[XPath/XQuery] unpredictable error handling

[XPath/XQuery] whitespace: What is a word

[XPath/XQuery] XPath allows functions to be called

[XPath/XQuery] XPath type hierarchy

[XPath] A.2.2 Parsing note

[XPath] Appendix H: Incompatibilities and errors

[XPath] Backwards compatibility of A<B

[XPath] Consistency Constraints

[XPath] Dynamic Errors and first-item semantics

[XPath] Error Codes

[XPath] IBM-XP-100: XML version supported

[XPath] IBM-XP-101: Additional reserved function names in future?

[XPath] IBM-XP-102: Use of term "external environment" in XPath

[XPath] IBM-XP-103: Consistency of in-scope namespaces, variables and collations

[XPath] IBM-XP-104: Static type of fn:collection

[XPath] IBM-XP-105: Definition of focus should not be in terms of nodes

[XPath] IBM-XP-106: Value of current date and time across multiple XPath expressions

[XPath] IBM-XP-107: Document order should be "pre-order" rather than "in-order"

[XPath] IBM-XP-108: Clarify what it means for fn:doc/fn:collection to return same result

[XPath] IBM-XP-109: Undefined terms "known types" and "unknown types"

[XPath] IBM-XP-110: Order in which predicate is applied to a sequence

[XPath] IBM-XP-111: Description of how predicate is evaluated in examples

[XPath] IBM-XP-112: May type errors be raised statically without Static Typing?

[XPath] IBM-XP-113: Description of derivation relationship for IDREFS

[XPath] IBM-XP-114: Use of term "module" in XPath

[XPath] IBM-XP-115: XPath editorial comments

[XPath] Incompatibilities with XPath 1.0

[XPath] known documents/collections

[XPath] References to modules in XPath spec

[XPath] Schema path

[XPath] Simplified grouping in primary expressions

[XPointer] I18N last call comments

[XQ] Meaning of substitution groups in element(ElementName,TypeName)

[XQuery ] doc. order of attribute nodes created in element constructor

[XQuery, FO] BEA_025

[XQuery] "Cartesian product"

[XQuery] 'local' namespace

[XQuery] 3.1.6 XQuery Comments: placement

[XQuery] 3.2 Order of nodes constructed in a path

[XQuery] 3.2 Path expressions returning non-nodes

[XQuery] 3.7.4 Namespace nodes on constructed elements

[XQuery] 3.8 FLWOR Expressions: tuple stream

[XQuery] [17] EscapeQuot

[XQuery] A.1 EBNF: introduce DirectConstructor

[XQuery] A.1 EBNF: order of productions

[XQuery] A.1 EBNF: rename some symbols

[XQuery] A.1.1 Grammar Notes: leading-lone-slash

[XQuery] A.1.1 Grammar Notes: lt

[XQuery] A.1.1 Grammar Notes: parens

[XQuery] A.1.1 Grammar Notes: xml-version

[XQuery] A.2.1 White Space Rules

[XQuery] A.2.2 Lexical Rules: remove

[XQuery] additional namespace outputs

[XQuery] BEA_014

[XQuery] BEA_015

[XQuery] BEA_016

[XQuery] BEA_017

[XQuery] BEA_018

[XQuery] BEA_019

[XQuery] BEA_020

[XQuery] BEA_021

[XQuery] BEA_022

[XQuery] BEA_023

[XQuery] BEA_024

[XQuery] BEA_026

[XQuery] BEA_027

[XQuery] BEA_028

[XQuery] BEA_029

[XQuery] BEA_030

[XQuery] BEA_031

[XQuery] BEA_032

[XQuery] BEA_033

[XQuery] Create namespace node for xs:QName

[XQuery] Default element namespace and QNames?

[XQuery] document node constructor only way to construct document?

[XQuery] Error Handling ?

[XQuery] Extra error reference (editorial)

[XQuery] I18N last call comments

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-003: New term for in-scope namespaces

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-004: Remove namespace nodes from XQuery document

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-005: Selective implementation of axes

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-007: Last step in a path expression

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-008: Transitivity of value comparisons

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-009: "xs" namespace should be in-scope

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-010: Bug in computed constructors

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-011: Validation and identity

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-012: Default function namespace

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-013: Delete unnecessary note

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-014: Allow support for Namespaces 1.1

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-015: validate mode: skip preserve

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-016: Add context item to static context

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-017: Delete error XP0018

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-018: Copying namespace nodes

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-019: Validation context

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-020: Delimiters in computed comments

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-021: Automatic assignment of default namespac e

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-021: Automatic assignment of default namespace

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-022: Casting QName to string

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-023: Computed attribute constructor vs. namespace declaration attribute

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-024: Computed PI constructors

[XQuery] IBM-XQ-025: Comparable types in Order By clause

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 1

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 2

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 3

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 3 through 7

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 4

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 5

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 6

[XQuery] lexical leftovers 7

[XQuery] make text copied from [XPath] explicit

[XQuery] make text copied from XPath explicit

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-003

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-015

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-017

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-029

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-032

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-042

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-051

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-061

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-062

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-063

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-064

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-065

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-066

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-067

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-068

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-069

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-070

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-071

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-072

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-073

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-074

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-075

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-076

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-077

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-078

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-079

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-080

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-081

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-082

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-083

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-084

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-085

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-086

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-087

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-088

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-089

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-090

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-091

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-092

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-093

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-094

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-095

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-096

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-097

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-098

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-099

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-100

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-101

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-102

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-103

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-104

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-105

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-106

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-107

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-108

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-109

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-110

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-111

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-112

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-113

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-114

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-115

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-116

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-117

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-118

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-119

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-120

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-121

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-122

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-123

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-124

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-125

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-126

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-127

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-128

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-129

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-130

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-131

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-132

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-133

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-134

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-135

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-136

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-137

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-138

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-139

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-140

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-141

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-142

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-143

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-144

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-145

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-146

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-147

[XQuery] MS-XQ-LC1-148

[XQuery] namespace location

[XQuery] questions about xquery/xpath core grammar

[XQuery] Reference to error XP0050 (editorial)

[XQuery] too many sections in References

[XQuery] use of distinct-values in chapter 3.8.4

[XQuery] wording about XQuery processor

[XQuery] XQ-IBM-006: Context of a function body

[XQuery] XQ-IBM-026 Function conversion rules

[XSLT 2.0] Conformance levels

[XSLT 2.0] Error in published schema for XSLT 2.0

[XSLT 2.0] Extension functions with side-effects and optimizations

[XSLT 2.0] format-number() - rounding large numbers

[XSLT 2.0] Inheriting Namespace Nodes

[XSLT 2.0] limits on numbering sequences

[XSLT 2.0] Reclassification of Dynamic Errors

[XSLT 2.0] setting off deprecated attributes

[XSLT 2.0] Union operator in patterns

[XSLT 2.0] unparsed-text() signature

[XSLT2.0] Aliasing the XML Namespace

[XSLT2.0] Binding of a local xsl:variable or xsl:param by another local xsl:variable/xsl:param

[XSLT2.0] format-date() - country

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-100: Use of RFC 2119 terms in notes

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-101: Implications of RFC 2119 terms for processors and stylesheets

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-102: "Empty evaluation context" is confusing

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-103: Focus keeps track of items

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-104: Ignoring xsl:output and xsl:character-map

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-105: Making a schema-aware processor behave as a basic processor

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-106: Consistent treatment of errors in XPath/XQuery/XSLT specs.

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-107: Should xml:space have no effect before xsl:attribute?

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-108: Whitespace stripping optimization

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-109: Typed data and backwards compatibility

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-110: disable-output-escaping on xsl:attribute

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-111: Implications of using "as" attribute

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-112: Reference to "unknown" function should be non-recoverable

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-113: Namespace and attribute nodes and document order

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-114: Change in behaviour from XSLT 1.0 for namespace aliasing

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-115: Encourage use of prefix of lexical QName for xsl:element

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-116: Supported combinations of ordinal numbering

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-117: How is value of select in xsl:analyze-string converted to string?

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-118: Problems with using document('') to refer to stylesheet

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-119: Obligations for unparsed-text function

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-120: Formatting date/time components by name

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-121: Dynamic errors for references to extension functions

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-122: Errors for result document URI conflicts

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-123: Description of when default output method is used

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-124: Default output methods of final result trees should be independent of each other

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-125: Need to state that an XSLT processor must support all F&O functions

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-126: Organization of Section K

[XSLT2.0] IBM-XSLT-127: XSLT 2.0 last call editorial comments

[XSLT2.0] XML Schema WG Comment 1/2

[XSLT2.0] XML Schema WG Comment 1/2 [datatypes namespace]

[XSLT2.0] XML Schema WG Comment 2/2

[XSLT20] Backward Compatibility

[XSLT2] OB06 xsl:analyze-string

[XSLT] 'FO' superscript confusing

[XSLT] Validation mode preserve (technical)

Comments for Last Call


Context item, context position, context size

Default values handling

DM expressing until-like queries in XPath 2.0

DM: Comments by the DOM WG on the XPath / XQuery Data Model

DOM comments on XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model

IBM-DM-001: change xdt:untypedAny to xdt:untyped

IBM-DM-002: Node properties need better definitions

IBM-DM-003: Unparsed entities

IBM-DM-004: Mapping of xs:anyType and xs:anySimpleType

IBM-DM-005: Lack of timezone property

IBM-DM-006: node-kind accessor lacks "namespace" value

IBM-DM-007: Invalid functin signature

IBM-DM-008: "version" and "standalone" properties

IBM-DM-009: Optional support for DTDs?

IBM-DM-010: Document-uri property

IBM-DM-011: Bad terminology: "complex content"

IBM-DM-012: Problems with element node, string-value accessor

IBM-DM-013: Problems with Element Node, typed-value accessor

IBM-DM-014: Element Nodes, ignoring namespaces

IBM-DM-015: Type property of element and attribute nodes

IBM-DM-016: Problems with attribute node, typed-value accessor

IBM-DM-017: Problems with attribute node, string-value accessor

IBM-DM-018: Extraction of timezone from PSVI

IBM-DM-019: No need for orphan namespace nodes

IBM-DM-020: Sharing of namespace nodes

IBM-DM-021: Preserving namespace prefixes

IBM-DM-022: Typed value of namespace node

IBM-DM-023: Section headings need work

IBM-DM-024: Parent property of comment and text nodes

IBM-DM-025: Material on "node value" in wrong place, inconsistent terms

IBM-DM-026: Concrete types labeled as abstract types

IBM-DM-027: Comparing sequences

IBM-DM-028: Incomplete definition of "fragment"

IBM-DM-029: Appendices E, F, and G are redundant

IBM-DM-030: Editorial comments

Incorrect <xsl:namespace> example

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-001

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-002

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-003

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-004

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-005

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-006

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-007

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-008

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-009

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-010

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-011

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-012

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-013

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-014

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-015

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-016

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-017

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-018

Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-019

lazy or eager variable initialization?

More MSFT comments

multiple modules with same namespace

namespace rules for functions and variables still confusing

new Feature needed

new Feature needed [dynamic XPath evaluation from XSLT]

NM-DM-1: dm:typed-value of nilled element

NM-DM-3: CDATA support in Data Model

NM-F&O-7: fn:base-uri()

NM-F&O-8: fn:sum, fn:min, fn:max

NM-XP-2: xdt:anyAtomicType and atomic()

NM-XP-4: ElementTest and control of substitution

NM-XQ-5: Range expressions and empty sequences

NM-XQ-6: xs:anyUri and xs:string

ORA-DM-159-E: Multiple meanings for "data model"

ORA-DM-160-E: who defines the accessors, people or the data model?

ORA-DM-161-E: the data model is not a tree; it permits trees as values

ORA-DM-162-E: incorrect use of "data model"

ORA-DM-163-B: incomplete rules for regenerating the string value

ORA-DM-164-E: "recovering" the original string value of an element

ORA-DM-165-C: Confusing what the mandate for comments is

ORA-DM-218-E: In-line definitions easy to miss

ORA-DM-220-E: Appropriate "voice" of written language

ORA-DM-221-E: Unnecessary term, "partial functions"

ORA-DM-286-B: Processing instruction targets are not NCNames in XML 1.0

ORA-DM-287-B: How is a processing instruction target with a colon converted into the data model?

ORA-DM-289-E: Append a sentence in section 1 paragraph 5 to define "item"

ORA-DM-329-B: what is the order of attributes returned by dm:attributes?

ORA-DM-330-B: What is the order of namespace nodes returned by the namespace accessor?

ORA-DM-331-B: No rule for constructing the document-uri property

ORA-DM-332-B: Contradictory use of the term "application"

ORA-DM-333-B: It is currently permitted for two elements to share an attribute node

ORA-DM-344-C: Why does the spec define "fragment" ?

ORA-DM-345-C: The definition of fragment refers to "some other kind of node" which is not defined

ORA-DM-346-B: Prefix Bindings values are out of synch with what is defined in XQuery 1.0 spec

ORA-DM-347-C: What is the defintion of "well-formed document fragments" ?

ORA-end Last Call Comments

ORA-FO-166-E: typo

ORA-FO-167-E: "numeric" as a return type is not properly specified

ORA-FO-168-E: confusing paragraph describing the use of "?"

ORA-FO-169-B: inconsistency between diagram and tabular hierarchy

ORA-FO-170-E: use narrower indentations to get the whole type hierarchy on normal width paper

ORA-FO-171-E: indentation scheme is not strictly followed

ORA-FO-172-E: need examples of both normalized value and localized value

ORA-FO-173-B: nonrecursive definition of something that probably should be recursive

ORA-FO-175-B: things you can say about precision of the result

ORA-FO-176-B: no statement about truncation or rounding

ORA-FO-177-B: need to specify how to compute the remainder when dividing negative numbers

ORA-FO-178-B: "truncating division" is too vague

ORA-FO-179-B: op:numeric-unary-minus might raise an exception

ORA-FO-180-B: fn:abs undocumented exception is possible

ORA-FO-181-B: imprecise specification in case of negative durations

ORA-FO-182-B: function names are too long

ORA-FO-183-B: fn:get-timezone-from-dateTime imprecise specification

ORA-FO-184-B: fn:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration function name is too long

ORA-FO-185-B: fn:doc stability is not a reasonable requirement

ORA-FO-186-C: fn:collection stability requirements

ORA-FO-187-E: excessive claim for this section (casting from primitive types to primitive types)

ORA-FO-188-B: no defined relationship between fn:current-date and fn:current-dateTime

ORA-FO-189-E: unnecessary references to xs:anySimpleType

ORA-FO-190-E: hyperlink could be more specific

ORA-FO-191-C: Casting across the type hierarchy, what are the primitive types ?

ORA-FO-192-C: is truncation or rounding acceptable when casting xs:double to xs:float?

ORA-FO-193-B: incorrect use of "maximum value" and "minimum value"

ORA-FO-194-E: 17.9, Fourth bullet deals with an impossible case

ORA-FO-195-E: what is the status of xdt:dayTimeDuration and xdt:yearMonthDuration?

ORA-FO-196-E: unnecessary cast to string before cast to duration

ORA-FO-197-C: casting between dayTimeDuration and yearMonthDuration

ORA-FO-198-E: missing comma

ORA-FO-199-B: missing function invocation in example

ORA-FO-200-E: CTZ (current time zone) is never used

ORA-FO-201-E: simplification for eg:convertTZtoString

ORA-FO-202-B: 17.10, Missing "otherwise" cases needed to specify the error

ORA-FO-204-B: Error summary: This section needs to be normative

ORA-FO-248-C: need to clarify the behavior of union, intersect and except

ORA-FO-249-Q: Missing feature: add an overloaded version fn:lang($testlang as xs:string?, $arg as node()?) as xs:boolean

ORA-FO-250-B: Inconsistent types for $position in various functions.

ORA-FO-251-E: move 15.4.2 and 15.4.3 to section 14

ORA-FO-252-Q: Missing feature: overloaded versions of fn:id and fn:idref

ORA-FO-253-Q: Suggest changing fn:distinct-values signature back to fn:distinct-values($arg as item()*) as item()*

ORA-FO-265-E: Most error codes are not explained by natural language text

ORA-FO-266-B: Error codes should be normative (2)

ORA-FO-288-C: Are xdt:untypedAtomic values distinct or not distinct?

ORA-FO-334-E: Terminology: "implementation defined" is not hyphenated

ORA-FO-335-B: Please define "collation"

ORA-FO-336-B: Which collations support collation units?

ORA-FO-337-E: Unclear wording: "the collation may fail", "the system may reject it"

ORA-FO-338-E: what is an "unsuitable collation"?

ORA-FO-342-E: Incorrect reference

ORA-FO-343-E: Incorrect, and not perfectly correctable, reference

ORA-FO-376-E: please associate prefixes with namespaces

ORA-FO-378-E: Please move "Namespaces and prefixes" prior to any use of these namespaces

ORA-FO-412-B: uri equality should take base-uri into account

ORA-SE-290-E: Title misuses the term "data models"

ORA-SE-291-E: Term "empty string" is a poor choice of words

ORA-SE-292-B: Processing of empty sequence is roundabout and confusing

ORA-SE-293-E: Redundant phrase that can be deleted

ORA-SE-295-E: The Note overflow the right margin when printed

ORA-SE-296-E: Please define "serialization error"

ORA-SE-297-E: Alphabetization problem

ORA-SE-298-E: Please clarify that all parameters are optional

ORA-SE-299-E: misplaced comma

ORA-SE-300-B: Implementation-defined output methods need not normalize

ORA-SE-301-B: Indent parameter should not apply to (potentially) mixed-mode elements

ORA-SE-302-B: Phase 1, "Markup generation", is poorly specified

ORA-SE-303-B: undeclare-namespaces parameter is relevant to markup generation

ORA-SE-304-Q: possible parameter for how to handle elements with no children

ORA-SE-305-E: Phase 2 should mention generation of character references

ORA-SE-306-C: Confusing definition of the "version" parameter

ORA-SE-307-E: "An xml output method" is better than "the xml output method"

ORA-SE-308-C: What circumstances are meant by "in all other circumstances"?

ORA-SE-309-B: Poorly worded constraints on the output

ORA-SE-310-E: difficult sentence to parse

ORA-SE-311-C: What is the "processor"?

ORA-SE-312-B: Missing exception for additional whitespace added by indent parameter

ORA-SE-314-B: Additional namespace nodes may be present if serialization does not undeclare namespaces

ORA-SE-315-Q: How can character expansion create new nodes?

ORA-SE-317-B: document-uri property cannot be serialized

ORA-SE-320-B: What does it mean to say two data models (sic) are the same?

ORA-SE-326-B: XML declaration is mandatory if the version is not 1.0

ORA-SE-327-B: Surely namespace declaration is part of serializing XML version 1.0

ORA-SE-328-E: no mention of the standalone property

ORA-SE-341-B: serialization of XQuery DataModel instance is inadequate

ORA-start Last Call Comments

ORA-XP-389-B: < and > operators applied to two strings

ORA-XP-390-Q: Need for an error-free Static Analysis

ORA-XP-391-E: Dynamic Types in the DM

ORA-XP-392-E: XPath Processing

ORA-XP-394-E: SequenceType non-definition

ORA-XP-395-E: Use of the word "type"

ORA-XP-396-E: Use of the word "Module"

ORA-XP-397-E: AtomicType Matching

ORA-XP-401-E: No defintion of Static Typing Feature

ORA-XP-402-E: Delimiting Literals

ORA-XP-403-E: Missing Definition

ORA-XQ-055-E: Formatting is not good for hardcopy viewing

ORA-XQ-056-E: No definition of terms such as "may"

ORA-XQ-057-E: Inconsistent use of bolding

ORA-XQ-058-E: improper definitions

ORA-XQ-059-B: XQuery expressions do not need to be written in Unicode

ORA-XQ-060-C: Which namespaces are predefined?

ORA-XQ-061-C: XQuery should allow implementation-defined namespaces

ORA-XQ-062-E: possible typo: "environmentor"

ORA-XQ-063-C: Please clarify what is a collation

ORA-XQ-064-E: "may be regarded" may be regarded harmful

ORA-XQ-065-E: vague quantification in "a collation may be regarded"

ORA-XQ-067-E: Definitions should not have exceptions

ORA-XQ-068-C: What if there is a top-level element called "global"?

ORA-XQ-069-E: what is the default type of a collection?

ORA-XQ-071-E: wording: "in a path expression"

ORA-XQ-072-E: undefined terms "query" and "transformation"

ORA-XQ-073-C: "available documents is not constrained by ... statically known documents"

ORA-XQ-074-E: (ab)use of term "data model"

ORA-XQ-075-E: "area labeled the external processing domain"

ORA-XQ-076-C: Is "let $i = ()" permitted?

ORA-XQ-077-E: undefined term "query"

ORA-XQ-078-B: XQuery should permit partial static typing

ORA-XQ-079-E: (ab)use of "data model" (2)

ORA-XQ-080-C: Enforcement of consistency constraints

ORA-XQ-081-E: improper use of "in the data model"

ORA-XQ-082-E: undefined term "data model node"; just "node" is correct

ORA-XQ-083-E: Improper use of "has the nilled property"

ORA-XQ-087-Q: what if invocation of fn:error is inevitable?

ORA-XQ-088-C: enforcement of imported schema consistency

ORA-XQ-089-Q: Are all XQuery errors in the xdt namespace?

ORA-XQ-090-E: please rewrite as a positive rather than a double negative

ORA-XQ-091-E: unclear when all implementations must raise non-type-related static errors

ORA-XQ-092-B: definition of static typing is too rigorous to be useful

ORA-XQ-093-E: Please explain the grammar note and whitespace rule conventions

ORA-XQ-094-C: grammar note gn:parens does not seem to apply

ORA-XQ-095-B: EBNF for PragmaContents, ExtensionContents and ExprCommentContent is ambiguous

ORA-XQ-096-C: can a pragma include a comment?

ORA-XQ-097-C: Can a pragma include a must-understand extension?

ORA-XQ-098-B: Not good to make must-understand extensions look like comments

ORA-XQ-099-C: does a pragma containing a must-understand extension get flagged?

ORA-XQ-100-B: Flagger should flag relaxation of lexical rules as nonportable

ORA-XQ-101-E: Improper definition, must-understand extension

ORA-XQ-102-B: Ignorable whitespace is not defined

ORA-XQ-103-B: Flagger should flag vendor extensions that are not must-understand extensions

ORA-XQ-104-B: Flagger should use XML 1.0 lexical rules even if the implementation supports X ML 1.1

ORA-XQ-105-E: "query" not defined

ORA-XQ-106-C: can an implementation define a predefined entity ref?

ORA-XQ-107-B: what is a valid CharRef?

ORA-XQ-108-E: 3.1.6 comments, does not belong beneath section 3, "Expressions"

ORA-XQ-109-B: human-readable definition of "ignorable whitespace" is needed

ORA-XQ-110-B: grammar note gn:parens as written does not apply to ExprCommentContent

ORA-XQ-111-C: clarify whitespace is not the issue with leading slashes

ORA-XQ-112-C: "leading slash" issue not well defined

ORA-XQ-114-C: Please point out none of our expectations about order hold

ORA-XQ-115-B: << and >> should be partial orders, only defined on trees, not between trees

ORA-XQ-116-Q: when is }} a single token and when is it two tokens?

ORA-XQ-117-E: attributes must have distinct expanded QNames

ORA-XQ-118-E: namespace declaration attributes, improvement on the example

ORA-XQ-119-B: rules appear to be in wrong order

ORA-XQ-120-B: treatment of doc nodes is not user-friendly

ORA-XQ-121-B: "content": discrepancy with "computed element constructors"

ORA-XQ-122-E: "element content" is a defined term with a conflicting meaning in XML 1.0

ORA-XQ-123-B: rule 1)d) is incomplete

ORA-XQ-124-Q: rule 1)d) does not specify what happens to nilled property

ORA-XQ-125-E: please expand examples to include xml:space attribute

ORA-XQ-126-B: XML comments may not contain "--" (two dashes)

ORA-XQ-127-C: is support for XML comment constructors optional?

ORA-XQ-128-B: PITarget should exclude "xml"

ORA-XQ-129-E: need hot links for "name expression" and "content expression"

ORA-XQ-130-B: no check for duplicate namespace nodes

ORA-XQ-131-B: permitting Expr (instead of ExprSingle) in WhereClause looks dangerous

ORA-XQ-132-B: name "xmlspace" suggests an incorrect association with xml:space attribute

ORA-XQ-133-B: grammar note gn:parens does not apply to "declare function"

ORA-XQ-134-B: inconsistent whitespace rules for rules borrowed from other recommendations

ORA-XQ-135-E: "should be regarded" should not be used

ORA-XQ-136-C: No need to permit whitespace between "$" and variable name

ORA-XQ-138-B: some EBNF rules stated better in XML 1.0 Recommendation

ORA-XQ-139-E: confusing use of "vs." in gn:xml-version

ORA-XQ-140-C: gn:parens: lookahead also needed to distinguish keyword from function

ORA-XQ-141-C: gn:parens: lookahead of more than one character required

ORA-XQ-142-C: which is "larger", XML 1.0 or 1.1?

ORA-XQ-143-B: missing ws:explicit notes

ORA-XQ-144-E: in ws:explicit, comments, pragmas and must-knows are not whitespace

ORA-XQ-145-B: "value content" not defined

ORA-XQ-146-Q: what is the difference between ws:explicit and ws:significant?

ORA-XQ-147-B: difficulty interpreting ws:significant

ORA-XQ-148-E: suggestion: make all whitespace explicit in the EBNF

ORA-XQ-149-E: no explicit mention of lexical errors

ORA-XQ-150-B: pushState() after changing state does not do what you want it to

ORA-XQ-151-E: pushState() with no argument is confusing and unnecessary

ORA-XQ-152-B: the lexical rules do not account for whitespace

ORA-XQ-153-B: rules for permissible comments etc. are not kind to humans

ORA-XQ-154-B: pushes that are never popped risk stack overflow

ORA-XQ-155-B: comments not permitted in various lexical states

ORA-XQ-156-B: no pattern called NotOccurrenceIndicator

ORA-XQ-157-B: undefined "input_stream.backup(1)"

ORA-XQ-158-B: Possible missing reference: "Namespaces in XML 1.1".

ORA-XQ-206-C: type promotion

ORA-XQ-207-B: Xquery flagger should give WARNING not ERROR on must-understand extensions

ORA-XQ-209-C: what is the type of a variable in a default clause?

ORA-XQ-210-C: The specification of "nillable" is confusing

ORA-XQ-211-C: "scope of variables" is not defined

ORA-XQ-212-E: Explanation of initial /, // and non-initial / and // as path separators

ORA-XQ-213-E: Path expressions on undefined context item

ORA-XQ-214-E: definition of transitive closure

ORA-XQ-216-E: Explanation of initial /, // and non-initial / and // as path separators in abreviation

ORA-XQ-217-C: Clarify when the consistency constraints need to hold

ORA-XQ-219-E: Expression processing requires forward pointer to kinds of errors

ORA-XQ-223-C: There should be a reference implementation of an XQuery flagger

ORA-XQ-224-B: other portability concerns besides extensions

ORA-XQ-229-C: Using concatenation to define the result of the FLWOR expr is vague

ORA-XQ-231-C: Need to specify the behavior of XPath context position matching predicate for unordered sequence

ORA-XQ-232-E: Typeswitch needs to specify its special rule for propagating dynamic errors

ORA-XQ-233-C: Orderspec should specify that empty sequence is considered as the same type as other tuples

ORA-XQ-234-C: user defined entities

ORA-XQ-235-C: warning on unreachable case in typeswitch

ORA-XQ-236-C: defining mutually recursive functions

ORA-XQ-237-C: Validation of element constructed by direct element constructor should cross reference 3.13 Validate Expr

ORA-XQ-239-C: xdt:untypedAny or xs:anyType for element node evaluted from the enclosed expression

ORA-XQ-240-C: Use xdt:untypedAtomic for attribute node and xdt:untypedAny for element node

ORA-XQ-242-C: namespace declaration attribute

ORA-XQ-243-C: Need to clarify: optimization on XQuery expression should not raise new errors

ORA-XQ-245-E: predefined namespace needs to add xml

ORA-XQ-246-C: add more examples explaining why "let $i:= $i +1" is unintuitive in XQuery

ORA-XQ-261-E: "type error" misses link to error codes

ORA-XQ-262-C: Atomization result raises static error?

ORA-XQ-281-B: please permit // on element nodes

ORA-XQ-282-B: sort order of results of a step expression

ORA-XQ-283-B: "Deep copy" is not defined

ORA-XQ-285-B: Two ideas to deal with comments, etc.

ORA-XQ-339-C: Should "/a/(1 to 5)[2]" raise type error?

ORA-XQ-374-B: There is no type information for the context item

ORA-XQ-375-B: Implicit timezone is optional

ORA-XQ-385-C: Missing modules in the picture

ORA-XQ-386-C: do external functions require a function declaration?

ORA-XQ-406-B: Static type for the context item must be specified in the static context

ORA-XQ-407-B: distinct values of multiple sequences should be possible

ORA-XQ-408-B: formalize notion of tuples

ORA-XQ-409-B: Introduce identity-less operations as a feature

ORA-XQ-410-B: nested sequences

ORA-XQ-411-C: base uri and xml:base interaction needs to be clarified.

ORA-XS-313-C: Comments about the XSLT 2.0 concepts.

ORA-XS-316-C: Definition clarification

ORA-XS-318-C: Initial Value of Evaluation Context Clarification

ORA-XS-319-C: Stylesheet Evaluation Context Clarification

ORA-XS-323-Q: Prepending Nodes

ORA-XS-324-Q: Recomendation for Additional Mode Attribute

ORA-XS-325-C: Title Clarification

ORA-XS-348-E: An element which can be both instruction and declaration

ORA-XS-349-C: Using Base output URI

ORA-XS-350-E: xs:NMTOKENS vs. xdt:untypedAtomic

ORA-XS-351-E: Mapping from URIs to media types

ORA-XS-354-E: Item 3

ORA-XS-356-B: <xsl:apply-templates select="*" />

ORA-XS-357-B: #current

ORA-XS-358-B: additional XPath dynamic context components

ORA-XS-359-C: terminology

ORA-XS-360-B: Bug in 1st example

ORA-XS-362-Q: Consistency of "as" Attribute

ORA-XS-364-B: Current Group Key missing in XPath Context

ORA-XS-365-B: Current Captured Substrings missing in XPath Context

ORA-XS-367-C: Missing Parameter error

ORA-XS-369-B: whitespace or space

ORA-XS-370-B: Signature of function-available()

ORA-XS-379-Q: ERR XT0955

ORA-XS-380-B: ERR XT1000 is a Dynamic Error

ORA-XS-381-Q: Stable Sorting Performance

ORA-XS-384-B: Current Group missing in XPath Context

parametrized result-document

problem with <p> tag in transforming xml to wml

Proposal for a new XQuery and XPath Full-Text Use Case

qt-2003Dec0023-01: [DM] MS-DM-LC2-022

qt-2003Dec0145-01: [DM] MS-DM-LC2-028

request, unparsed-entity-references

SAG-FO-02 follow-up: Durations

Serialization (sometimes) needs to include type information

Should fn:string() and xs:string() be synonyms?

Static flagger belongs in static context

URIs and strings (XML Schema comment on F/O)

Validation in Document Node Constructors

WD-xslt-xquery-serialization-20030502 omit-xml-declaration [Issue qt-2003Nov0050-01]

Winged Horse - implementation-defined?

XML Core WG comments on the XQuery/XPath Data Model [3rd send]

XML Declaration

XML Schema WG comments on Data Model

XML Schema WG comments on Functions and Operators

xslt 2 character map

XSLT 2.0: XML Output Method: the omit-xml-declaration Parameter

XSLT 2.0: xsl:output: character representation control attribute

zero-or-one(), one-or-more(), exactly-one()

Last message date: Sunday, 29 February 2004 20:02:30 UTC