RE: [FO] Bug in contains()

> Now I want to do the following query:
>     let $people := doc('people.xml')
>     return contains($people, "Rys")
> When the query attempts to cast $people to a string, it will try to 
> atomize the element using dm:typed-value(), and the following 
> rule applies:
>      If the node has a complex type with complex content, raises a
>      type error, which may be handled by the host language.
> We should see if there are other functions/operators that 
> have this same problem.

All string functions potentially have this problem, there is no reason
to special-case contains. For example, it applies just as much to

How about the following as a way forward:

New rule: the typed value of an element node whose type is a complex
type with complex content (regardless whether this is mixed content or
element only content) is a string consisting of the concatenation of the
descendant text nodes of the element, in document order. This is typed
as xs:string, unless the element has type xdt:untyped, it which case it
is typed as xdt:untypedAtomic.

This means that elements with children can be used in any context that
expects a string, but not in contexts that expect (say) a number or a

Consider the case where $a in the element <a><b>123</b></a> and <a> is
defined with element-only content.

We already have a backwards incompatibility that $a + 1 works in XPath
1.0 but not in 2.0 (once you apply a schema). This rule extends the
incompatibility to mixed content, (but not to cases where there is no
schema). We trade against that the fact that under the current rules,
<a> cannot be used in a string context, whereas under the new rule it

One advantage of this rule is that it's a good thing if the basic
primitives of the language such as EBV and atomization are error-free
operations. The more errors we raise, the more problems we have with
different optimizations producing different results. If there is a
reasonable interpretation of a construct, we should apply it; we should
only raise errors in cases of things that no right-thinking person would
do deliberately.

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 13 February 2004 07:27:14 UTC