ORA-XQ-139-E: confusing use of "vs." in gn:xml-version

SECTION A.1.1: grammar notes

grammar-note: xml-version
It says "The general rules for [XML 1.1] vs. [XML 1.0], 
as described in A.2 Lexical structure, should be applied...".
The word "vs." is confusing.  When I first read this, I 
thought you meant "The general rules for [XML 1.1], and not
the general rules for [XML 1.0], should be applied...".
However, consulting section A.2, I think what you mean is
"It is implementation-defined whether the general rules for
[XML 1.0] or [XML 1.1] are applied, as described in section

- Steve B.

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 11:32:26 UTC