ORA-XQ-125-E: please expand examples to include xml:space attribute

SECTION whitespace in element content

It would also be useful to show examples with xml:space attributes.
The last example looks like a good starting point.
<a>{"   "}</a> creates <a>   </a> even if xmlspace is strip.
Thus with "declare xmlspace strip",
<a xml:space='preserve'>   </a> creates <a xml:space='preserve></a>
in spite of the xml:space='preserve' attribute, because boundary
whitespace is stripped.   On the other hand, 
with "declare xmlspace preserve",
<a xml:space='default'>{"   "}</a> creates 
<a xml:space='default'>   </a> in spite of the xml:space='default' 
attribute.  The xml:space attribute is advice to the application
that ultimately consumes the element, whereas xmlspace is 
a directive (stronger than advice) to the XQuery engine constructing
the element.  The user must use both in order to get any 
particular desired result.

- Steve B.

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 11:46:13 UTC