[XPath 2.0] XSCH-XPATH-002

Dear Colleagues,

This comment pertains to the Nov. 12 2003 version of XPath 2.0 [1].

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/

Lisa Martin, on behalf of the XML Schema Working Group

Section Matching an ElementTest and an Element Node
      Bullet 2 states:

         2. element(ElementName, TypeName) matches a given element node if:
               a. ... , and:
               b. type-matches(TypeName, AT) is true, where AT is the type
                  the given element node.   ...

      The first example is:
         Example: element(person, surgeon) matches an non-nilled element
         whose name is person and whose type annotation is surgeon.

 Given the rules for type-matches (ET, AT), shouldn't the example instead
say " ... and whose type annotation is surgeon, or is a type derived
 from surgeon"?    This comment applies to many examples in this, and
following sections.

Received on Sunday, 15 February 2004 13:25:38 UTC