RE: [F&O] XSCH-FO-005 Casting xs:double and xs:float to xs:string

>XSCH-FO-005 Casting xs:double and xs:float to xs:string (17.7)

>We note that F&O does not use the XML Schema canonical representations
of xs:decimal, 
>xs:float, and xs:double.  We know that XML Schema is under-specified in
this area, and we 
>are working to improve our specification in either errata fixes or a
future version (see our >RQ-1,

>We suggest that we coordinate efforts to find a mutually satisfactory

Note that casting numbers to strings is used in two different
circumstances, and the rules are designed to achieve a balanced
compromise between two different requirements.  These casts are used
both when writing a value to an XML document to be serialized, and also
when displaying a value to a human user. There is also a requirement for
a reasonable level of backwards compatibility with XPath 1.0. If we used
the Schema canonical representations unchanged, then many existing
stylesheets would start outputting "Chapter 1.0e0".

>That aside, we suspect the written descriptions do not have their
intended effect.

       If SV has an absolute value that is greater than or equal to
       0.000001 (one millionth) and less than 1000000 (one million),
       then the value is converted to an xs:decimal and the resulting
       xs:decimal is converted to an xs:string  using the rules above.

>The casting to decimal rules imply that casting xs:float("1.1") to
xs:decimal yields 1.10000002384185791015625 which is the exact value of
the float that represents "1.1" (and therefore it is the "numerically
closest" value).  Does this mean casting xs:float("1.1") to string
yields "1.10000002384185791015625"?

We are planning to reintroduce the XPath 1.0 rule that specifies that
the output should contain as many digits, and only as many, as are
needed to distinguish the value from adjacent values.

Michael Kay (personal response)

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 11:46:56 UTC