ORA-XQ-058-E: improper definitions

SECTION no specific locaton: none

Many of the things called definitions are not.  A definition
should tell a reader how to recongize something when he
comes across it, or how to find or construct a thing. 
Consider this definition from "Matching an AttributeTest..."
"[Definition: An AttributeTest is used
to match an attribute node by its name and/or type.]" 
This is like saying "[Definition: a bulldozer is used to move
dirt.]"  A true fact, but I still don't know a bulldozer 
when I see one, nor how to build a bulldozer.  If all I had was
this definition, I might think a shovel or a dump truck was
a bulldozer.  Coming back to the definition I cited, 
the actual definition of AttributeTest is found in rule [130].
Perhaps the things defined by EBNF need no [Definition:...].

Eliminating definitions of things defined in the EBNF would be
a start, but there are many other improper definitions.  
Consider setion 2.6.6 "Must-understand extensions", first
para: "[Definition: An implementation may extend XQuery 
functionality by supporting must-understand extensions. 
A must-understand extension may be used anywhere that 
ignorable whitespace is allowed.]"  This is not a definition,
it is discussion of the properties of a must-understand extension.

- Steve B.

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 11:08:53 UTC