'cardinality' attribute in Presentation Syntax
'propertyValue' in the Abstract Syntax
(Correction) Re: ISSUE: XMLLiteral and xml:lang
(resend) OWL DL and OWL Lite Syntax
15 mins late today
30 jan telecon regrets
[Fwd: Review of Reference Document]
[re-send] Re: XSLT: status of owls:Documentation unclear
[www-webont-wg] <none>
abstract syntax and RDFS
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 23 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Thursday, 23 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Thursday, 23 January)
- Jim Hendler (Thursday, 23 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 23 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 23 January)
- Jim Hendler (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Guus Schreiber (Monday, 20 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Monday, 20 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Monday, 20 January)
Abstract Syntax and Semantics: review comments / Correspondence between OWL DL and OWL Full
ACTION report: XSLT transformation from OWL XML to OWL RDF
Action: Review of satisfaction of requirements
ADMIN: Agenda amendment for Jan 30
ADMIN: Agenda/Logistics - Jan 30 telecon
ADMIN: Agenda/logistics for Jan 2 telecon
ADMIN: Agenda/Logistics Jan 30 (updated)
ADMIN: minutes of Jan 2 telecon
ADMIN: minutes of Jan 2 telecon - Cross linking documents
ADMIN: telecon dates through f2f
Agenda addition, f2f
agenda request
an update to Overview/Feature Synopsis
annotations - proposed solution
Annotations and entailments
Annotations and non-mon example
annotations was Re: MINUES: Teleconference 30 Jan 2003
apologies and TEST update
AS & S cannot be viewed/printed with Internet Explorer 6.0
AS & S review
AS & S review: Abstract, Introduction, Abstract Syntax
AS & S Review: Appendix A.1: Correspondence between Abstract OWL and OWL DL
AS & S review: Direct model-theoretic semantics
AS & S review: mapping to RDF graphs
AS & S Review: overview
AS & S review: OWL DL as RDF graphs
AS & S review: RDFS-compatible OWL semantics
AS&S and WG consensus
AS&S and WG consensus (was Re: abstract syntax and RDFS)
AS&S more comments
ASS substantive: abstract and concrete syntax
Attribution in the Web Ont documents
belated regrets 1/23 telecon
Belated regrets for 23-Jan-03
comments on ASS
Comments on Feature Synopsis
Conformance was Re: apologies and TEST update
Consistency Checker
cultural meaning -was- Re: issues to be resolved before last call (rdfms-assertion)
datarange too hard to use
Deprecated class/property
deprecation causes Fullness?
desc of OWL Lite and OWL DL in RDF graph
document question: theoretical properties of OWL sublanguages
Editors: consistent use of terms in webont docs
Entailments and normativity
Explicit Constraint on SubPropertyOf in Presentation Syntax
F2F Version of Requirements Document
Feature Synopsis Review
feature synopsis/overview update
Fwd: WG: Review of Reference Document
FYI: IBM aims to get smart about AI (fwd)
Guide Action: add "everything in Lite needs a type" to Guide
GUIDE comment [was Re: comments on ASS]
Guide Comment with respect to the Unique Names issue (5.18)
Guide glossary
Guide question (OneOf) (was Re: OWL datatyping and example)
GUIDE review
Guide: Last Call Candidate
Guide: New version
Guide: New version available.
Guide: treatment of deprecation
how rdfs:Literal problems affect OWL semantics
HP reactions to AS&S and OWL
ICSE Workshop on Requirements Engineering in Open Systems
implementability + HP last call position
IndividualRestriction vs. ObjectRestriction [wording in Presentation Syntax]
initial OWL glossary
intersectionOf in OWL Lite
IRC Challenged Scribe for Today's WebOnt Telecon
IRC logs for Friday
Issue 5.18 (unique name assumption)
ISSUE 5.2 Language Compliance Levels - proposed clarification
- Ian Horrocks (Thursday, 30 January)
- Deborah McGuinness (Thursday, 30 January)
- Jim Hendler (Wednesday, 29 January)
- Ian Horrocks (Wednesday, 29 January)
- Ian Horrocks (Wednesday, 29 January)
- Jim Hendler (Tuesday, 28 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Monday, 27 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Monday, 27 January)
- Dan Connolly (Monday, 27 January)
- Dan Connolly (Monday, 27 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Monday, 27 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Monday, 27 January)
- Ian Horrocks (Monday, 27 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 24 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Friday, 24 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 24 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Thursday, 23 January)
ISSUE: annotations
ISSUE: OWL DL syntax
ISSUE: owl:Class name misleading; try owl:Set?
- Jim Hendler (Monday, 6 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 3 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 3 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 3 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 3 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 3 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 3 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 3 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 3 January)
- Jos De_Roo (Friday, 3 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 3 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 3 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 3 January)
- Jonathan Borden (Friday, 3 January)
- Jim Hendler (Friday, 3 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 3 January)
- Jim Hendler (Thursday, 2 January)
- Dan Connolly (Thursday, 2 January)
- Ziv Hellman (Thursday, 2 January)
- Jim Hendler (Thursday, 2 January)
- Jeff Heflin (Thursday, 2 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 2 January)
- Dan Connolly (Wednesday, 1 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 1 January)
- Dan Connolly (Wednesday, 1 January)
Issue: Request support for adding a new unique name in a collection
ISSUE: XMLLiteral and xml:lang
issues to be resolved before last call
issues to be resolved before last call (rdfms-assertion)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 22 January)
- Jos De_Roo (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Dan Brickley (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Jos De_Roo (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Jim Hendler (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Evan Wallace (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Jim Hendler (Monday, 20 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Sunday, 19 January)
- Jos De_Roo (Sunday, 19 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Sunday, 19 January)
- Jos De_Roo (Sunday, 19 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Saturday, 18 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Saturday, 18 January)
- Dan Brickley (Saturday, 18 January)
- Jos De_Roo (Saturday, 18 January)
- Christopher Welty (Saturday, 18 January)
- Peter Crowther (Saturday, 18 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 17 January)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 17 January)
Jim Hendler cannot send mail - pls use preliminary agenda
Keeping Peter happy
LANG: Defn of DL in Mappings
Last call for reference?
late arrival at 1/23 telecon
Manchester WebOnt ftf meeting record: please review
Manchester WebOnt ftf meeting record: please review / Review of Semantics
Mapping rules bug-ette and fix?
Mapping rules Jan 2nd
March W3C tech plenary, SemWeb arch ftf
migrating from DAML+OIL to OWL?
migrating RDF(S) to OWL Lite
Migration from RDSF to OWL was: Re: AS&S and WG consensus
MINUES: Teleconference 30 Jan 2003
Minutes of January 23rd telecon
Minutes WEBONT January 16, 2003 (correction)
Minutes WEBONT January 16, 2003 Phone conference - HTML also Atta ched
name change for requirements document?
Name change for sameClassAs
new version of AS&S
Notes from Editors Breakout (by Chris W.)
Notes from Editors Breakout [UML/XML presentation syntax]
notes from semantics document breakout session
notes on the use of ``object'' (NB: needs discussion at the telecon today)
on OWL test cases: good stuff, one CRITICAL change request
oneOfDistinct, a proposal for 5.18
OVERVIEW: WG preference - action from telecon
OWL and Web services descriptions
OWL datatyping and example
OWL DL and OWL Lite Syntax
OWL documents and OWL ontologies
OWL Lite vs OWL/Lite; OWL DL vs OWL/DL; OWL Full vs. OWL/Full
OWL Lite/OWL DL/OWL Full defn in AS&S
OWL Reference for F2F 5
OWL Reference: Appendix E (XML Presentation Syntax)
OWL Reference: new version
OWL Semantics now has a vocabulary index
OWL/DL in RDF graphs
owl:Class in class expressions - substantive
pls use 3 Feb 2003 for title page date of test/guide/ov/sem/req WDs
possibly late to telecon 23 January
preliminary agenda - Jan 16 telecon
probable regrets for thurs
problems with RDF datatyping
problems with RDF literals
question about less technicality/dumbing down (was Re: Notes from Editors Breakout (by Chris W.))
question: datatype reasoning?
- Ian Horrocks (Wednesday, 29 January)
- Jim Hendler (Wednesday, 29 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 29 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Tuesday, 28 January)
- Jim Hendler (Friday, 24 January)
- Ian Horrocks (Friday, 24 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Friday, 24 January)
- Peter Crowther (Friday, 24 January)
- Jim Hendler (Friday, 24 January)
- Jeremy Carroll (Friday, 24 January)
- Jim Hendler (Friday, 24 January)
rdfms-assertion and webont
Reference - editors' list
Reference doc: cleanup version
Reference document: a review
Reference reference?
Reference, beginnings of HP review?
Reference, Overview, Guide intersectionOf is in OWL Lite
Reference: SameAs vs SameClassAs
Registration page for the Manchester WebOnt meeting
regrets 1/16
Regrets 1/23 telecon
regrets 1/30
Regrets 16th Jan
Regrets 30-Jan
Regrets for 16-Jan-03
Regrets for Jan. 16
Regrets for Jan. 16 teleconf
Regrets for Jan. 30
regrets for last part of telecon 23 January
Regrets for the jan 03 F2F
Requirements Document: Last Call Version?
Review of Guide
- Jeff Heflin (Wednesday, 22 January)
- Smith, Michael K (Wednesday, 22 January)
- Jeff Heflin (Tuesday, 21 January)
- Smith, Michael K (Tuesday, 7 January)
- Jeff Heflin (Monday, 6 January)
- Smith, Michael K (Friday, 3 January)
- Jeff Heflin (Thursday, 2 January)
- Jeff Heflin (Thursday, 2 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 2 January)
- Jim Hendler (Wednesday, 1 January)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 1 January)
- Christopher Welty (Wednesday, 1 January)
review of Guide (clarificatons)
Review of mapping rules and informal description
Review of Overview (Overeview?): part 1 of 2
Review of Overview document
Review of OWL Overview
Review of Reference
Review of Reference (syntax reference? no)
review of Reference Document
Review of Requirements Document
Review of Semantics Documnt
Review of Web Ontology Language (OWL) Test Cases
Roadmap: one more thing
sameClassAs vs. sameMembersAs
SEM: Layering bug
Semantic Review (reference process question)
Semantics Wrinkle
semantics, list for later
Semantics: References
Short version of Test
status of RDF, RDFS, and OWL ``namespace files''
Status: Guide, Reference, Semantics tags
Suntax comments on the Guide document
Test document for review
Test document: a few comments (one comment about AS & S)
TEST: cvs updates
TEST: document issues for f2f
TEST: example cases in miscellaneous
TEST: new editors draft URL
TEST: slippage
The Ugly Test
typo in Abstract Syntax ?
Typo in Guide (Feb. 3 version)
Update semantics LCC
update to the feature synopsis document
Update: XML presentation syntax (Appendix E of OWL Reference)
Web Ontology Language (OWL) Test Cases Editors Working Draft 23 January 2003
What sublanguage is allDifferent in?
wine.owl, food.owl and namespaces
WOWG: Agenda Jan 23 telecon (revised)
WOWG: Ahenda Jan 23 telecon
WOWG: Calendar issues
WOWG: f2f4 picts (better late than never)
XML language subset
XML presentation syntax Schema (modification in AnnotationType)
XML Schema 1.1 Requirements
XML Schemas/XSL translation
XSLT transformation from OWL XML to OWL RDF
XSLT: datatype problems (*)
XSLT: default namespace problem
XSLT: status of owls:Documentation unclear
Last message date: Friday, 31 January 2003 17:50:15 UTC