Guide: New version


A number of things are fixed in this version.  I have responded to nearly
the review points that we received.

The datatype stuff is updated and needs review.

Sections have numbers which are used in the cross refeference table.  The 
table now points into the latest versions of reference and semantics.

A term reference has been added. What other terms should be indexed?

Chris and I revised the discussion of onology to explain its traditional use
its use in the Guide. We believe that lining this use up with the abstract 
syntax and the reference is an  improvement.  We also rewrote the text 
surrounding the owl:Ontology tag and I then did some editorial mods
(so blame me, not Chris). 

I need to do a final spell check and detailed comparison of examples against
wine.owl and food.owl, but I've got to work on something else for a while.

- Mike

Michael K. Smith, Ph.D., P.E.
EDS - Austin Innovation Centre
98 San Jacinto, #500
Austin, TX  78701

* phone: +01-512-404-6683

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2003 17:18:22 UTC