intersectionOf in OWL Lite

The mapping rules from OWL Lite in the abstract syntax to triples incldue the 
single following rule using intersectionOf:

Class(<classID> complete 
      <annotation1> … <annotationn> 
      <description1> … <descriptionn>) 


<classID> rdf:type owl:Class . 
<classID> T(<annotation1>) . … 
<classID> T(<annotationn>) . 
<classID> owl:sameClassAs _:x . 
_:x owl:intersectionOf T(SEQ <description1>…<descriptionn>) . 

I suggest a change to the semanticly equivalent rule:

Class(<classID> complete 
      <annotation1> … <annotationn> 
      <description1> … <descriptionn>) 


<classID> rdf:type owl:Class . 
<classID> T(<annotation1>) . … 
<classID> T(<annotationn>) . 
<classID>  owl:intersectionOf T(SEQ <description1>…<descriptionn>) . 

This can then be more easily articulated (in for example features, guide, 
reference) as:

In OWL Lite a class can be declared as the intersectionOf other classes and/or 

(Contrasting with the less restricted use in OWL DL).


Received on Thursday, 2 January 2003 17:33:05 UTC