Attribution in the Web Ont documents

WOWG document editors - after spending some time poring over the W3C 
process/manual/guide and looking at past LC and Rec documents, Guus 
and I have decided that we like what RDF Core did with respect to 
editing/authorship and would like to have our group follow this model.

Basically, editors will include only people who did considerable work 
on the final documents, we believe these are

- Use Case and Requirements: Jeff Heflin
- Overview: Deb McGuinness and Frank van Harmelen
- Reference: Mike Dean
- Guide: Mike Smith and Chris Welty
- Semantics and Abstract Syntax: Peter Patel-Schneider, Pat Hayes, 
and Ian Horrocks
- Test: Jeremy Carroll and Jos de Roo

(If we missed anyone, editors please let me and Guus know)

each of these documents should contain an acknowledgements section 
that specifies specific contributions you feel you want to make 
known, and then lists all the members of the WG in good standing in a 
separate pargraph (we'll get that list to you at some point soon)

Here's an example from one of the RDF Core documents (Concepts)

>>8. Acknowledgments
>>This document contains a significant contribution from Pat Hayes, 
>>Sergey Melnik and Patrick Stickler, under whose leadership was 
>>developed the framework described in the RDF family of 
>>specifications for representing datatyped values, such as integers 
>>and dates.
>>The editors acknowledge valuable contributions from the following: 
>>Frank Manola, Pat Hayes, Dan Brickley, Jos de Roo, Dave Beckett, 
>>Patrick Stickler, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Jerome Euzenat, Massimo 
>>Marchiori, Tim Berners-Lee, Dave Reynolds and Dan Connolly.
>>Jeremy Carroll thanks Oreste Signore, his host at the W3C Office in 
>>Italy and Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione 
>>"Alessandro Faedo", part of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 
>>where Jeremy is a visiting researcher.
>>This document is a product of extended deliberations by the RDFcore 
>>Working Group, whose members have included: Art Barstow (W3C), Dave 
>>Beckett (ILRT), Dan Brickley (ILRT), Dan Connolly (W3C), Jeremy 
>>Carroll (Hewlett Packard), Ron Daniel (Interwoven Inc), Bill dehOra 
>>(InterX), Jos De Roo (AGFA), Jan Grant (ILRT), Graham Klyne (Nine 
>>by Nine), Frank Manola (MITRE Corporation), Brian McBride (Hewlett 
>>Packard), Eric Miller (W3C), Stephen Petschulat (IBM), Patrick 
>>Stickler (Nokia), Aaron Swartz (HWG), Mike Dean (BBN Technologies / 
>>Verizon), R. V. Guha (Alpiri Inc), Pat Hayes (IHMC), Sergey Melnik 
>>(Stanford University) and Martyn Horner (Profium Ltd).

and, in the case of Reference, where we want to acknowledge the work 
of the earlier group, we could include a statement like (continuing 
from the same document)

>>This specification also draws upon an earlier RDF Model and Syntax 
>>document edited by Ora Lassilla and Ralph Swick, and RDF Schema 
>>edited by Dan Brickley and R. V. Guha. RDF and RDF Schema Working 
>>Group members who contributed to this earlier work are: Nick Arnett 
>>(Verity), Tim Berners-Lee (W3C), Tim Bray (Textuality), Dan 
>>Brickley (ILRT / University of Bristol), Walter Chang (Adobe), 
>>Sailesh Chutani (Oracle), Dan Connolly (W3C), Ron Daniel 
>>(DATAFUSION), Charles Frankston (Microsoft), Patrick Gannon 
>>(CommerceNet), R. V. Guha (Epinions, previously of Netscape 
>>Communications), Tom Hill (Apple Computer), Arthur van Hoff 
>>(Marimba), Renato Iannella (DSTC), Sandeep Jain (Oracle), Kevin 
>>Jones, (InterMind), Emiko Kezuka (Digital Vision Laboratories), Joe 
>>Lapp (webMethods Inc.), Ora Lassila (Nokia Research Center), Andrew 
>>Layman (Microsoft), Ralph LeVan (OCLC), John McCarthy (Lawrence 
>>Berkeley National Laboratory), Chris McConnell (Microsoft), Murray 
>>Maloney (Grif), Michael Mealling (Network Solutions), Norbert 
>>Mikula (DataChannel), Eric Miller (OCLC), Jim Miller (W3C, 
>>emeritus), Frank Olken (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), 
>>Jean Paoli (Microsoft), Sri Raghavan (Digital/Compaq), Lisa Rein 
>>(webMethods Inc.), Paul Resnick (University of Michigan), Bill 
>>Roberts (KnowledgeCite), Tsuyoshi Sakata (Digital Vision 
>>Laboratories), Bob Schloss (IBM), Leon Shklar (Pencom Web Works), 
>>David Singer (IBM), Wei (William) Song (SISU), Neel Sundaresan 
>>(IBM), Ralph Swick (W3C), Naohiko Uramoto (IBM), Charles Wicksteed 
>>(Reuters Ltd.), Misha Wolf (Reuters Ltd.) and Lauren Wood 

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-731-3822 (Cell)

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2003 21:50:16 UTC