ADMIN: Agenda amendment for Jan 30

We have been asked by RDF Core to do some consensus reviews of their 
LC documents.  Raphael Volz is doing a review of the Language 
document, Herman terHorst of the Semantics, and Guus and I are still 
looking to volunteer someone for the Concepts document (otherwise I 
will do it).

  Raphael has requested some time in the telecon to talk about his 
review - we will insert this as an agenda item before the technical 
issues - i.e. see item 2.3 below.
   - JH

At 22:17 -0500 1/29/03, Jim Hendler wrote:
>1) ADMIN (15 min)
>1.1 role call
>1.2 Approval of Minutes of last telecon
>PROPOSED to accept the following as a true record of the Jan 23 telecon
>1.3 agenda ammendments
>1.4 telecon schedule
>Next telecon - Feb 6
>Next Scribe - TBD
>2.0 Action review/document updates (10 min)
>2.1 Action Review:
>ACTION: Guus/Jim to pursue the still missing presentations from f2f5 
>to link in later
>ACTION: Jeremy to propose a change to remove complete class 
>definitions from Owl Lite.
>ACTION: Jeremy to create test based on January 0376 email example of 
>"ugly" way to enumerate datatype in a oneOf
>ACTION: Guus to put words in reference w/respect to January 0376 
>email example of "ugly" way to enumerate datatype in a oneOf
>ACTION: Guus - to get roadmap done and into every document soon - 1 
>paragraph about each doc -- action transfered to Frank van Harmelen, 
>may not go in every document - see log below.
>ACTION: Connolly re: security - CONT.
>ACTION: Welty, Horan: review Overview by Jan30 - Continued
>ACTION: Horrocks to review AS & S Appendices  - CONT
>ACTION: Pan to do another review of AS&S document - CONTINUED
>2.2 Document review
>Chance for authors of Reqs, Guide, Overview, Ref to update us on any 
>status change (none necessarily expected)

2.3 Raphael Volz to discuss WOWG consensus review of RDF Language document

>3.0 Technical Agenda (60 min)
>3.1 Name change on "owl:sameClassAs"  (Guus Schreiber)
>Several people have suggested changing the name of sameClassAs to 
>sameMembersAs or some other term more clearly suggesting the 
>extensional nature of this construct.
>3.2 Annotations
>The treatment of RDFS annotations in OWL Lite/DL SHOULD be resolved 
>by the working group.  There have been several strands of email on 
>Process note: annotations are motivated by our Requirements document 
>- no WG decision on their status has been recorded that the Chairs 
>can find.  Therefore, this is not a reopening of any issue - it is a 
>clarification necessary to meeting our own self-imposed requirements:
>  The current proposal, by Jeremy [1], is to include all of
>3.3  Discussion of fixing inconsistency with respect to Owl Lite and 
>defined classes.
>The chairs are NOT at this time agreeing to reopen the issue of 
>whether defined (complete) classes are in Owl Lite.  However, Jeremy 
>has identified an inconsistency in our technical solution with 
>respect to what graphs are in Owl Lite and what aren't [2].  The 
>purpose of this bullet is to examine where we stand, identify the 
>inconsistency and see if we can decide on a technical approach to 
>resolving it.
>4.0 AOB

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-731-3822 (Cell)

Received on Thursday, 30 January 2003 09:36:15 UTC