not sure if I got the idea of that, but
for OWL/Full we actually assume that

owl:Class owl:sameClassAs rdfs:Class.
owl:Thing owl:sameClassAs rdfs:Resource.
owl:Nothing owl:oneOf rdf:nil.
owl:complementOf rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.
owl:complementOf rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty.
owl:differentFrom rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty.
owl:disjointWith rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty.
owl:intersectionOf rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.
owl:inverseOf rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty.
owl:oneOf rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.
owl:sameClassAs rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty.
owl:sameClassAs rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty.
owl:samePropertyAs rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty.
owl:samePropertyAs rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty.
owl:unionOf rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.

(especially the first 2, which became clearer
after a f2f with Peter and DanC)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA http://www.agfa.com/w3c/jdroo/

Received on Saturday, 11 January 2003 06:27:02 UTC