Re: Guide: New version


In his message (Guide: New version) of 07/01/2003,
Smith, Michael K wrote:
>A number of things are fixed in this version.  I have responded to nearly
>the review points that we received.
>The datatype stuff is updated and needs review.

I update the stylesheet with this info.

A few comments on wine.owl (I assume the same for

- xsd entity (&xsd;) is not defined.
- it uses DataTypeProperty while the the Guide (at least in the 
section title) uses DatatypeProperty.

>Chris and I revised the discussion of onology to explain its traditional use
>and its use in the Guide.

is it ontology or oenology ?

  Jérôme Euzenat                  __
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  INRIA Rhône-Alpes,            _/  _   _   _ _    _
                               /_) | ` / ) | \ \  /_)
  655, avenue de l'Europe,    (___/___(_/_/  / /_(_________________
  Montbonnot St Martin,       /
  38334 Saint-Ismier cedex,  /

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2003 13:02:13 UTC