Re: Review of Web Ontology Language (OWL) Test Cases

Shimizu wrote:
>I am reviewing Web Ontology Language (OWL) Test Cases (Editors Working
>Draft 18 December 2002).
>I found some incorrect statements as follows.
>Comment 1.
>General discussion of related technology is welcome to www-rdf-logic@


>Comment 2.
>in 2.2.Conflict Resolution.
>If the OWL recommendation has passed Candidate Recommendation then:
>1.The conflict is reported to
>2.The working group, or its successors, considers the conflict
>3.While this happens the other recommendation documents take precedence
>over the test case.
>4.If there is working group consensus to retain the test case as normative
>and to publish an erratum against the other recommendation document(s)
>then this is done.
>5.Otherwise an erratum is published which deletes the test case.
>If the OWL recommendation has passed Candidate Recommendation then:
>1.The conflict is reported to
>2.The working group, or its successors, considers the conflict
>While this happens the other recommendation documents take precedence
>over the test case.
>1.If there is working group consensus to retain the test case as normative
>and to publish an erratum against the other recommendation document(s)
>then this is done.
>2.Otherwise an erratum is published which deletes the test case.


>Comment 3.
>in 4.Conformance(Normative).
>A system which claims complete OWL DL conformance MUST also be OWL DL
>conformant.A system which claims complete OWL Lite conformance MUST also
>be OWL Lite conformant.
>A system which claims complete OWL Full conformance MUST also be OWL DL
>conformant.A system which claims complete OWL DL conformance MUST also
>be OWL Lite conformant.

Not changed.
That wasn't what I was trying to say...

For each of Lite/DL I define two levels of conformance, one for general OWL 
systems and one for systems with reasoning componenents. For Full I don't 
define a reasoning level of conformance, since the WG did not want to endorse 
incomplete reasoning.

The text didn't work for you.

How about:

 Reasoning components MAY claim complete OWL DL conformance [or complete OWL 
Lite conformance] if they provide complete reasoning over OWL DL [or OWL 
Lite]. i.e. A conformant complete OWL DL [Lite] reasoner MUST find proofs for 
all OWL DL [Lite] inferences. A conformant complete OWL DL [Lite] reasoner 
MAY find proofs for any OWL Full inference. A system which claims complete 
OWL DL conformance MUST also be OWL DL conformant.A system which claims 
complete OWL Lite conformance MUST also be OWL Lite conformant. 

changing to
An OWL DL conformant [or OWL Lite conformant] system with a reasoning 
component may claim complete OWL DL conformance [or complete OWL DL 
conformance] if it provides complete reasoning over OWL DL [or OWL Lite]. 
i.e.  a complete OWL DL [Lite] reasoner MUST find proofs for all OWL DL 
[Lite] inferences. A complete OWL DL [Lite] reasoner MAY find proofs for any 
OWL Full inference.
>Comment 4.
>in A.1.Creation.
>An OWL feature that the test illustrates (by reference to the name of some
>property or class in the OWL namespace).
>An issue that the test case is related to (by reference to the issue URI as
>specified in the OWL issues list [OWL Issues]).


>Comment 5.
>in B. Stylistic Preferences.
>There is a preference for the following stylistic rules. None of these
>is obligatory, but test authors should be minded that it will be easier to
>gain working group consensus if they follow these rules.


>Comment 6.
>in B.4. Use of example Domains.
>(e.g. "")


>Comment 7.
>in C. The Tests as Triples (Informative).


>Comment 8.
>in C.2.1 Qualified Restrictions.
>"xmlns:eg="\27$B!I\27(B must be add to the test case 002 
of Illegal
>use of OWL namespace.

Still to do - but the change is to delete this unused prefix from tests 001 
and 003.

>Comment 9.
>in D.1.1. owl:FunctionalProperty.
>Statements of the conclusuion of test case 005 are incorrect.
><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
>xmlns:owl =""
>xmlns:eg ="">
><owl:Thing rdf:about="">
><owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:about="" />
><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="\27$B!I\27(B
>xmlns:owl ="\27$B!I\27(B
><owl:Thing rdf:about="\27$B!I\27(B>
rdf:about="\27$B!I\27(B />

Jos replied on this one.

>Comment 10.
>in D.1.5. owl:allValuesFrom.
>Statements of the Description of test case 002 are incorrect.
>See someValuesFrom.
>See allValuesFrom.

I need to add a hyperlink here - the intended comment is to link back to the 
corresponding allValuesFrom test, which contrasts with this test.
>Noboru Shimizu

Thanks again for the review.


Received on Monday, 6 January 2003 16:25:19 UTC