Re: ISSUE: owl:Class name misleading; try owl:Set?

From: Dan Connolly <>
Subject: Re: ISSUE: owl:Class name misleading; try owl:Set?
Date: 03 Jan 2003 10:19:58 -0600

> On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 09:58, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:


> > > This is by design, no? Perhaps that's not the way other
> > > folks understood the design, but that's what I had in mind when we
> > > closed the layering issue.
> > 
> > OWL/Full does not have this situation.  In fact, it is not possible in
> > OWL/Full, as 
> > 1/ OWL/Full identifies the class extensions of owl:Thing and rdfs:Resource
> >    (see Section 5.4 of AS&S);
> Yes, I just re-read that.
> That's not the design I had in mind when we closed the layering
> issue. I don't think the way it's written is traceable to
> any WG decision; nor is my position, meanwhile.

From the Issues List

5.3 Semantic Layering


Closed as described in the Consensus on semantic layering ....

From the Consensus on semantic layering


Large OWL .... [now called OWL Full]
Fast OWL .... [now called OWL DL]

From the ``Layering RDFS into OWL'' document
which was a document for the Bristol ftf as mentioned at
which is the proposed agenda for the Bristol ftf as mentioned at
which is the minutes of the 4th ftf as mentioned at
which is the offical page of the W3C Web Ontology Working Group as
and is listed on both and in
such a way so as to support this claim.
(I am taking it on faith that has some official
connection with W3C.)

4. Large OWL


IOT = IR [class extension of owl:Thing = IR]

So, I think that there is more-than-adequate support for the assertion that
the identification of the class extensions of owl:Thing and rdfs:Resource
in OWL Full can be directly traced to decisions made by the W3C Web
Ontology Working Group.

> So I've asked (in my message of 01 Jan 2003 14:09:40 -0600)
> that the editors change it to the design I prefer:
> owl:Thing is smaller than rdfs:Resource, even in owl:Full.
> Rationale: it seems easier to justify the separate
> owl:Thing term this way.
> If you're declining my request, I'll ask that it get on the whole
> group's agenda unless I see a more satisfactory reason why
> the design I prefer isn't the way to go.

It isn't for the simple reason that the working group decided otherwise.
If you want to reopen this closed issue, I believe that the appropriate
channel is a request to the chairs.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research
Lucent Technologies

PS: This searching through old documents is getting rather tiresome.

Received on Friday, 3 January 2003 12:46:53 UTC