ADMIN: Agenda/Logistics - Jan 30 telecon


Janaury 23, 2003

1200 US East Coast
0900 US West Coast
1700 London
0200 Tokyo (next day)

Duration: 90 minutes

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Simultaneous IRC Chat (port 6665)

Chair: Jim Hendler
Scribe: TBD

1) ADMIN (15 min)

1.1 role call

1.2 Approval of Minutes of last telecon

PROPOSED to accept the following as a true record of the Jan 23 telecon

1.3 agenda ammendments

1.4 telecon schedule

Next telecon - Feb 6
Next Scribe - TBD

2.0 Action review/document updates (10 min)

2.1 Action Review:

ACTION: Guus/Jim to pursue the still missing presentations from f2f5 
to link in later

ACTION: Jeremy to propose a change to remove complete class 
definitions from Owl Lite.

ACTION: Jeremy to create test based on January 0376 email example of 
"ugly" way to enumerate datatype in a oneOf

ACTION: Guus to put words in reference w/respect to January 0376 
email example of "ugly" way to enumerate datatype in a oneOf

ACTION: Guus - to get roadmap done and into every document soon - 1 
paragraph about each doc -- action transfered to Frank van Harmelen, 
may not go in every document - see log below.

ACTION: Connolly re: security - CONT.

ACTION: Welty, Horan: review Overview by Jan30 - Continued

ACTION: Horrocks to review AS & S Appendices  - CONT

ACTION: Pan to do another review of AS&S document - CONTINUED

2.2 Document review
Chance for authors of Reqs, Guide, Overview, Ref to update us on any 
status change (none necessarily expected)

3.0 Technical Agenda (60 min)

3.1 Name change on "owl:sameClassAs"  (Guus Schreiber)

Several people have suggested changing the name of sameClassAs to 
sameMembersAs or some other term more clearly suggesting the 
extensional nature of this construct.

3.2 Annotations

The treatment of RDFS annotations in OWL Lite/DL must be resolved by 
the working group.  There have been several strands of email on this.

Process note: annotations are motivated by our Requirements document 
- no WG decision on their status has been recorded that the Chairs 
can find.  Therefore, this is not a reopening of any issue - it is a 
clarification necessary to meeting our own self-imposed requirements:

  The current proposal, by Jeremy [2], is to include all of

3.3  Discussion of fixing inconsistency with respect to Owl Lite and 
defined classes.

The chairs are NOT at this time agreeing to reopen the issue of 
whether defined (complete) classes are in Owl Lite.  However, Jeremy 
has identified an inconsistency in our technical solution with 
respect to what graphs are in Owl Lite and what aren't [3].  The 
purpose of this bullet is to examine where we stand, identify the 
inconsistency and see if we can decide on a technical approach to 
resolving it.

4.0 AOB

[1] owl2.gif is a work in progress - start towards and eventual logo 
- no official status of any kind at this point, subject to change, 
for your own amusement only


Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-731-3822 (Cell)

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2003 13:02:47 UTC