www-style@w3.org from April 2010 by subject

[CSS, idea] Animations *are* Transitions.

[css-flexbox] Summary of planned changes to Flexbox Module

[css2.1] Issue 161 revised proposal

[CSS21] 10.3.7 & 10.6.4 - Absolutely positioned elements and incompatible offsets

[CSS21] Clearance paradox

[css21] Encoding issue, chapter 12

[CSS21] stack level definitions in 9.9.1

[css3-animations] Property Naming Proposals

[css3-animations] Splitting up concepts of "animations"

[css3-background] border-image-repeat 'extend' keyword?

[css3-background] border-radius and outlines

[css3-background] box-shadow spread radius and rounded corners

[css3-background] box-shadow syntax

[css3-background] Curved borders intersecting backgrounds of inner boxes

[css3-background]Positioning of box-shadow blurs?

[css3-color] #rrggbbaa annotation

[css3-color] #rrggbbaa annotation, do we need to change the process?

[css3-flexbox] Flexbox issues

[css3-flexbox] Flowing table cells

[css3-fonts] Character Variant features

[css3-fonts] same-origin restriction definition

[css3-fonts] various comments and typos

[css3-layout] New WD for Template Layout

[css3-mediaqueries] Touch enabled devices

[css3-mediaqueries][cssom] Empty media queries in stylesheets and the DOM

[css3-page] Stability of sections of Paged Media

[css3-text-layout] New editor's draft - margin-before/after/start/end etc.

[css3-text-layout] writing-mode issues and requests

[css3-transitions] Adding keyframes to transitions

[css3-transitions] Back-tracking transition-timing-function

[css3-transitions] transitioning to/from auto value

[css3-values] (Editorial) Possible contradiction with css3-color?

[CSS3-Values] Get Width of Styled Text

[css3-values] Proposal for auto fitting value for height and width

[css3-values] The 'calc' function

[CSS3] horizontal/vertical-align ?

[cssom] Comments on "Serializing Selectors"

[cssom] CSS Value API

[CSSOM] getClientRects should work on collapsed ranges in elements

[cssom] getComputedStyle and elements outside the tree

[cssom] Issues found in the selector serialization algorithm

[CSSOM] issues with cssText and selectorText

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2010-04-14

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2010-04-21

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Cupertino F2F Monday 2010-03-29

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Cupertino F2F Tuesday 2010-03-30

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Cupertino F2F Wednesday 2010-03-31

A review on CSS3 module dependencies

Additivity Was: transitions vs. animations

Animations in CSS or the DOM - what does the DOM community say?

Another attempt at solving the @page problem (issue 71)

Another cut on the Character-Transform Property

Apology about SPAM sent through my e-mail address

Are CSS animations a done deal?

Automatic container/wrapping

CSS WG comments on View Modes Media Feature spec

CSS3 Border image

CSS3 reference

CSS3: Suggestion for another list-style-type


Do we need to change the process?

Extending CSSOM Views matchMedium with callback

Extending CSSOM Views matchMedium with callback Re: CSS WG comments on View Modes Media Feature spec

Flexbox - box orientation

Frameset/Frame Specification Amendment (HTML+CSS)

Fwd: Re: Display

Proposal: layered CSS background (SVG, png)

Removal of other semantic elements

Request for Comments: LCWD of View Mode Media Feature; deadline 18 May 2010

Reversing a keyframe

Seeking pre-LCWD comments for View Modes Media Feature; deadline March 17

Select elements based on text content

Single-line comments

Splitting 'display'

Styling of form controls

Suggestion: A new text attribute to scale the size of text to follow the size of a box

T&A thoughts

template layout edits

Thoughts on implementing the HTML5 <details> element with pure CSS

Transitions and Animation merging: problem summary

transitions vs. animations

vendor prefixes considered harmful

Version of CSS?

Last message date: Friday, 30 April 2010 23:57:08 UTC