Re: CSS3: Suggestion for another list-style-type

"Tab Atkins Jr." <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> We had a brief discussion about it during a break in our meetings
> yesterday, though, and think that your original suggestion (allowing
> list-style-type to take a string) is a good idea.  We'll be reviving
> the Lists module in the near future, and there's a good chance we'll
> add that functionality.

That's great news.

>  Even though it's easy to just use the content
> property for this, allowing it in list-style-type means that it will
> cascade properly with other list-style-type declarations.


"Brad Kemper" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> A few of us did, anyway (it wasn't part of the minuted meeting
> of everyone present). I also posed the idea of list-style-type
> being a sort of shorthand for ::marker { content: \ 2022; },
> but that causes problems with the cascade.

I understand. As far as I can see, ::marker is the only element with 
generated textual content, allowing two rules to contradict each other. 

Received on Thursday, 1 April 2010 10:53:20 UTC