Re: [css3-background] Curved borders intersecting backgrounds of inner boxes

"Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:
> While I am extremely sympathetic to this view, and would love to
> support it, I agree with dbaron right now that there's no sane way to
> distinguish between when an element should clip its children to the
> curve (even without overflow:visible) and when it shouldn't.

Can you come up with an example where it shouldn't clip the background
(not the content) of an inner box? I presently can't think of one.

> I certainly *have* gotten bad renderings before from this effect, I
> just don't think we we can do anything sane to treat it.  At least
> it's an easy fix when it happens (just pop a border-radius on the
> relevant corners of the child, too).

You can't match the inner curve of an outer box's border with
border-radius on an inner box, unless the inner box's border rectangle
happens to be exactly the same size as the outer box's padding


Received on Monday, 12 April 2010 15:55:16 UTC