Re: Are CSS animations a done deal?

2010-04-05 12:32, sam skrev:
> Being able to specify styles as declaration blocks in CSS as a class and
> reference/apply them in JS via className is good (but maybe class name
> is not the right mechanism to expose declaration blocks to JS enviroment).

Let's consider what developers are going to want to do:

1. Apply animations to any kind of event. (A desire augmented by the 
fact that there is no hover on the iDevices...)

2. Change animation properties, like individual rules in a key frame.
Not possible at all with the current proposal.

3. Use animations for effects that are not pure eye candy, and thus 
carry some kind of information. Where is the fallback or better yet the 
built in accessibility for this?

Declaring animation properties in JSON and applying the animations in 
DOM-events addresses these three concerns:

1. Although no new functionality is added this way, the solution is 
cleaner. At least, IMO.

2. It makes this possible. Currently it is not.

3. It integrates better with ARIA and other accessibility techniques.

That last point needs some careful evaluation, and indeed the whole 
issue of animation needs some accessibility evaluation, but it seems to 
be an easier path to me upon first inspection.

Lars Gunther

Received on Monday, 5 April 2010 15:34:01 UTC