from November 2007 by subject

... source element (description) ...


<a href=##mark> (and <a href=##:mark> )

@contenteditable versus <richtext>

[ACTION-28] Binding Timetable for HTML5 FPWD

[homework] summary of the video (and audio) codec discussion

[wbs] response to 'Accept requirement for immediate mode graphics a la canvas element?'

[whatwg] Feedback on the ping="" attribute (ISSUE-1)

A bit of electioneering on the <canvas> charter issue

About media=handheld?

accessibility of video element

adding &rle;,... for bidi (was: Re: Joint meeting at TPAC from HTML and i18n core WG minutes 2007-11-09)

An Overview of SMIL Timing and Media Attributes for Audio and Video Objects.

another table example

ARIA and URI based extensibility, part I (ACTION-11)

ARIA States and Properties Meeting

Author-readable descriptions of HTML5 attribute value syntaxes

Charmod NONconformance and superset encodings

Charmod NONconformance and superset encodings (was: Re: Joint meeting at TPAC from HTML and i18n core WG minutes 2007-11-09)

Comments on the HTML 5 Web Dev Guide

Community input Re: A bit of electioneering...

Conformance requirements for accept-charset

contenteditable and designMode

Data Tables at November 2007 Meeting (Presentation)

designMode and event listeners (detailed review of Editing)

Doug's Intro Proposal - Re: HTML 5 Authoring Guidelines Proposal

DRAFT minutes of joint session on ARIA embedding 6 November 2007

Drawing agenda item for TPAC Re: some review of HTML 5 charset details w.r.t. W3C Character Model

Experiences at HTMLWG Meeting, November 2007

External conformance dependency in forms

Feedback on "Offline Web Applications" (Editor's Draft 17 November 2007)

Feedback on the ping="" attribute (ISSUE-1)

Format for type attribute value

Getting started with issue tracking

Gigantoredesignorrific changes to the Database API

Graceful degradation of sectioning elements

HDP: update

Hierarchical link types

How to Contribute to the HTML5 Guide

HTML 5 Authoring Guidelines Proposal

HTML 5 Authoring Guidelines Proposal the use of the section element and its potential impact on

HTML 5 Authoring Guidelines Proposal the use of the section element and its potential impact on screen reader users

HTML Design Principles to WD?

HTML syntax

HTML syntax (was: Re: Proposal for developing HTML 5 materials for Web *authors*)

HTML WG Teleconference 29 November

Identifying people at November 2007 meeting

IMPORTANT: your message to public-html

ins and del elements

ISSUE-1 (PINGPOST): hyperlink auditing requires use of unsafe HTTP method

ISSUE-10 (video-smil): how similar should SMIL and <video> attribute names be? [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-11 (default-encoding): default character encoding [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-12 (test-case-file-names): File naming format for test cases

ISSUE-13 (handling-http-401-status): Handling HTTP status 401 responses / User Agent Authentication Forms [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-14 (aria-role): Integration of WAI-ARIA roles into HTML5 [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-15 (immediate-mode-graphics): Immediate Mode Graphics [HTML Principles/Requirements]

ISSUE-16 (offline-applications-sql): charter doesn't solicit SQL expertise [HTML Principles/Requirements]

ISSUE-17 (media-queries-tab-preprocessing): Vertical tab preprocessing for media queries [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-18 (html-design-principles): HTML Design Principles [W3C publications]

ISSUE-19 (html5-spec): HTML 5 specification release(s) [W3C publications]

ISSUE-2 (PINGUI): Practicability of UI requirements for hyperlink auditing [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-2, was: Feedback on the ping="" attribute

ISSUE-20 (table-headers): Improvements to the table-headers algorithm in the HTML 5 spec [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-21 (web-forms-file-upload-space-character): Space in pseudo-BNF for accept attribute for file upload controls [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-22 (web-forms-file-upload-type-subtype-rfc): Web Forms 2 File Upload type & subtype RFC Reference should refer to RFC 2616 [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-23 (web-forms-urlencoded-form-content-type-encoding): External conformance dependency in forms

ISSUE-3 (style-attribute): conformance of element level style attributes [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-4 (html-versioning): HTML Versioning and DOCTYPEs [HTML Principles/Requirements]

ISSUE-5 (button-type-radio): Is there a need to expand the available <button> types to include 'radio' or 'toggle'? [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-6 (videoaudio): Pros and cons of keeping video and audio in the scope of the HTML working group [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-7 (video-codecs): <video> codec [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-8 (videosync): Address concerns about synchronization of multiple videos [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-9 (video-synchronization): how synchronization works for <video> is unclear [HTML 5 spec]

Joint meeting at TPAC from HTML and i18n core WG minutes 2007-11-09

Manifest file format, was: Feedback on "Offline Web Applications" (Editor's Draft 17 November 2007)

Minutes for i18n HTML WG session together with i18n activity

minutes HTML WG teleconference 2007-11-01T16:00:00Z

mixing Block and Inline children

New HTML WG technical contact

Offline Web Applications NOTE proposal (ISSUE-16)

Opera: @media projection { .slide: page-break-after:always; }

photos for meeting attendance records, please

Proposal for developing HTML 5 materials for Web *authors*

Proposal: standardize browser specific CSS include

protocol [was: Re[2]: Feedback on the ping="" attribute (ISSUE-1) ]

Release "HTML Design Principles" as a W3C Working Draft

Remove Commercial References in Current Draft

Request for clarification on HTML 5 publication status (ISSUE-19)

Request for review on Access Control for Cross-site Requests

Response on canvas-requirement survey

section 3.5.3 scrollIntoView

Smoothness between rational and xml (was: Gigantoredesignorrific changes to the Database API)

some review of HTML 5 charset details w.r.t. W3C Character Model

Space in pseudo-BNF for accept attribute for file upload controls

Spec for email addresses with IDNs?

SQL API -- named arguments

SQL API -- statement syntax

Storage API

style attribute, only on font?

suggestions for default character encoding section

SURVEY: Accept requirement for immediate mode graphics a la canvas element?

SURVEY: Accept requirement for immediate mode graphics a la canvas element? (timestamps)

taking HDP seriously

taking HDP seriously (was Re: HTML Design Principles to WD?)

the editors and issue tracking (Re: Getting started with issue tracking)

The only name for the xml serialisation of html5

The section element

TPAC minutes

Typo in description of <li value="xx">

Unconference topic suggestion: Conformance checker tests

use of character entities (was: Re: Joint meeting at TPAC from HTML and i18n core WG minutes 2007-11-09)

Users & Requirements for Intro Docs? - Re: Feedback on "Offline Web Applications"

Vertical tab preprocessing for media queries

via Google and relevant to ARIA: Introducing AxsJAX -- Access-Enabling AJAX

Whitespace before <head>

Why splitting HTML5 into several specs has failed to work (Was: Request for clarification on HTML 5 publication status)

xhtml version with role, and aria- ...

Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2007 23:47:32 UTC