About media=handheld?

Hello list,

Yann Hamon - long time subscriber, first time contributor ( I am ont of the
"invited experts").
I just wanted to raise my concerns that I see more and more websites
developed especially for... the iphone, and other mobile devices. The french
website http://www.liberation.fr/  recently developed
http://iphone.liberation.fr/ (sigh) - and a lot more are going the same way.

HTML4 defines a set of basic HTML data types:
It also defines a "handheld" type:
*handheld*Intended for handheld devices (small screen, monochrome, bitmapped
graphics, limited bandwidth).Nowadays handheld devices are neither
monochrome nor limited to bitmaps, in fact the iphone is probably the first
one of many to integrate a mobile browsers (moko, android, and probably
other  to come). As these data types are defined in the html4 spec, I
thought this remark would be relevant for this list, sorry if I am mistaken.

In the future, I want to make my website available to mobile devices using
only an alternative stylesheet, as I currently already do for printing. Any
way this could be redefined and clarified for HTML5? :

*handheld*Intended for handheld devices (small screen, limited bandwidth,
reduced amount of colours).
So that it would be suitable for iphones, moko's, nokia 800... etc.


Received on Friday, 30 November 2007 23:47:32 UTC