Remove Commercial References in Current Draft

Hi, Ian-

Now that the current document is being reviewed for publication as a 
official W3C Public Working Draft, I think it's prudent to remove 
references to commercial content or products which may be taken as 
endorsement by W3C, and is thus inappropriate for a W3C specification. 
Direct quotes from (possibly) copyrighted material may be considered 
"fair use", but the spec should err on the side of caution, as we don't 
want any legal hassles.

Most of the examples are already in the suggested "" 
form, but I noticed a few that are more questionable and should be 
replaced with original content.  Here's a short non-exhaustive list:

3.8.8. The header element
* reference to "Night's Dawn" book trilogy
* reference to game called Voidwars

3.9.4. The dialog element
* dialog by Abbot and Costello

3.12.9. The abbr element
* reference to Stargate TV series

3.14.2. The img element
* reference to Pixar
* reference to Web site
* reference to iPhone
(Note that the "The Lady of Shalott" reference in this section is a good 
use of an example, since I think the original copyright has probably 
expired even under the attenuated US copyright law.)

-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Sunday, 4 November 2007 07:31:07 UTC