Re: Proposal for developing HTML 5 materials for Web *authors*

On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:47:21 +0100, Justin Thorp <> wrote:
> I haven't heard anyone say that we don't need materials for HTML5 Web  
> authors.
> So instead of just debating the details, how do we get this ball  
> rolling?  What is the process for getting this task force started?
> Over in WAI, when we do task forces, we usually work up some type of  
> task force statement that includes things like objectives, communication  
> methods, and participation expectations.  The task force work statement  
> is then approved by the WG.
> I'd be happy to help draft something.

I wonder if we really need a Task Force for this. So far nobody other than  
Hixie and I have drafted introductory documents to HTML 5. It seems that  
volunteers to do such a thing need to be found first. And not just  
volunteers, people who actually will drive the work and ideally are  
working on such a document already.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 15:05:03 UTC