ISSUE-2 (PINGUI): Practicability of UI requirements for hyperlink auditing [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-2 (PINGUI): Practicability of UI requirements for hyperlink auditing  [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Julian Reschke
On product: HTML 5 spec

In Hyperlink auditing the spec currently states:

"User agents should allow the user to adjust this behaviour, for example in conjunction with a setting that disables the sending of HTTP Referer headers. Based on the user's preferences, UAs may either ignore the ping attribute altogether, or selectively ignore URIs in the list (e.g. ignoring any third-party URIs)." --;%20charset=iso-8859-1#hyperlink0

However, alpha versions of the first(?) UA to implement this, Firefox 3, currently have no UI for that, yet the feature is enabled. See developer discussion at <>.

Having a "should" requirement to expose "ping" in the UI, while implementors do not implement that in practice, is problematic.

Received on Saturday, 3 November 2007 08:56:49 UTC