from April 2011 by subject

[Bug 12408] New: review comment tool buggy. help button mostly hidden off right edge of screen. purpose of button labeled "27A1" unclear.

[Bug 12409] New: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12410] New: fillText needs stricter definitions so that it's 100% uniform

[Bug 12412] New: As specified, video can't be disabled. This is needed for "video mute". Suggested solution: Move "enable" and "disable" from MultipleTrackList to TrackList.

[Bug 12413] New: Handling of <table border=0> is incompatible with the Web

[Bug 12414] New: Does the srclang imply a lang attribute for the track element? If that's the idea, please say it explicitly. Otherwise, please add lang attributes to the example of a video element with track attributes, as the label attribute values should have their lan

[Bug 12415] New: this should not be unsigned long if it has to return -1 in case nothing is selected.

[Bug 12416] New: isEnabled in exclusive track lists should probably be renamed to something like selectedIndex or selectedTrack.

[Bug 12417] New: HTML5 is missing attribute for specifying translatability of content

[Bug 12418] New: "dispatched when" for seeking event is out of sync with normative text

[Bug 12419] New: According to the spec, the term “Garage Door Opener”, not “GDO” is being defined in the example.

[Bug 12422] New: ewrwerweewf wefw ef

[Bug 12423] New: Setting .value on a textarea should set the dirty flag to true

[Bug 12424] New: Setting .value on a textarea should set the dirty flag to true

[Bug 12425] New: User interface of temporal media fragment URI in @src of video element

[Bug 12426] New: 4. Effect when @src of video element contains temporal media fragment URI and @loop

[Bug 12427] New: User interface of spatial media fragment URI in <img> or <video> resource, or in browser navigation

[Bug 12429] New: Should cloning properties preserve configurability, readonlyness, etc?

[Bug 12430] New: possible typo: newlines inside tags

[Bug 12431] New: possible typo: newlines inside tags

[Bug 12432] New: Would it be fair to say that making html5 documentation available in a convenient compressed archive would not be such a difficult task for a great big organization like w3c? And wouldn't it also be fair to say that even the famous w3c has a lame web serv

[Bug 12434] New: Spec doesn't match IE when calling insertAdjacentHTML with position afterend or beforebegin on head or body

[Bug 12435] New: remove simonp from acks

[Bug 12436] New: Fix heading in changelogs section

[Bug 12437] New: Change <video src="ogg"></video> to <video src="example.webm"></video>

[Bug 12440] New: This should block every Document member, not just HTMLDocument, unless specified otherwise elsewhere.

[Bug 12441] New: Can arg1 of drawImage be just Element? If so, it can capture some of rendered subtree elements.

[Bug 12442] New: I think that for the first level of article h1 {…}, the size should be left as normal. For example, If I start my article immediately after the body then I would put an h1 in with the title of the document on the page, often followed by an h2 with a sub

[Bug 12443] New: DataTransfer's setData() and clearData() should return booleans

[Bug 12444] New: Canvas rendering should be done in linear color space (gamma 1) and the result displayed in sRGB color space (approximately gamma 2.2)

[Bug 12446] New: should make sure we define that if you pushState() or replaceState() on a non-GET-like resource, it turns into a GET-like resource (e.g. for reload purposes)

[Bug 12447] New: history.pushState / replaceState's title parameter is unsatisfactory

[Bug 12448] New: The style element (Korean description error) scoped 속성이 "없는" 경우: 플로우 컨텐츠 If the scoped attribute is present: flow content. 오타입니다. scoped 속성이 있는 경우 flow content가 됩니다.

[Bug 12449] New: The definition of the IDL attribute text is misleading, since the syntax allows only text inside a title element. The attribute should be defined as a synonym for innerText (for this element). Existing browsers treat markup inside title element as charact

[Bug 12452] New: Make sure acknowledgements are updated

[Bug 12453] New: dfgdfg fgfdgfdgdfgdfg ddsfd dfds dfsfdfd sdfsfds fdsfds dsf dsfdsf

[Bug 12456] New: On some web-hostings authors cannot use/manage real HTTP headers. So there must be an opportunity to point out some more "http-equiv" document properties: media (content-)type - application/xhtml+xml, 'cache-control', perhaps 'last-modified' and 'expires'

[Bug 12459] New: no pueden poner en opera un MEJOR ''status bar''(o como se llame) para ver la velocidad y como va la pagina al subir???

[Bug 12460] New: no pueden poner en opera un MEJOR ''status bar''(o como se llame) para ver la velocidad y como va la pagina al subir???

[Bug 12461] New: no pueden poner en opera un MEJOR ''status bar''(o como se llame) para ver la velocidad y como va la pagina al subir???

[Bug 12462] New: no pueden poner en opera un MEJOR ''status bar''(o como se llame) para ver la velocidad y como va la pagina al subir???

[Bug 12463] New: html5 web form

[Bug 12465] New: Can it be added that the poster image (if defined) should continue to show until video is played for the first time? Safari currently shows the first frame of the video as soon as it's available (when preloading) while other browsers continue to show the

[Bug 12466] New: Why the word pop? Seems so ambiguous. I would have gone with statechange, or historychange. I'd like to know the reason behind the decision for popstate?

[Bug 12467] New: dfsdfasd asdf adf

[Bug 12468] New: This could be more precise for <font size=7>. CSS 3 Fonts says that the corresponding size is 3.0em, so why not say that here too?

[Bug 12469] New: Dynamic Cross-Site Scripting and Page Repainting

[Bug 12470] New: In the last paragraph, please add the word "vertical", since the intent is apparently that _vertical_ margins at the top or bottom of body, td, or th elements be collapsed to zero. That's what browsers do in quirks mode. But horizontal margins are honored

[Bug 12471] New: Please consider changing the expected rendering of abbr[title] and acronym[title] to use border-bottom instead of text-decoration: dotted underline, which has much more limited support (being in CSS3 Text, not CSS 2.1), conflicts with existing browser def


[Bug 12473] New: The abstract of the Living Standard™ multipage spec should remove the <device> element reference to match the kitchen sink spec.

[Bug 12475] New: Implemented in Opera 11.10 -

[Bug 12476] New: Trying to build forms it's disappointing that you can't wrap a form element around most table elements like rows, headers or footers, for example. That prevents you from easily creating submit inputs (like save and delete) for each individual data record

[Bug 12477] New: The abstract does not match the contents, as there does not seem to by any reference to a video element anywhere except in the abstract.

[Bug 12478] New: From the current text, it is ambiguous whether implementors should use a white list or a black list for defining acceptable URL schemes and MIME-types. If completely arbitrary, unknown URL schemes and MIME-types (application/hoobaflooba, hoobaflooba:) are

[Bug 12479] New: The intro indicates that this spec is what "used to be" HTML5, but there are still references to "version 5" (This specification defines version 5 of DOM HTML) which is now more confusing than when it _was_ HTML 5 and version 5 of the DOM. Is the DOM real

[Bug 12480] New: PDF print versions:

[Bug 12481] New: PDF print versions: Letter: I trie to open this link in Microsoft IE Browser 9 with Adobe X 10.0.1; Call back from browser sted this PDF file was damaged. In other words the file would not

[Bug 12482] New: When is a media element created?

[Bug 12483] New: No provision for allowing the UA to remember muted state of videos

[Bug 12484] New: typo in

[Bug 12485] New: Should the TrackList, MultipleTrackList and ExclusiveTrackList be NoInterfaceObjects?

[Bug 12486] New: "Editable" would be simpler if you defined it recursively, like: "An HTML element is editable if either its contenteditable attribute is set to the true state, or it is the root element of a Document that has designMode enabled, or its contenteditable att

[Bug 12487] New: It's not so clear how editability interacts with non-HTML elements. If an HTML element has contenteditable=true and its parent is a non-HTML element, is the HTML element an editing host? (The spec implies no, which seems wrong.) If an HTML element is e

[Bug 12488] New: Use <time> to add publishing dates for the docs of the Reference section.

[Bug 12489] New: Conversion example of Julian/proleptic Greogrian date issues

[Bug 12490] New: potential conflict between Link: and <link> semantics

[Bug 12491] New: This section is useful for authors. Don't hide it behind class=impl (maybe hide just "that must be")

[Bug 12492] New: In the article element definition, the nested article exemple should use <ol>

[Bug 12495] New: please mark the reference to RFC1345 as non-normative

[Bug 12496] New: "muted" is missing from the attribute summary table

[Bug 12497] New: "allow-top-navigation" is missing from the valid values of "sandbox" in the attribute summary table

[Bug 12498] New: <audio> and <video> are missing muted="" in the element summary table

[Bug 12499] New: I think it would be better if required attribute wasnt boolean type. This attribute should set text, which is showed when textfield is required.

[Bug 12500] New: "Previous Versions" not updated

[Bug 12501] New: Describe the loop attribute on <marquee>

[Bug 12502] New: Note about 1-to-1 relationship if (inner) Window and Document contradicts normative prose

[Bug 12503] New: Complex Ruby needs to be added to the specification:

[Bug 12504] New: lame super lame

[Bug 12505] New: step 9, step 4, the node is set before or after?

[Bug 12506] New: There is no border element, should be table

[Bug 12507] New: <html b:version='2' class='v2' dir='ltr'>

[Bug 12508] New: Unclear how to handle <link href> when the href value is only whitespace

[Bug 12511] New: ) what was previously the HTML5, HTML4, XHTML1, and DOM2 HTML specifications.

[Bug 12512] New: Section facets selected

[Bug 12513] New: add specification for <meta name="viewport" ...>

[Bug 12514] New: This section is non-normative. In order to enable users to continue interacting with Web applications and documents even when their network connection is unavailable — for instance, because they are traveling outside of their ISP's coverage area —

[Bug 12515] New: Only a box is seen in 'Glyph', not a letter.

[Bug 12516] New: Only a box is seen in 'Glyph', not a letter.

[Bug 12517] New: from the wording here, it sounds like this whole section belongs in the XML spec not the HTML spec. so why is it here if I must not use it in HTML documents? This /is/ an HTML spec after all...

[Bug 12518] New: why is there a section on XHTML in an HTML spec? unless you are going to provide a way to use it. in HTML... I guess I don't understand.

[Bug 12519] New: prova commento per capire il funzionamento

[Bug 12520] New: Why the word dirty for the arguments to putImageData? Normally, dirty refers to something that has changed, and I think that connotation infers that the rectangle may not be copied if it hasn't changed. However, that is not the case, as far as I can tell

[Bug 12521] New: The document.readyState authoring usage note doesn't match the implementation requirements

[Bug 12523] New: Meow meow, meow. Meow? mOew.

[Bug 12524] New: It would be nice if you could see the pretty glowing lines

[Bug 12525] New: Probably several of these are not good indicators. I think at least <th> and cellspacing/cellpadding are not good indicators. Needs more research.

[Bug 12526] New: image verbiage

[Bug 12527] New: no formal definition for allowed id syntax

[Bug 12529] New: Fix HAVE_METADATA and HAVE_CURRENT_DATA when seeking and at playback end

[Bug 12530] New: Make TrackList an Array-like list of Track objects and move get* into those

[Bug 12531] New: Change the way that select tag and its height works

[Bug 12532] New: is the best way to work

[Bug 12533] New: Being able to control what the user agent is creating on a command would be useful. Otherwise I have to listen to DOM mutation events or parse my editable text to find out.

[Bug 12536] New: measureText() needs to return the height as well as the width.

[Bug 12537] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 12538] New: Need a name attribute for the toppings?

[Bug 12539] New: The numeric references to produce the gyphs in the third column should use the characters listed in the second columns. lang (and aliases) list (correctly) U+27ea, but the glyph is produced by #9001 (U+2329) which is not in normal form C and generates va

[Bug 12541] New: The asynchronous behaviour of steps 5-12 causes unexpected, unwanted behaviour when getting the currentTime immediately after it's been set.

[Bug 12543] New: Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12544] New: MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12545] New: MEDIA CONTROLLER requires loop attribute for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12546] New: MEDIA CONTROLLER requires autoplay attribute for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12547] New: MEDIA CONTROLLER requires readyState for grouped multitrack

[Bug 12548] New: MEDIA CONTROLLER requires onended event

[Bug 12549] New: At 7:07 AM (Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 12:07:00 PM UTC) the link to the "html-letter.pdf" document provides a PDF file that cannot be loaded (by Chrome or by OS X Preview). The "html-a4.pdf" is fine and can be loaded; just the "html-letter.pdf" is broke

[Bug 12550] New: testing javascript bug; please ignore this message.

[Bug 12551] New: In the sentence "To help users with this [...]", the word "dilineate" should read "delineate". Moreover, the parenthetic remark "(non-conforming)" before the words "layout table" should be removed, as layout tables are now conforming (discouraged, but all

[Bug 12555] New: The informative note has contents that should be clearer in the normative text. Namely, a regular expression with alternate branches (a|ab) will match the string 'ab' in a more "greedy" way if compiled as the informative note suggests. As-is, implementat

[Bug 12556] New: Define how currentTime is updated in terms of tasks

[Bug 12557] New: add heading to the list of allowed roles for hx's

[Bug 12559] New: Make paused true at playback end

[Bug 12560] New: Not sure if this is the right place for such a comment, but although support for an external text file for subtitles or captions is a great addition to the standard I would also recommend that display of embedded track data already injected into the media

[Bug 12561] New: Add the @action in the <form> so that there is a way to submit to the same page

[Bug 12562] New: ARIA role example used as a conformance error is not a conformance error in HTML5

[Bug 12563] New: Make standard to play these codecs in <video>

[Bug 12564] New: This, for me is definately the way to go with text tracks. Since the text is embedded in the media file "In-Band" it means the content never gets lost. This is how we treat audio with video and is how DVD treated text too. Some devices such as iOS may not

[Bug 12565] New: This section should clarify whether the following code should work: 'document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].setAttribute("manifest", "offline.manifest");'

[Bug 12566] New: draft-ietf-httpstate-cookie published as RFC 6265

[Bug 12567] New: "return the value obtained using the following steps" doesn't specify that it refers to "determine the value of a named property" in WebIDL

[Bug 12568] New: A diagram might be helpful.

[Bug 12569] New: "Resource" Package Support

[Bug 12570] New: Missing normative reference to PDF

[Bug 12575] New: add "is a boolean attribute" to definition of muted attribute for the video element

[Bug 12576] New: Need clarification on tokenization of html 5 doc.

[Bug 12577] New: Offline Web applications: we should discourage the inclusion of the main page in the manifest

[Fwd: Re: PUT and DELETE methods in 200 code]

[Licensing] Request to evaluate candidate HTML Document license (known as "Option 3")

[media] CP relating to bug 11207

[media] Minutes - sub-team conference call 27 April 2011

[media] proposed a11y TF letter on issue-152

[Moderator Action] Re: author-only view of HTML5 and ACTION-190

[whatwg] Request for ideas

Accessibility Task Force consensus on Issue-152, media multitrack

Applying the ISSUE-131 decision

author-only view of HTML5 and ACTION-190

Browser inconsistencies in implementing name getters on forms and form element collections

Bug 11239

Bug 11239 proposed patch

CfC: Publish a first public WD

CfC: Publish eight heartbeat drafts as WDs

Change made to WAI-ARIA section

changes to headings in ARIA in HTML5

clarifications to issue 31 title as conforming when alt is omitted

Clearer decisions?

Correction Re: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-131 caret-location-api

CP is incoherent, and the decision is a vague change to the CP

device independent title attribute support in browsers

Draft HTML5 licensing survey

editors comments in the W3C HTML5 specification

example spec text for longdesc

False aria-describedby expectations in ARIA Authoring Practices (longdesc)

feedback on ISSUE-27 survey feedback, Re: ISSUE-27: rel-ownership - Straw Poll for Objections

feedback requested: Canvas change for improved hit testing that also facilitates accessibility

feedback requested: Canvas change for improved hit testing that also facilitates accessibility (resending larger fonts)

Fwd: Objection to generator decision (Re: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-31 / ISSUE-80 validation survey)

Fwd: Re: [link-relations] NEW RELATION REQUEST: Relation name: "archives"

GPL and DFSG Compatibility of Proposed Document Licences

How to get Content-Type?

HTML5 Licensing Preference Poll: Which license should be used for the W3C HTML5 specifications?

HTML5: The Markup Language Reference-Comments

HTMLImageElement -- use of SVG within <canvas>

Issue-152 (multitrack-media-resources): Call for Consensus

ISSUE-152 survey and Last Call schedule

ISSUE-27 survey feedback, was: Responses to objections to the Microformats rel registry CP

ISSUE-27: rel-ownership - Straw Poll for Objections

Issues the chairs overlooked in their review of the canvas accessibility API proposal for Issue 131

longdesc - beside the box

Longdesc - broader UA implementation (was: longdesc)

longdesc spec text

Metadata access

mistakes in WAI-ARIA section of HTML5

Mozilla Proposal for HTML5 Spec Licence

Mozilla Second Proposal for HTML5 Spec Licence

Need to: "preload" CSS and JS

New approach to HTML Media Capture

Newly-created browsing contexts and about:blank

Objection to generator decision (Re: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-31 / ISSUE-80 validation survey)

Participating in the development of the HTML standard

PDF as normative reference (was RE: HTMLImageElement -- use of SVG within <canvas>)

prefixes vs full URIs, Re: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-120 rdfa-prefixes

Proposal for Audio and Video Track Selection and Synchronisation for Media Elements

Proposal: Authentication Forms

PUT and DELETE methods in 200 code

question about the meta-generator exception

raising hgroup as an issue

RE : Metadata access

Request for ideas

Request to reopen ISSUE-120 rdfa-prefixes

Request to reopen ISSUE-120 rdfa-prefixes (was: Working Group Decision)

request to the HTML WG Chairs on ISSUE-129 aria-mapping

Responses to objections to the Microformats rel registry CP

Revert request for r5981, and moving forward on ISSUE-129

Revised draft HTML5 license survey

role="subheading" or role="subtitle" to replace hgroup

Systematic access to media/plugin metadata

tooltip listed under Don’t Use Unsupported iOS Technologies

W3C should drop bespoke licenses, adopt CC0 + OWFa instead (was Re: HTML License Options for Discussion)

Working Group Decision on 142 poster-alt

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-120 rdfa-prefixes

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-131 caret-location-api

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-144 conforming-u

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-147 playbackrate-undefined

Working Group Decision on Issue-152 multitrack-media-resources: Closed without Prejudice

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-155 table-border

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-161 accessibility-api-mapping by Amicable Resolution

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-27 rel-ownership

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-31 / ISSUE-80 requirements survey

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-31 / ISSUE-80 validation survey

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-31 / ISSUE-80 validation survey - formal objection to the title being conforming

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-31 / ISSUE-80 verbiage survey

Working Group Decision on ISSUE-32 table-summary

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2011-04-07: Issues, Surveys, Decisions and Publications

Last message date: Saturday, 30 April 2011 18:44:12 UTC