Re: Draft HTML5 licensing survey

On Monday 2011-04-25 20:39 +0000, Paul Cotton wrote:
> >My substantive comment is that I feel like I either need an option that says:
> > ( ) I can live with this option as long as the specification
> >     continues to be published at under a more liberal
> >     license; otherwise I cannot live with this license.
> >or clearer instructions on whether responders should assume that simultaneous publication at the WHATWG will continue.
> I believe the current survey (with radio buttons for each choice)
> would permit you to select your response for a license and then to
> provide any caveats in the Rationale field.  Does that meet your
> needs?

It does if it's clear which set of assumptions the survey is
assuming, that is, whether I should assume continued whatwg
publication when choosing the radio buttons and explain in the
comments how I'd respond given the lack of continued whatwg
publication, or the other way around.


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Monday, 25 April 2011 22:54:03 UTC