Re: PUT and DELETE methods in 200 code

On 05.04.2011 15:55, Cameron Heavon-Jones wrote:
> ...
> Ok, so the Accept header can only be used to define the format of the response.
> But isn't it the server's responsibility to define the content for each format? Why can a server not have the following mapping?
> PUT /user/123
> Accept: text/plain ->  "User created"
> Accept: application/xml ->  <xml><user id="123"/></xml>
> Accept: application/json ->  {id:123}
> Accept: text/html ->  <html>...</html>
> ...

Yes. But what do you return in the case of text/html? A status message? 
An HTML representation of the resource? An HTML representation of a form 
that can *edit* the resource?

The media type just doesn't tell you that.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 14:14:52 UTC