Re: role="subheading" or role="subtitle" to replace hgroup

Steve Faulkner, Fri, 8 Apr 2011 11:35:03 +0100:
> hi leif, 
> i would suggest a subheading attribute only be allowed
> on a sibling of a Hx, otherwise its ignored.

I suppose that's another reason why <hn subheading> would be better 
than <hn role=subheading>, because I doubt you would have suggested the 
same "but only if it is a sibling" rule for role="subheading".

How about allowing <Hn subheading> to also be immediately preceding?

(Suppose you mean adjacent sibling[1] and not general sibling.[2])

>>A @suheading attribute very easily looks like a
>> @does-not-affect-outline attribute. 
> thats what <hgroup> is, with the subheading you get an explicit 
> semantic to convey to a11y APIs
> i.e this is a "subheading" of its sibling heading

Btw, I find "subheading" a bit unclear word ... Subhead(ing) sometimes 
means just "a next level heading" or a "level 2" heading. Whereas what 
we are discussing is actually a kind of heading caption ...

So perhaps @hcaption would be a better name?

> can anyone provide real world examples where this:
> <h2>heading</h2>
> <h2 subheading>subheading<h2>
> would be ambiguous?

Regardless: <hgroup> allows the exact same "ambiguity". 
What about subheadings of subheadings?

<h3 subheading>subheading<h3>
<h4 subheading>subheading<h4>

leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 8 April 2011 11:48:32 UTC