from March 2006 by subject

"submission events" (was: Fwd: RE: "Tracking" submission progress?)

[Bug 198595], event.currentTarget and the this object are not set consistently in onload handlers of XMLHttpRequest and XMLDocument (fwd)

A few tweaks for ReSpec

ACTION-119: dblclick analysis

ACTION-11: got to love keypress

ACTION-24: Attribute mutation events

ACTION-48 Draft text for XHR listing commonly implemented properties and methods that we don't specify

ACTION-51: XMLHttpRequest and 403

ACTION-54: Whatwg restricts XHR more headers then we do

ACTION-61: text for embedding part of the Window object

ACTION-61: text for Window and ReferencingElement

ACTION-66: Mozilla XSLT DOM Interface

ACTION-70: Define the scope chain of onFoo events reference issue-1

ACTION-76: Build test case for understanding behaviour of redispatching cancelled and stopped events

ACTION-87: Selectors API

ACTION-91: mousewheel event

ACTION-98: what does resolve relative uris against

Asymptotic computational complexity bounds for DOM methods

Call for Java volunteers

Design of the Window test suite (was Re: Window 1.0 test suite)

DOM Events and disabled form controls

DOM Views confusion

DOM-Events: Non-bubbleable means non-capturable?

Example of breakage from capturing listeners not firing on target:

Face to face minutes

focus/blur events

Further update to Window Object 1.0, I think it's ready for first Working Draft

Fwd: Safari IDL for WheelEvent

I'll chair ... Re: Problem tonight & Agenda

in defence of listener discovery

in defence of listener discovery (ISSUE-32, ACTION-84)

ISSUE-30: mousewheel event

ISSUE-33: Multiple devices generating events

ISSUE-36: DOMContentLoaded?

ISSUE-37: Timers in window interface

ISSUE-38: Window doesn\'t have alert/confirm/prompt

ISSUE-39: Errors in XHR requests

ISSUE-40: DOM3EV: does dispatchEvent accept foreign Event objects?

ISSUE-41: Does XMLHttpRequest have constants for readyState? No.

ISSUE-42: missing text for arguments and return values

ISSUE-43: change to "common baseline"?

ISSUE-43: change to \"common baseline\"?

ISSUE-44: XHR: Overloading in the IDL

ISSUE-45: DOM3EV: Let\'s drop HTML Events

ISSUE-46: DOM3EV: createEvent case-(in)sensitive?

ISSUE-47: responseText is not always accessible when readyState < 3

ISSUE-48: Partial Information when in Receiving state

ISSUE-49: DOM3EV: dblclick event

ISSUE-50: Should capturing EventListeners registered on the target fire?

ISSUE-51: DOM3EV: mobile devices keyboard events additions

ISSUE-52: DOM3EV: DOMTimeStamp - Number or Date in ES?

ISSUE-53: License terms for IDL and bindings

ISSUE-54: non-issue regarding MouseEvent.button

ISSUE-55: wheelDelta DOM attribute for mousewheel event

ISSUE-56: horizontal and vertical wheeling

ISSUE-57: DOM3EV: Attr mutation events optional?

Minutes 2006-03-06

minutes 2006-03-13

Missing use cases for stopImmediatePropagation event ordering (was: Re: ACTION-70: Define the scope chain of onFoo events reference issue-1)

Multiple Pointers, Wheels, Etc.

New Window editor's draft, close to ready for first working draft

No arguments to XMLHttpRequest.send (ACTION-58)

No clipboard access (was Re: Safe copy and paste with scripts)

Normative requirements -was focus/blur events

onFoo and friends (ACTION-70)

passive Copy-and-Paste with scripts

Problem tonight & Agenda

Proposal for mousewheel events

Public access to WebAPI documents and issues

Public Web APIs WG IRC Channel

ReTest has landed

Safe copy and paste with scripts

Security was ACTION-54: Whatwg restricts XHR more headers then we do

SVG Liason on DOMFocusIn/Out

Timers in window interface

timeStamp and DOMTimeStamp

Updated Window draft

Window 1.0 test suite

XHR Redirects (ACTION-83)

XHR tests for HTTP methods (ACTION-50)

XMLHttpRequest security section draft

XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader with non-ASCII strings

Last message date: Friday, 31 March 2006 12:52:30 UTC