ISSUE-55: wheelDelta DOM attribute for mousewheel event

ISSUE-55: wheelDelta DOM attribute for mousewheel event

Raised by: Anne van Kesteren
On product: DOM 3 Events

Per previous resolutions we resolved to have a "wheel" event and that we'd call
it mousewheel. The event would generic. The issue regarding multiple directions
is ISSUE-33. There another open issue though with regard to what we do with
.wheelDelta. Possible options I see:

 (a) Don't mention it and use UIEvent.detail instead
 (b) Extend MouseEvent with wheelDelta
 (c) Have a special interface for mousewheel.
 (d) Do (a) but have wheelDelta in the ECMAScript binding mapped to
     UIEvent.detail in some way.

(When considering this it might be worth keeping in mind that other interfaces
also don't really have "every" attribute browsers implemented represented.)

Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 14:40:35 UTC