from August 2010 by subject

[Bug 10002] add fragment ID for the equivalence table in "Tokenizing character references"

[Bug 10003] In the vCard person's name example, the exclusion of quotes around itemprop=fn is inconsistent with the rest of the examples.

[Bug 10006] clearTimeout/clearInterval are not clear what the behaviour should be if handle is not in the list

[Bug 10011] "then the UA should obtain the resource" should say WHEN rel=stylesheet obtains the resource (when the element is created?)

[Bug 10012] Grammatical typo at the end: "Notice the user of footer to give information [in|before] each comment"

[Bug 10013] Details missing regarding contenteditable

[Bug 10015] longdesc URL checking

[Bug 10016] longdesc and @role (ARIA)

[Bug 10017] longdesc and @aria-describedby (ARIA)

[Bug 10019] Native user agent support for exposing longdesc to all users

[Bug 10023] Behavior of 'currentColor' in CanvasRenderingContext2D poorly defined

[Bug 10026] Scope attribute for TD

[Bug 10028] Adding informations about the bitrate of the video to the source element could allow user agent to select the right video in case the same format is available in different levels of quality.

[Bug 10029] I don't know where the error is only thing I know that in 3 different types of browsers this page runs slower than molasses

[Bug 10043] Why are true and false not allowed?

[Bug 10044] Should allow the SCOPE attribute on TD elements so do not have to create a class to override the TH element styles set automatically by browsers.

[Bug 10045] Is the AXIS attribute going to be supported? If so, should be applicable to TH and TD elements.

[Bug 10047] HTML5 parser possible compat problem with pages that use MathML elements in <mi>, <mo>, etc

[Bug 10051] s/A WebSRT cue text span, representing text of the cue./A WebSRT cue text span, representing *the* text of the cue."/?

[Bug 10053] how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation

[Bug 10054] Suggestions for HTML5

[Bug 10057] I do not like the "or do nothing" part, as the label is an really good aid for aiming at small form elemnts like a checkbox or radiobutton.

[Bug 10059] should allow a line terminator between </rt> and </ruby>

[Bug 10061] rt and rp elements end tags should not be allowed to be omitted

[Bug 10062] "If the attribute is specified, the attribute's value must be the ID of a . . ." No algorithm is given for what it means to "be the ID" of an element.

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10067] this only lists entities whose replacement text is a single character, for example many of the negated operators, for example

[Bug 10068] Suggest making noscript obsolete but conforming

[Bug 10069] Structured clone algorithm should throw something more informative than NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR

[Bug 10070] s/this specifications says/this specification says/

[Bug 10071] there should be a 'stop()' method or a 'clear()' method to clear the currently playing media because pause() doesnt clear it and setting the src to an empty string or null doesnt work

[Bug 10077] The <embed> should support an alt attribute. While the embedded content should provide for accessilibility of the embedded object, the developer doesn't always have control over those content, some embeddable formats are inherently less accessible, and th

[Bug 10081] Okay, so could you add a note explaining what kind of active Document is *not* "fully active"? After reading very carefully for a few minutes and pondering a bit, I *think* it would be a Document that is the active Document of its browsing context, but w

[Bug 10082] s/then the name argument/then the target argument/

[Bug 10083] Remove references to Microdata from within the document

[Bug 10085] should say what happens for negative values. test:

[Bug 10087] Replace "Obsolete but conforming" by "Deprecated"

[Bug 10090] "Removing then, or removing the entire sandbox attribute" -- should "then" be "them"?

[Bug 10091] As far as I can tell, nothing specifies what the intrinsic width/height/ratio for iframes should be. You'd assume it's the height/width/ratio of the document, but of course that's wrong unless the iframe is seamless.

[Bug 10092] "The transitive closure of all the browsing contexts that are directly reachable browsing contexts forms a unit of related browsing contexts." Since a browsing context is not a directly reachable browsing context of itself, this means that top-level brow

[Bug 10099] "Updates the current entry in the session histor to have" -- "histor" should be "history".

[Bug 10101] What does non-normative mean?

[Bug 10102] Can an option element be disabled by a fieldset@disabled ancestor?

[Bug 10103] s/that its namedItem() method returns an HTMLCollection object/that its namedItem() method returns an *HTMLAllCollection* object/

[Bug 10105] What about optgroup[disabled]>option? Not :disabled?

[Bug 10106] Define setter for selected

[Bug 10112] should also set focus on the clicked element? This is not clear from the steps given for the click() method

[Bug 10113] make </rt> optional (in syntax and parser)

[Bug 10114] Rather than having inline documentation for external scripts, what would be infinitely more useful would be the contents of a script tag with a src attribute should be executed upon the complete loading and execution of the remote script. Therefore <scrip

[Bug 10116] HTMLFrameElement is missing contentWindow attribute

[Bug 10122] re: resolving a step mismatch, it would be good to state that if two values are equally near to round up

[Bug 10126] The arc() function's last argument should be optional. Webkit doesn't require it, treating it as false if not provided.

[Bug 10132] A CanvasPattern object should have a way to offset the repitition of an image.

[Bug 10133] Use of this element requires passing a contextID string to getContext, but the standard does prescribe either (a) an enumeration of valid contextIDs or (b) a method to enumerat the contextIDs supported by a given UA. (b) should be a requirement of the sta

[Bug 10137] What criteria should browsers use to determine whether a URL's hash fragment differs from the previous one? Should the comparison be case-sensitive? Currently, all implementations of hashchange use case-sensitive comparisons except IE8, which uses a case-

[Bug 10149] [polyglot] i18n comment 1 : UTF-16 BOM is required

[Bug 10172] nofollow/noreferrer not allowed on <link>

[Bug 10173] Rendering of replaced content and foreign content

[Bug 10196] Relationship to xml:id

[Bug 10202] use of "codecs" parameter

[Bug 10204] The algorithm is unclear here whether we mean the "current node" at this point in time or the "current node" at the time the insertion occurs (which might be different). As an example, consider "<table><p><p>Foo". I think you mean the current element at

[Bug 10216] When inserting a <form> element in table we need to set the form element pointer to point to the element created.

[Bug 10217] EOF after foreign content can cause crash

[Bug 10221] Always coalesce adjacent text nodes even in the case where the previous node was not the one last inserted by the parser.

[Bug 10222] button appears twice in the list of special elements

[Bug 10223] Presumably button shouldn't appear in this list given that we have a notion of "in button scope" which explicitly adds button to this list...

[Bug 10224] please add IDs to each attribute row in "List of event handler content attributes" table

[Bug 10225] ugly prefix "href", why not use the lang directly?

[Bug 10228] write-neutralized is a horrible, horrible name

[Bug 10230] Decisions need to be made in timely manner

[Bug 10248] Canvas requires a Caret Drawing call method

[Bug 10249] Canvas requires a content selection method

[Bug 10251] Psuedo-Cascade of Multiple Accesskeys Definable for an Individual Element

[Bug 10252] HTML5 hard-binds "Action" to accesskey key-press

[Bug 10258] Spec should be more careful about UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE

[Bug 10260] Meta charset handling during the parse should special-case UTF-16 and reject non-ASCII supersets

[Bug 10268] baa baa blacksheep

[Bug 10276] change spellcheck IDL attribute back to boolean

[Bug 10279] New: please add "interactive" to domintro; add xref for "readystatechange" event

[Bug 10280] New: "the user agent must associate ... ***before*** inserting it wherever it is to be inserted." - does this imply the insertion might change the form owner by invoking "reset the form owner" algorithm? If so, please make it clearer.

[Bug 10281] New: Confusion bug in space ship game example: "Notice how the hyphenated attribute name becomes capitalized in the API." The word "capitalized" may confuse authors because it usually means something else than camel-cased. I suggest to use "camel-cased" instea

[Bug 10282] New: Typo: "overrride". Your nanny program told me "Please ensure that your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it", so I'm padding out my two-word report with meaningless garbage to trick it.

[Bug 10282] Typo: "overrride"

[Bug 10282] Typo: "overrride". Your nanny program told me "Please ensure that your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it", so I'm padding out my two-word report with meaningless garbage to trick it.

[Bug 10283] New: Restrict the permittance to use the META charset elemetn in XHTML5

[Bug 10283] Restrict the permittance to use the META charset elemetn in XHTML5

[Bug 10284] fuck and ya very fucking lessons...I was dosing...cant you make them interactive??

[Bug 10284] New: fuck and ya very fucking lessons...I was dosing...cant you make them interactive??

[Bug 10285] line 3 dijdw wow

[Bug 10285] New: line 3 dijdw wow

[Bug 10286] line 3 dijdw wow

[Bug 10286] New: line 3 dijdw wow

[Bug 10287] New: The definition for an ambiguous ambersand excludes known named character references, but fails to exclude valid decimal or hex numeric character references.

[Bug 10287] The definition for an ambiguous ampersand excludes known named character references, but fails to exclude valid decimal or hex numeric character references.

[Bug 10289] Limit to only known values

[Bug 10289] New: Limit to only known values

[Bug 10290] New: The type attribute needs to be restricted to only known values to match browser behavior.

[Bug 10290] The type attribute needs to be restricted to only known values to match browser behavior.

[Bug 10292] New: For XML documents, attributes from other namespaces (##other) should be allowed, but not validated (lax), on all html elements. This is to allow validating using XML schema for custom attributes (dojo:type, dojo:attach-point)

[Bug 10296] New: your page is unusable! Freezes firefox 3 on Windows and Mac!

[Bug 10296] your page is unusable! Freezes firefox 3 on Windows and Mac!

[Bug 10297] New: Update the definition from "a line break" to "a text-level thematic break."

[Bug 10297] Update the definition from "a line break" to "a text-level thematic break."

[Bug 10298] New: Update the definition from "a line break" to "a text-level thematic break."

[Bug 10298] Update the definition of BR from "a line break" to "a text-level thematic break."

[Bug 10301] HTMLOptionElement.text should not be identical to .textContent - causes interop issues with web content

[Bug 10301] New: HTMLOptionElement.text should not be identical to .textContent - causes interop issues with web content

[Bug 10306] New: Why is <01> not OK? It would make the parser simpler and allows zero-padding when using more than 9 voices.

[Bug 10306] Why is <01> not OK? It would make the parser simpler and allows zero-padding when using more than 9 voices.

[Bug 10308] New: wouldn't a minlength attrib be good to prevent 1 or 2 letter searches?

[Bug 10310] If I have a 100 by 100 pixel image and draw a filled rect of the same size at point {10, 10} the result is the bottom and right 90 pixels followed by the top and left 10 pixels. A way to offset the image so that it draws cleanly would be appreciated. A mo

[Bug 10310] New: If I have a 100 by 100 pixel image and draw a filled rect of the same size at point {10, 10} the result is the bottom and right 90 pixels followed by the top and left 10 pixels. A way to offset the image so that it draws cleanly would be appreciated. A mo

[Bug 10311] New: this is a nice article, if this article can also contain the server side image mapping example it would be better

[Bug 10312] New: "transport layer" -> something else; in TCP/IP context "transport layer" usually refers to TCP or UDP

[Bug 10313] If we're going to support direct access to RS232 devices, why not support USB devices?

[Bug 10313] New: If we're going to support direct access to RS232 devices, why not support USB devices?

[Bug 10314] New: "in cell" (secondary) insertion mode shows strange behavior for e.g. <table><tr><td><svg><td></td><td>, <table><tr><td><svg><tbody></tbody>

[Bug 10315] New: please allow "command" and "base" in "in head noscript" insertion mode so all void elements that might be handled in head-related insertion modes are treated in the same manner, which would simplify parser implementation a little

[Bug 10316] New: addCue(cue) listed twice, second instance should be removeCue(cue)

[Bug 10317] New: Wow....This is awesome

[Bug 10317] Wow....This is awesome

[Bug 10318] New: time element shouldn't alter the display value

[Bug 10318] time element shouldn't alter the display value

[Bug 10319] New: Wrong link to "RDFa Profile"

[Bug 10320] Allow an arbitrary string as the voice for forwards compatilbity

[Bug 10320] New: Allow an arbitrary string as the voice for forwards compatilbity

[Bug 10329] I guess this element would be helpful to user net attached printers and other devices like that

[Bug 10329] New: I guess this element would be helpful to user net attached printers and other devices like that

[Bug 10330] I guess this element would be helpful to user net attached printers and other devices like that

[Bug 10330] New: I guess this element would be helpful to user net attached printers and other devices like that

[Bug 10331] New: What do "defined to contain a URL" and "defined to contain one or more URLs" mean? There are some cases that are unclear. For instance, useMap can only contain (a subset of) valid URLs AFAICT, does that count? Also, obsolete stuff like applet.src has n

[Bug 10331] What do "defined to contain a URL" and "defined to contain one or more URLs" mean? There are some cases that are unclear. For instance, useMap can only contain (a subset of) valid URLs AFAICT, does that count? Also, obsolete stuff like applet.src has n

[Bug 10332] New: Shipping browsers don't have form.action reflect the DOM attribute exactly. Specifically, if the content attribute is the empty string, they generally return "" on an IDL get, not the current address. This contradicts the spec, but it would be confusing

[Bug 10332] Shipping browsers don't have form.action reflect the DOM attribute exactly. Specifically, if the content attribute is the empty string, they generally return "" on an IDL get, not the current address. This contradicts the spec, but it would be confusing

[Bug 10333] New: Spec form.encoding := form.enctype

[Bug 10334] Bad grammar here: should probably be "The size IDL attribute *is* limited to . . ."

[Bug 10334] New: Bad grammar here: should probably be "The size IDL attribute *is* limited to . . ."

[Bug 10335] New: a height property for the TextMetrics class would be extremely helpful; it is difficult to place text using a width value only.

[Bug 10338] End tag of </td> or </th> in "in cell" mode wrongly asserts current node will be "tr"

[Bug 10338] New: End tag of </td> or </th> in "in cell" mode wrongly asserts current node will be "tr"

[Bug 10340] New: The [OverrideBuiltins] annotation on the Window interface IDL block should be removed because it breaks sites

[Bug 10341] New: Please spec img.lowsrc

[Bug 10341] Please spec img.lowsrc

[Bug 10341] Please spec img.lowsrc IDL attribute

[Bug 10342] New: Make <wbr> element not conforming

[Bug 10343] New: width and height are said to be DOMStrings in this interface, but in fact Chrome, Firefox, and Opera all output "number" on this test. data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>alert(typeof document.createElement("video").width);</script>

[Bug 10343] width and height are said to be DOMStrings in this interface, but in fact Chrome, Firefox, and Opera all output "number" on this test. data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>alert(typeof document.createElement("video").width);</script>

[Bug 10344] col.span and colgroup.span should not be limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari all agree that this alerts "false" (didn't test in IE because it doesn't support data URLs properly, too lazy): data:text/

[Bug 10344] col.span, colgroup.span, textarea.cols, textarea.rows should not be limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero

[Bug 10344] New: col.span and colgroup.span should not be limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari all agree that this alerts "false" (didn't test in IE because it doesn't support data URLs properly, too lazy): data:text/

[Bug 10345] hspace and vspace on HTMLImageElement are signed long in DOM 2 HTML. Was there a good reason for the incompatible change to unsigned long?

[Bug 10345] New: hspace and vspace on HTMLImageElement are signed long in DOM 2 HTML. Was there a good reason for the incompatible change to unsigned long?

[Bug 10346] New: Shoudl define clas better: "may be used for labelling, styling or indicating meaning" c/f use of class in microformats

[Bug 10346] Should define 'class' better

[Bug 10350] Do not reward Microsoft's willful violation of standards by "codifying" them in this document

[Bug 10350] New: Do not reward Microsoft's willful violation of standards by "codifying" them in this document

[Bug 10351] New: """The stack of open elements cannot have both a td and a th element in table scope at the same time, nor can it have neither when the insertion mode is "in cell".""" - the second part of this is wrong in the fragment case

[Bug 10352] New: The range of unsigned long should be defined to be [0, 2147483647], since no browser allows setting to values outside that range. See <>. In the following test case, Mozilla, Chrome, and Safari output 0

[Bug 10352] The range of unsigned long should be [0, 2147483647], since no browser allows setting to values outside that range

[Bug 10352] The range of unsigned long should be defined to be [0, 2147483647], since no browser allows setting to values outside that range. See <>. In the following test case, Mozilla, Chrome, and Safari output 0

[Bug 10353] good work? no no amaizing work :)

[Bug 10353] New: good work? no no amaizing work :)

[Bug 10354] "Zero is not allowed" is unclear as normative text. What happens if you do an IDL get on size for <select size=0>? Does it return 0 or 1? Browsers disagree: Gecko and WebKit return 1, IE and Opera return 0. At least in the case of <select size=0>, ret

[Bug 10354] New: "Zero is not allowed" is unclear as normative text. What happens if you do an IDL get on size for <select size=0>? Does it return 0 or 1? Browsers disagree: Gecko and WebKit return 1, IE and Opera return 0. At least in the case of <select size=0>, ret

[Bug 10354] What happens if you do an IDL get on size for <select size=0>? Does it return 0 or 1?

[Bug 10355] As far as I can tell, no browser but IE actually implements half of these weird marquee properties. Firefox 4.0b3 and Chrome dev don't implement behavior, bgColor, direction, height, scrollAmount, scrollDelay, trueSpeed, or width. Opera 10.60 doesn't im

[Bug 10355] New: As far as I can tell, no browser but IE actually implements half of these weird marquee properties. Firefox 4.0b3 and Chrome dev don't implement behavior, bgColor, direction, height, scrollAmount, scrollDelay, trueSpeed, or width. Opera 10.60 doesn't im

[Bug 10356] New: <wbr> element listed in obsolete elements section

[Bug 10358] New: play in html

[Bug 10358] play in html

[Bug 10359] New: play in html

[Bug 10359] play in html

[Bug 10360] New: play in html

[Bug 10360] play in html

[Bug 10361] New: play in html

[Bug 10361] play in html

[Bug 10362] New: play in html

[Bug 10362] play in html

[Bug 10363] i see it

[Bug 10363] New: i see it

[Bug 10364] If the element has a src attribute, the closing tag should be forbidden, and if it doesn't have a src element, should be required.

[Bug 10364] New: If the element has a src attribute, the closing tag should be forbidden, and if it doesn't have a src element, should be required.

[Bug 10365] New: popstate event fires after onload (first page visit) -- intended behavior? would be annoying if there was a script that ajax loaded a page at onpopstate, and hand typing in a url, the page is returned by the server, and then onpopstate fires after onload,

[Bug 10366] New: please ban <input type=file> if the form's enctype is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, as this seems an authoring error

[Bug 10366] please ban <input type=file> if the form's enctype is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, as this seems an authoring error

[Bug 10367] New: align=absmiddle should be case-insensitive

[Bug 10369] New: MSIE has had a window object since probably before IE4 (my knowledge does not go back any further).

[Bug 10370] New: RFC 3339 date-time format, which looks very similar to HTML's date and time strings, gives special semantics to "-00:00" time zone. HTML should either follow the convention or disallow use of "-00:00" time zone.

[Bug 10371] New: "dataformatas on ..., span, table" -> "dataformatas on ..., span, _and_ table _elements_"

[Bug 10372] New: Authors should ensure that in each set of radio buttons that one is initially "on". Because some have made bad UI choices you should not recant this rule! At all times, exactly one of the radio buttons in a set is checked. Radio button Only one item

[Bug 10373] getting some serious lag on this page

[Bug 10373] New: getting some serious lag on this page

[Bug 10375] New: Please remove language from appVersion. UAs are removing that information to reduce fingerprinting.

[Bug 10375] Please remove language from appVersion. UAs are removing that information to reduce fingerprinting.

[Bug 10377] New: The form elements (input, select, textarea) seem like they should be included; dynamic data is still "data", and extending machine-readable capabilities to these elements would be a benefit.

[Bug 10380] "the content attribute must be set to the conforming value associated with the state that the attribute would be in if set to the given new value". Does this imply in canonical case? Browsers seem to preserve the case when you do an IDL set. This alert

[Bug 10380] New: "the content attribute must be set to the conforming value associated with the state that the attribute would be in if set to the given new value". Does this imply in canonical case? Browsers seem to preserve the case when you do an IDL set. This alert

[Bug 10383] DOCTYPE token: The text here seems to require lower-case "html" as the node type; i.e. "<!DOCTYPE HTML>" would be invalid. This contradicts Section 10.1.1, which says both are valid (and in fact gives the latter for all its examples).

[Bug 10383] New: DOCTYPE token: The text here seems to require lower-case "html" as the node type; i.e. "<!DOCTYPE HTML>" would be invalid. This contradicts Section 10.1.1, which says both are valid (and in fact gives the latter for all its examples).

[Bug 10386] New: This section shouldn't be .impl

[Bug 10388] New: Should the canonical case for GET/POST/PUT/DELETE be lowercase instead of uppercase? IE (8 and 9PP4) seem to treat it as lowercase, and they're the only ones that canonicalize case at all here, as far as I can tell. This alerts "get" in IE8/9PP4 and "Ge

[Bug 10388] Should the canonical case for GET/POST/PUT/DELETE be lowercase instead of uppercase? IE (8 and 9PP4) seem to treat it as lowercase, and they're the only ones that canonicalize case at all here, as far as I can tell. This alerts "get" in IE8/9PP4 and "Ge

[Bug 10389] New: why onbitmap? onfile is enough. if you have onbitmap then why not put ondocument and onpdf and onxlsx and so on? onfile is enough

[Bug 10395] New: test test test

[Bug 10395] test test test

[Bug 10399] base64 def in algorithm for put to data URI

[Bug 10399] New: base64 def in algorithm for put to data URI

[Bug 10403] New: The argument to putImageData will be an ImageData object or null

[Bug 10404] New: pre needs class=idl

[Bug 10405] New: Should be "</p>" in <p><button>Submit order</button><p>

[Bug 10408] Implemented in Chromium per

[Bug 10408] New: Implemented in Chromium per

[Bug 10409] Adoption agency + SVG bug

[Bug 10409] New: Adoption agency + SVG bug

[Bug 10410] New: On getting, should the UA percent-decode? Firefox seems to say yes, Chrome/Opera no, at least for the hash. Test case (save and visit with some percent-encoded fragment): data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>alert(document.location.hash);</script>

[Bug 10410] On getting, should the UA percent-decode? Firefox seems to say yes, Chrome/Opera no, at least for the hash. Test case (save and visit with some percent-encoded fragment): data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>alert(document.location.hash);</script>

[Bug 10411] New: Why are all the RFCs referenced in .txt versions? The HTML versions are more convenient (and it's silly for HTML to avoid the HTML versions!).

[Bug 10411] Why are all the RFCs referenced in .txt versions? The HTML versions are more convenient (and it's silly for HTML to avoid the HTML versions!).

[Bug 10412] New: restriction of "bookmark" to <a>/<area> is arbitrary

[Bug 10412] restriction of "bookmark" to <a>/<area> is arbitrary

[Bug 10413] New: width attribute is necesary in col elements when styles are disabled

[Bug 10413] width attribute is necesary in col elements when styles are disabled

[Bug 10414] New: What is up with that whitespace inside the tagnames?

[Bug 10415] New: This is the only place where online and offline events are referenced in this section and they are marked as UA text. If authors hide UA text they won't see anything about online/offline events in this section

[Bug 10415] This is the only place where online and offline events are referenced in this section and they are marked as UA text. If authors hide UA text they won't see anything about online/offline events in this section

[Bug 10417] New: the example images for DETAILS (osx finder file info?) ... does this indicate form fields could be marked up with details, using summary for the label? would summary > label be required for accessibility? if so, might be good to include sample code (promo

[Bug 10418] New: Scoping element inside e.g. <mi> causes insertion mode to switch to secondary insertion mode too early

[Bug 10418] Scoping element inside e.g. <mi> causes insertion mode to switch to secondary insertion mode too early

[Bug 10419] New: <video> should allow muted as a content attribute

[Bug 10420] New: Can you post sample of cross domain for web workers?

[Bug 10421] New: Setting media element's src and autoplay attribute may expose a race

[Bug 10424] New: Permit <details> to take "roles that use the aria-expanded state"

[Bug 10424] Permit <details> to take "roles that use the aria-expanded state"

[Bug 10427] New: Object should be a little less scoping

[Bug 10429] Is it still correct to have a 2px inset border on an seamless iframe?

[Bug 10429] New: Is it still correct to have a 2px inset border on an seamless iframe?

[Bug 10433] New: Google Chrome Search

[Bug 10434] New: Specify rel="longdesc" as an equivalent to @longdesc

[Bug 10434] Specify rel="longdesc" as an equivalent to @longdesc

[Bug 10435] New: example code uses @disabled but introductory text uses @readonly

[Bug 10437] New: The pushState algorithm doesn't save the scroll position of the original history entry, but it should. See Mozilla bug 590573.

[Bug 10437] The pushState algorithm doesn't save the scroll position of the original history entry, but it should. See Mozilla bug 590573.

[Bug 10438] math should be changed changed from no role to "math" role

[Bug 10438] New: math should be changed changed from no role to "math" role

[Bug 10439] <input type=file> has "button" role, but is typically a compound control

[Bug 10439] New: <input type=file> has "button" role, but is typically a compound control

[Bug 10440] menu type=context should have "menu" role

[Bug 10440] New: menu type=context should have "menu" role

[Bug 10441] <link> that represents a hyperlink should probably have no role by default

[Bug 10441] New: <link> that represents a hyperlink should probably have no role by default

[Bug 10442] New: current playback position

[Bug 10443] New: good and clear.....

[Bug 10444] ARIA section does not list elements that have no default role or role restrictions

[Bug 10444] New: ARIA section does not list elements that have no default role or role restrictions

[Bug 10445] Certain elements with no role should have that as a strong semantic

[Bug 10445] New: Certain elements with no role should have that as a strong semantic

[Bug 10446] Consider limiting the roles of certain media and plugin elements

[Bug 10446] New: Consider limiting the roles of certain media and plugin elements

[Bug 10447] <output> should have a status role by default after all

[Bug 10447] <output> should have no role by default instead of status role

[Bug 10447] New: <output> should have no role by default instead of status role

[Bug 10448] Consider broadening the set of allowed roles for command elements

[Bug 10448] New: Consider broadening the set of allowed roles for command elements

[Bug 10449] Consider allowing various command-like ARIA roles for h1-h6

[Bug 10449] New: Consider allowing various command-like ARIA roles for h1-h6

[Bug 10450] Allow lists to be used as menus or tab sets

[Bug 10450] New: Allow lists to be used as menus or tab sets

[Bug 10451] Consider restricting the roles allowed for the label element

[Bug 10451] New: Consider restricting the roles allowed for the label element

[Bug 10452] Consider documenting attributes that map to ARIA properties in a separate table

[Bug 10452] New: Consider documenting attributes that map to ARIA properties in a separate table

[Bug 10454] New: The itemRef-IDL attribute should represent a DOMTokenList do allow easy access to its components

[Bug 10455] Mint a describedby attribute for the img element

[Bug 10455] New: Mint a describedby attribute for the img element

[Bug 10456] New: Should not emit ]] or ] when ]]EOF or ]EOF appears in the CDATA section state

[Bug 10457] New: Is obtaining the bounding box dimensions of the text ever intended to be part of the spec? Could you specify this?

[Bug 10458] New: legacy-color: should do the empty string check after whitespace trimming

[Bug 10460] New: Proposal about doctype. I think correct doctype must be <!DOCTYPE html5.0> or <!DOCTYPE html5> or <!DOCTYPE html5.> or <!DOCTYPE html 5>. Not <!DOCTYPE html> because unknown version of HTML. (

[Bug 10461] New: This algorithm needs more detail on how the data is to be actually encoded. E.g. does it depend on the document encoding, etc.

[Bug 10462] merge ARIA mapping tables and list

[Bug 10462] New: merge ARIA mapping tables and list

[Bug 10463] New: provide a comprehensive HTML5 to accessibility API mapping reference

[Bug 10463] provide a comprehensive HTML5 to accessibility API mapping reference

[Bug 10464] New: provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec

[Bug 10464] provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec

[Bug 10465] New: provide correct aria mapping and role info for the table element

[Bug 10465] provide correct aria mapping and role info for the table element

[Bug 10467] New: provide headings in the WAI-ARIA section of the spec to make it easier to understand

[Bug 10467] provide headings in the WAI-ARIA section of the spec to make it easier to understand

[Bug 10475] New: HTMLMediaElement.frameDropped

[Bug 10477] New: this is terrible

[Bug 10478] modify table, tr and td roles

[Bug 10478] New: modify table, tr and td roles

[Bug 10479] add role=radiogroup to details element

[Bug 10479] New: add role=radiogroup to details element

[Bug 10480] add role="presentation" on the ASCII fish image

[Bug 10480] New: add role="presentation" on the ASCII fish image

[Bug 10481] Default role of <IMG> should be "img"

[Bug 10481] New: Default role of <IMG> should be "img"

[Bug 10482] New: Should @usemap affect the default role of an IMG element?

[Bug 10482] Should @usemap affect the default role of an IMG element?

[Bug 10483] <figcaption> should be considered the caption of <figure> _itself_

[Bug 10483] New: <figcaption> should be considered the caption of <figure> _itself_

[Bug 10484] default roles for figcaption and caption: Make it simple to achieve accessibility

[Bug 10484] New: default roles for figcaption and caption: Make it simple to achieve accessibility

[Bug 10485] New: The img element with non-empty alt should default to the img aria role

[Bug 10485] The img element with non-empty alt should default to the img aria role

[Bug 10486] New: References to "image" ARIA role should be "img"

[Bug 10486] References to "image" ARIA role should be "img"

[Bug 10487] Allow radio buttons and checkboxes to be used as radio and check menu items respectively

[Bug 10487] New: Allow radio buttons and checkboxes to be used as radio and check menu items respectively

[Bug 10488] New: <figcaption> captions the <figure> element, or how to use the <figure> element to provide useful text alternatives

[Bug 10489] New: Use or @role is not mentioned as single time in the draft

[Bug 10489] Use or @role is not mentioned as single time in the draft

[Bug 10490] New: "If node is not an element with the same tag name as the token, then this is a parse error." <- Tag name comparison must use ASCII case-insensitive match

[Bug 10491] New: r5300 change breaks "<svg><title>(EOF)"

[Bug 10492] New: Should "<table>a<tr>b" generate one or two text nodes?

[Bug 10493] "ARIA restricts usage of this role to one per page" is an unclear statement

[Bug 10493] New: "ARIA restricts usage of this role to one per page" is an unclear statement

[Bug 10494] modify aria example and fix spelling

[Bug 10494] New: modify aria example and fix spelling

[Bug 10495] default role(s) "inheriting" for figure - common use cases

[Bug 10495] New: default role(s) "inheriting" for figure – common use cases

[Bug 10496] fix error in aria conformance checker advice

[Bug 10496] New: fix error in aria conformance checker advice

[Bug 10497] New: What happens to role of <img alt="non-empty"> inside a <figure role="img">?

[Bug 10497] What happens to role of <img alt="non-empty"> inside a <figure role="img">?

[Bug 10498] New: you go do that html5 stuff, you super nerds.

[Bug 10499] New: I would like to see an example of a cache manifest using URLs with leading slashes, or full URLs, just to make clear this is allowed.

[Bug 10500] New: The paragraph tags aren't closed. See <caption><p>Table 1.<p> but no </p>'s anywhere.

[Bug 10501] New: xref "presentational hint" in the wrap=off case

[Bug 10505] New: A dataTransfer object should be able to be passed to an <input type="file" id="recipient"> object to simplify form processing where ajax is not required or desired.

[Bug 10511] fragment identifier algo should use scroll element into view

[Bug 10511] New: fragment identifier algo should use scroll element into view

[Bug 10512] New: im trying to make two buttons, on top of each other, when i click or hover on either one, i want the a blank button with info to appear under the one i clicked on. pushing the other one down, please help.

[Bug 10514] New: It should be more then just audio and video. As an example USB joystick support for games.

[Bug 10515] New: s/nearest positive infinity./nearest to positive infinity./

[Bug 10517] New: The size attribute should default to 20. This is what IE8 and WebKit do; Gecko and Presto default to 0 per spec. 20 makes more sense, because all browsers render <input size=20> identically to plain <input>. Test case that alerts default input size and

[Bug 10517] The size attribute should default to 20. This is what IE8 and WebKit do; Gecko and Presto default to 0 per spec. 20 makes more sense, because all browsers render <input size=20> identically to plain <input>. Test case that alerts default input size and

[Bug 10518] Add example showing how to use <a> elements in image maps

[Bug 10518] New: Add example showing how to use <a> elements in image maps

[Bug 6496] Allow <img aria-labelledby> to act as a text alternative

[Bug 7362] inclusion of the title as a case where the alt may be omitted is problematic

[Bug 7475] Semantics of rel=first and rel=index breaks specs and implementations

[Bug 7499] <keygen> should not be defined as a requirement for a conforming HTML5 user agent and should be removed from the spec

[Bug 7543] Consensus on ietf-http-wg was that repetition of relations is meaningless and we should rather use numbering (e.g. "up2"), names (e.g. "great-grandparent") or an attribute (e.g. level="3").

[Bug 7545] Atom (RFC 4287) defines a "logo" in addition to the "icon": "The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical)". Consider doing the same here.

[Bug 7918] prefetching: allow site to deny

[Bug 8000] ARIA roles added to the a element should be conforming in HTML5

[Bug 8144] Is a 'visibility: hidden' element being rendered?

[Bug 8171] Implement the text alternatives proposal from WAI

[Bug 8268] XMLHttpRequest fails for documents with named entities due to doctype

[Bug 8490] Shouldn't postMessage throw SYNTAX_ERR when targetOrigin is a relative URL (e.g. '/')? [sp]

[Bug 8554] <progress> element should be labelable with a label

[Bug 8644] Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 8646] Private communication exception

[Bug 8647] Define tab order for IFrame

[Bug 8648] Title attribute on the IFrame element

[Bug 8652] what to display when images are not available is not well specified

[Bug 8657] Allow UA to reload fallback content if it fails to load

[Bug 8666] Keyboard accessible date pickers

[Bug 8671] Requiring the label attribute

[Bug 8673] Restriction on command element as part of a menu

[Bug 8682] Tab and reading order for context menus

[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives

[Bug 8717] Usability and Element-level-focus-apis

[Bug 8723] image map is underspecified

[Bug 8738] Role-based navigation

[Bug 8743] Auditory icons clashing with AT

[Bug 8747] Defining how a license applies to elements

[Bug 8750] User able to override the hidden attribute in incorrectly rendered pages

[Bug 8751] User should have ability to override automatic scrolling

[Bug 8752] Allow user to manage focus changes

[Bug 8754] Overflow when text is resized

[Bug 8833] Please allow the title of the spec currently known as "HTML5" to be changed to an accurate title.

[Bug 8834] Please remove the subtitle from the spec known as "HTML5"

[Bug 8870] Firefox 3.5.7 was non responsive on a 15' Macbook Pro running OSX 10.5.8 after visiting this page

[Bug 8872] split out and modify parts of Section the img element

[Bug 8885] Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 8910] "If the user has requested the user of particular focus rings" -- should probably be "requested the use"?

[Bug 8966] Consider "<svg><desc><div><svg><desc><b>X" — Should we change "Pop elements from the stack of open elements until the current node is in the HTML namespace." in the in-foreign-content mode to actually be "Pop elements until there's no element in scope t

[Bug 9061] allow image maps on the canvas element.

[Bug 9072] There's inconsistent quoting of attributes between the highlighted and non-highlited parts of this section

[Bug 9098] Correct the img element definition. Replace with suggested text.

[Bug 9113] re: "axis on td and th elements" text could say "Use the scope attribute on the relevant th"

[Bug 9122] Obsolete but Conforming

[Bug 9148] "either does not expect the user to need the media resource, but that" -- "either ... but" is wrong, this needs to be reworded.

[Bug 9204] The onload event is missing a description on when it fires. Particularly on elements downloading auxiliary documents (img, script, link) it is important to specify when exactly that event is fired. Same for onerror and onabort events (and similar).

[Bug 9212] Change the Generator Mechanism for img from Document Level to Element Level

[Bug 9213] HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 9214] Allow role="presentation" img as conformance Criteria

[Bug 9214] Allow role="presentation" on img

[Bug 9215] Provide a Webcam example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[Bug 9216] Provide a CAPTCHA example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"

[Bug 9217] Remove the Paragraph-Section-Heading loophole for not providing a text alternative.

[Bug 9241] Explicitly state, "For guidance on accessibility requirements for text alternatives authors should consult WCAG 2.0" and link to WCAG 2.0

[Bug 9280] Add default button option/attribute for forms

[Bug 9326] HTML elements mapping to ARIA and A11y APIs

[Bug 9350] Make <wbr> element conforming

[Bug 9356] Presumably "Errors that encourage a correct understanding of the spec" should read "an incorrect" instead of "a correct".

[Bug 9385] Presumably "_ferret-smellcode" is intended, not "fetter", unless the vendor is particularly incompetent.

[Bug 9439] UA should not change values of input elements in telephone state

[Bug 9452] Handling of additional tracks of a multitrack audio/video resource

[Bug 9471] Introduce declarative markup to associate timed text resources with media elements

[Bug 9514] Specify Selection.modify()

[Bug 9517] Homogenize linkage of external sources

[Bug 9542] Recommended rendering for table alignment does not match reality

[Bug 9545] frameborder attribute on <iframe> should be obsolete but conforming

[Bug 9546] computing atom:updated

[Bug 9547] If more than one element has the autofocus attribute specified, only the first one should be focused

[Bug 9548] autofocus attribute should be ignored after the load event

[Bug 9551] the clipping region are cool but how select one

[Bug 9552] xref 'URL decomposition IDL attributes'

[Bug 9555] Inconsistent specification of 'href' attribute for <link>

[Bug 9560] [history] The line game example doesn't work properly

[Bug 9564] s/<span title="dom-output-wrap">htmlFor</span>/<span title="dom-output-htmlFor">htmlFor</span>/

[Bug 9566] Please support line-types/styles [like dotted etc] !!!

[Bug 9573] spec input.onsearch

[Bug 9575] header lacks footer’s reference to scoping (nearest ancestor sectioning element/body)

[Bug 9576] just say "an ASCII case-insensitive match for "URL"" instead of "either a U+0055 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U character (U) or a U+0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U character (u), a U+0052 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R character (R) or a U+0072 LATIN SMALL LETTER R character

[Bug 9577] Define the x and y attributes. Both Gecko and WebKit have them and apparently some sites depend on them :/

[Bug 9578] On http-state it was mentioned that browsers support Set-Cookie here. Ugh!

[Bug 9579] An element should not suffer from pattern mismatch if the pattern attribute value is the empty string

[Bug 9584] drawImage() shouldn't throw INVALID_STATE_ERR

[Bug 9586] need support for changing tracks - especially audio tracks in the case of multilingual video media types

[Bug 9587] It is not clear whether document styles then scoped styles should be applied to the scope or only the scoped styles, ignoring the document styles.

[Bug 9589] HTML5 should give examples for how to present @title when the user can't use a pointing device

[Bug 9590] Consider "prefix--" instead of "_prefix-" as a pattern for proprietary extensions

[Bug 9591] itemref should say "HTML elements"

[Bug 9592] user agents should provide an indication that an image has not been rendered

[Bug 9593] Anchors in spec are not consistent

[Bug 9594] iphone icon size is 57x57, not 59x60

[Bug 9601] ose corners are the four points (sx, sy), (sx+sw, sy), (sx+sw, sy+sh), (sx, sy+sh). If the source rectangle is not entirely within the source image, or if one of the sw or sh arguments is zero, the implementation must raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception.

[Bug 9602] Autofocus attribute.

[Bug 9602] That autofocus attribute will wreak security havok. What an ignorant idea to bring more logic to HTML. I think I know a couple of ways to abuse it, since it actually is some sort of flow control, which only scripting languages should be capable of. I hope

[Bug 9603] If the origin parameter does not match the Document origin the Referer header should also be excluded. Alternatively a way to omit the Referer header would be good for CORS.

[Bug 9604] For CORS we want a way to prevent setting cookies. Might be nice if that was part of the fetch algorithm.

[Bug 9619] HTML Device Spec - Could Use More Example Code

[Bug 9621] How do we read the current Transform applied to the context?

[Bug 9622] How do we set the clip region for a draw operation?

[Bug 9623] <details> and <summary> are missing from the "strong aria semantics" table

[Bug 9624] datalist should not filter options with no value

[Bug 9625] select element should be able to suffer from being missing

[Bug 9626] Elements which can't match :required pseudo-class should not match :optional pseudo-class

[Bug 9627] be more specific in external references

[Bug 9628] "willful violation" for detecting the charset

[Bug 9629] It says that UAs should provide controls to enable/disable closed captions, but it doesn't define how to load/set the available closed captions or how to render them

[Bug 9630] declaration of drawImage is repeated

[Bug 9631] Change name of <figcaption> to <summary>

[Bug 9632] To be able to go to first page in history, we should probably change the rule when (index of current entry + delta) is less than zero?

[Bug 9633] should read, "starts with one OF the exact strings"

[Bug 9634] Most enumerated attributes are not limited to only known values

[Bug 9635] input.type attribute should be limited to only known values

[Bug 9636] autocomplete IDL attribute should be limited to only known values

[Bug 9637] autocomplete IDL attribute should reflect the resulting autocompletion state

[Bug 9639] step 31: ..."as a post-oad task". Obviousy misses a L ;)

[Bug 9642] type != "text/html": this probably needs a line feed after the pre tag as well

[Bug 9643] <rp> should be able to used outside of rubies, for cases where CSS is used to present content. For example, in a chatting application: <span>John Doe<span><rp> [</rp>12:30am<rp>]</rp></span><span> where the inner <span> is floated right and the <rp> is hi

[Bug 9644] <marquee truespeed> is a boolean attribute

[Bug 9649] It doesn't look like any browser supports document.innerHTML

[Bug 9657] Content model of object

[Bug 9658] Define (correctly) how object, ins, del, map, button affects outlines

[Bug 9660] false" missed double quote

[Bug 9662] canPlayType should return enum instead of string

[Bug 9663] Should sequences of bytes be replaced by a single U+FFFD, or one U+FFFD per input byte?

[Bug 9664] Detailing each of the parameters or the type of transformation matrix used or whether or not the matrix transforms the entire canvas state is required for context.transform and context.setTransform entries

[Bug 9670] Allow "size" attribute for input-type "number"

[Bug 9672] "...whether or not the <user> can edit..."

[Bug 9673] Remove any reference to a specific Time Stamp format for video captioning from the specification at this time

[Bug 9678] add rationale for providing an alt when inline description is available

[Bug 9679] Consider expanding the explanation of a null alt attribute (alt="")

[Bug 9682] bad reference to MIMESNIFF

[Bug 9683] tbody element in Polyglot documents

[Bug 9686] Check whether some cases of "other relevant specifications" should link to "other applicable specifications".

[Bug 9689] cross-reference "ordinal value" everywhere (<li>, <ol>, rendering of decorations)

[Bug 9690] Redefining elements can cause compatibility issues. What if some browsers read it the old way, and some the new way. This can lead to problems if someone uses the element the new way, only for it to be read the old way, or for old documents to require rew

[Bug 9695] Maybe there could be a function to specify a cache manifest in the API so that instead of the application asking for offline storage when the page loads, some JavaScript can be used to request storage when the user clicks on a "Use Offline Mode" link.

[Bug 9705] The use of the colon in the first sentence (‘...within the page: a section with navigation links.’) may be confusing. Suggestion: ‘within the page. It is a section with navigation links.’

[Bug 9708] Remove step 20 from 'Forming a table' section ("table model error")

[Bug 9710] Remove text on non-interactive, static, visual media

[Bug 9711] "The wbr element is expected to override the 'white-space' property and always provide a line-breaking opportunity." -- "In testing, I found that Gecko and WebKit allow <wbr> to override white-space: nowrap, but not white-space: pre." (from http://www.w3.

[Bug 9714] Canvas element stops functioning at large widths

[Bug 9720] " method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">

[Bug 9724] value attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.

[Bug 9726] Spec the features argument

[Bug 9727] We told people for years that I and B are a bad idea as they are only visual but hint at making things more prominent. Can we just let them die?

[Bug 9731] please, add "nested forms, form nesting" words to the section (name or body) so search engines can find it, please!!!

[Bug 9732] Give more varied examples on the codecs parameter

[Bug 9733] one reason for having this not restricted to audiovisual streams would be the option of, say, reading a barcode scanning device to fill a shopping cart. This is something you currently need Java or a custom plugin for. rs232 and fs are the perfect thing f

[Bug 9735] Given that the media elements provide a clear fallback path, is there really a use case for canPlayType and its uncertainty?

[Bug 9736] Shouldn't be: "create a new subpath whose first point is the same as the previous subpath's last point"??? This whole sentence seems unclear to me reading explanation of "A closed path" in the beginning of this section.

[Bug 9740] arcTo() -> should be "Adds a point to the current [subpath]..."

[Bug 9741] enctype, formenctype, method and formmethod IDL attributes should be limited to only known values

[Bug 9743] I misread this initially as pubdate or pubdate="pubdate" were allowed, then as pubdate="" or pubdate="pubdate" were allowed. providing an example of all three styles would be great

[Bug 9748] There should also be a absolute time, a time from the media playing. For sync issues etc. See <>

[Bug 9750] Why may a content-type handler that isn't a plugin not handle a resource linked to by <embed>?

[Bug 9760] "It might not be zero if the clip's timeline is not zero-based" - please make startTime start at 0 even for clips that are not zero-based, to make the API simpler to use for authors. If this change is made, startTime seems to be equivalent to buffered.sta

[Bug 9767] Consider ignoring document.write() when IE ignores it if comes from the network task source

[Bug 9770] There should be a way to exclude the page that calls the manifest from the cache as well, for those who want to use the cache manifest to speed up a site, but not use it as an offline application.

[Bug 9772] space skipping in initial mode is redundant with "before html"

[Bug 9773] There is not a clear difference between "subtitles" and "captions". These are mostly used to describe "closed captions" (binary transmissions in TV broadcasts) vs "subtitles" (text files), as far as I know.

[Bug 9774] "consecutive lines displayed below each other" - since subtitles tend to be rendered at the bottom, it's actually better for new subtitles to be rendered higher up. Of course, the individual lines of each subtitle still extend downwards, but it's still po

[Bug 9775] "positioned to a multiple of the line dimensions of the first line of the cue" - enforcing the same line height for every line ihurts text rendering appearance for no apparent reason. This is especially true if text styling is supported (bold text is larg

[Bug 9776] Percentages for text positioning don't seem better than using the actual video dimensions. If you require integer percentages, then it doesn't work well for videos larger than 100px high. If not, then it's just an arbitrary resizing of the dimensions (sli

[Bug 9777] "the cues are being displayed over the video as appropriate" - this says "cues", so multiple cues are supported at once. But many SRT players don't actually support more than one SRT subtitle at once - they either play the first one in the file or draw th

[Bug 9782] This could be a valuable addition to the textarea element as well

[Bug 9783] I'd like to see a short explanation of online white list in this section and a link where it's used the first time.

[Bug 9784] I think input elements associated with datalists should have a "must-be-in-list" attribute which should cause a validation error when the value is not found in the datalist

[Bug 9785] Add a "filter" attribute. If set, the user agent will filter the datalist. If not, filter won't be filtered automatically (unless you do some sort of filtering by javascript or/and server-side)

[Bug 9794] typo. use -> user.

[Bug 9797] <meta http-equiv="Link"> not addressed by spec

[Bug 9798] The type attribute on <ol> and <ul> is semantic and should be permitted

[Bug 9799] Syntax of <ol@type> and <ul@type> should be aligned with CSS list-style-type

[Bug 9800] The wording for the suspend event ("but does not have the entire media resource downloaded") puts it in the same boat as the removed load event. The description should reflect that the event is fired when the networkState changes to the state of NETWORK_I

[Bug 9801] It would be useful to mention sectioning root elements with a link to 4.4.11 here

[Bug 9802] "Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that you were in when were switched into this state." is not an english sentence. :)

[Bug 9804] "the alt attribute must be specified" so are you saying ALT is required?

[Bug 9805] Help with current pattern should not use the title attribute (

[Bug 9813] bgsound: Use "audio" instead isn't helpful for back-compat. Proposal: Use "audio" instead, with "embed" fallback for backwards compatibility

[Bug 9814] There are many systems that could use this: barcode readers, rfid readers. So, it would be very useful to let this generic. HTML5 Apps will use it a lot to permit industry automation with web environment

[Bug 9817] Details element Focus problem

[Bug 9821] I think the Keywords should be capitalized (e.g. Content-Type rather than content-type) so that they match the HTTP header spec

[Bug 9822] We should be allowed multiple CanvasRenderingContext2D Objects for multitouch devices. By allowing only one context object, we can only draw one element at the time

[Bug 9825] Right now the keyword "media" allows audio and/or video data, but why not allow image data as well? It would be useful on many devices (especially phones) to be able to take a still photograph which can then be manipulated or transmitted (assuming the sa

[Bug 9826] How values can be in coordinate units if offsets are not affected by transformation matrix

[Bug 9828] Update "Embedding custom non-visible data" with guidance for library authors to avoid naming collisions

[Bug 9830] When describing the type attribute, the charset sentence makes the following sentence ambiguous

[Bug 9834] Please restrict the quirk to same-origin loads per CVE-2010-0654

[Bug 9837] RE: "should we make this only useful for AV streaming" - NO! type='fs' is a godsend, can there be type='eth' or ='net' with multi-protocol support (tcp, udp, dccp, sctp, etc)? that would rip the door open on the issue of websocket falling short in areas.

[Bug 9839] "then set the foreign flag to true." - this would be easier to understand if it just said "set /foreign/ to true" since it is not called a flag when it is defined

[Bug 9841] input ="date" should allow pattern="" for national formats (ex: French date is dd/mm/yyyy )

[Bug 9843] Specced behavior for document.write("<link rel=stylesheet href=...><script>...</script>...") matches none of the top 4 engines

[Bug 9844] namedItem domintro links to item dfn

[Bug 9845] provide reference and info about HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives in html5 spec

[Bug 9846] Lighter is here, but what about darker which is supported by most browsers?

[Bug 9847] legacy color value parsing algorithm should trim whitespace

[Bug 9848] legacy color values should not require handling of CSS2 system colors

[Bug 9849] "Comments that contain the string "-->" can be represented in the DOM but not in the HTML syntax or in XML." could be confusing.

[Bug 9851] Allow plugins in @sandbox via "allow-plugins" option

[Bug 9859] add document-conformance constraints for documents that contain SVG or MathML content that in turn contains HTML content

[Bug 9860] Browsers will need to handle nested microdata. Ie. an event-item containing a location-item and a list of vcard-items of peoples attending the event. give an example so that browser vendors will know about.

[Bug 9861] drop |blink{text-decoration:blink}|; not supported by IE and WebKit, not needed for web compat

[Bug 9864] It would be nice to explicitly list what elements are media elements (video, audio, source)

[Bug 9866] Define explicitly what should happen when maxWidth < 0

[Bug 9867] "To draw on the canvas, authors must first obtain a reference to a context": abuse of "must"

[Bug 9871] provide normative advice to conformance checkers about use of onevent handler attributes

[Bug 9872] trigger a conformance error when javascript is included in href attribute

[Bug 9876] Clarify that a figure can be any content with a caption

[Bug 9877] Why not for link – a permalink to the whole document?

[Bug 9880] noticed the comment about per-source mutexes for storage. If that's not desired, an approach that has worked well in other API designs is an application-selectable mutex per context. Thus, each localStorage object could have a "_mutex" property, which by

[Bug 9883] Notes on and request for references for Section 1.4: History

[Bug 9885] Need to clarify that "User agents must treat plaintext elements in a manner equivalent to pre elements." and other similar lines added in r3502 only refer to the semantics and not the IDL interface or the tag name in the DOM.

[Bug 9886] valueAsNumber is a double but the algorithm to convert a string to a number have to follow the rules for parsing float

[Bug 9887] parsing algorithm should allow HTML content in MathML <annotation-xml>

[Bug 9889] I wish the two states, Soft and Hard, were explained

[Bug 9891] poster image should be showed when video hasn't been played

[Bug 9892] s/specifically with regarding to/specifically regarding/

[Bug 9893] tabindex not listed in Table of Contents

[Bug 9894] The chairs should be required to ensure that decisions result in consistent specifications

[Bug 9895] HTMLImageElement's "complete" attribute definition implies immediate image decoding

[Bug 9898] The Decision Policy (as applied) is ineffective at getting closure on ISSUEs

[Bug 9904] <progress> element: max IDL attribute should return 1 not 0 when the content attribute is missing

[Bug 9906] Are RFC 2822 formatted dates valid?

[Bug 9914] hspace, vspace are long, not unsigned long

[Bug 9915] application cache progress event should also indicate how many more resources are yet to be downloaded

[Bug 9917] Often times the first non-blank frames are the least interesting. Poster images should do just that: show the most interesting part to entice the user to watch the video.

[Bug 9924] Apparently a form can be submitted before it is fully loaded (close-tag not yet seen, close-html-tag not yet seen). This is insane behavior, but should be documented.

[Bug 9926] when lots of keywords (tags) you waste lots of bandwidth in html. A meterGROUP looks more usefull where max is the total amount of tags, min is 0 and value is the current instances of the tag. example: <metergroup max="100" min="0" high="60" optimal="80"

[Bug 9928] The "dirty value" concept should be removed or used more

[Bug 9930] Comments should be added to the example script and the example should be wrapped in a container like other examples in the page

[Bug 9935] select tag's size attribute default value discrepency

[Bug 9936] onclick attributes on any element that is not focusable should trigger a conformance error

[Bug 9938] No API for fullscreen? Really? Can we please have better options other than a totalitarian "you can't do it?" I thought the idea was to be better than Flash. Yet, you still don't allow simple functionality such as that. Tie it to a button. Ask the user's

[Bug 9939] If we have a concept of "WebDevice", manufacturer could start to create amazing web devices (Example: These devices once connected could interact with the website using a REST PROTOCOL. Event based (The device send information when we do a

[Bug 9940] what is the means of aside in HTML 5?

[Bug 9942] The sentence "The shadowBlur attribute specifies the size of the blurring effect." is misleading, It should say "The shadowBlur attribute specifies the level of the blurring effect."

[Bug 9943] Add a sudoku puzzle as an example table to demonstrate a table without headers.

[Bug 9944] Should have "navigator" in the toc for this section

[Bug 9947] In the start tag whose tag name is "select" clause, the special behaviour if the insertion mode is "In Column Group" doesn't seem to be possible; that is you can never reach this clause in that insertion mode. Also there is a missing quote before in table

[Bug 9948] In "Any other end tag" the generate implied end tags should probably be excluding the name of the token otherwise we tend to pop everything off the stack

[Bug 9949] there should be a way for developers to not allow their pages to be sandboxed, like if they absolutely need javascript.

[Bug 9956] be nice to have an attribute to limit the max # of selections, eg- <input name='uploads[]' type="file" multiple="true" maxselections="10"/>

[Bug 9960] make it milliseconds (float). It's easy to work with. Most audio is 44.1anyway.

[Bug 9977] It shall be valuable if you add a "forcedownload" link type which forces the client to download the target document in the download window rather than opening the document in the same window of the browser as what is hapening right now

[Bug 9984] [parser] Insertion point for script@onload doesn't match Firefox

[Bug 9986] add ability to add noscroll 'property' for objects like video. Right now when you scroll and your mouse hovers a video object it stops scrolling because it tries to scroll inside the video tag.

[Bug 9987] Attribute values should be allowed to contain ambiguous ampersands since large amounts of content on the web uses them in URLs and most or all web browsers already interpret them consistently.

[Bug 9988] Seems the example does not match the description. Shouldn't the textarea (line 3) also be required?

[Bug 9998] I would like to see how the form looks

[Bug 9999] In the example, should the draggable attribute be set to true?

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 August 2010 23:30:28 UTC