from July to September 2001 by thread

Clarification on subbaselines... Peter Raymond (Sunday, 30 September)

RE: Why does MERGE automatically checkin resources related to act ivities? Clemm, Geoff (Friday, 28 September)

Why does MERGE automatically checkin resources related to activit ies? Peter Raymond (Friday, 28 September)

RE: merge-preview Report, MERGE and UPDATE responses Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 27 September)

RE: Clarification on what exactly is captured in the Baseline Col lection... Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 27 September)

RE: Clarification on what exactly is captured in the Baseline Col lect ion... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 27 September)

RE: Clarification on what exactly is captured in the Baseline Col lect ion... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 27 September)

DAV:merge-preview Report, MERGE and UPDATE responses Roy Seto (Thursday, 27 September)

Clarification on what exactly is captured in the Baseline Collect ion... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 27 September)

Legal operations on members of a Baseline Collection... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 27 September)

Clarification on definition of a configuration.... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 27 September)

Missing version number in diagram... Peter Raymond (Wednesday, 26 September)

HELP -- DeltaV Rose model Sreekanth Chintala (Tuesday, 25 September)

Clarification of DAV:update-merge-set when rerunning MERGE Roy Seto (Friday, 14 September)

Powerpoint slides of Version Controlled Collections.... Peter Raymond (Friday, 14 September)

Editorial: DAV:ignore-preview or DAV:ignored-preview? Roy Seto (Thursday, 13 September)

Various comments... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 13 September)

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-18.txt (Thursday, 13 September)

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-18.txt (Thursday, 13 September)

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-18.txt (Thursday, 13 September)

Re: WebDAV Invalidation (Was Re: Allow: header and supported meth ods) Eckhard Kantz (Thursday, 13 September)

Any DeltaV clients out there? Alan Kent (Thursday, 13 September)

Call for Experts: JSR-147 (Workspace Versioning and Configuration Management) Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 11 September)

Re (2): The Depth header... (Monday, 10 September)

Working Collections Alison Macmillan (Monday, 10 September)

Minor editorial change to section 9.2... Peter Raymond (Friday, 7 September)

Some more comments on the LABEL section... Peter Raymond (Friday, 7 September)

The Depth header... Peter Raymond (Friday, 7 September)

Cache-Control and the Vary header... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 6 September)

DAV:expand-property report (was RE: REPORTS) Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 6 September)

No recommendation for how to make a resource unversioned Lisa Dusseault (Tuesday, 4 September)

DeltaV and ACL supported on Sharemation Lisa Dusseault (Sunday, 2 September)

Definition of advanced versioning packages Roy Seto (Monday, 27 August)

Changes to baseline section in draft 17... Peter Raymond (Saturday, 25 August)

RE: Last Call: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV to Proposed Standa rd Clemm, Geoff (Friday, 24 August)

RE: Last Call: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV to Proposed Standard Dylan Barrell (Friday, 24 August)

deltav changes-and-issues Clemm, Geoff (Friday, 24 August)

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-17.txt (Friday, 24 August)

client workspaces, merging and forking Alison Macmillan (Friday, 24 August)

MERGE & UPDATE responses Tim Ellison (Tuesday, 21 August)

WebDAV Invalidation (Was Re: Allow: header and supported methods) Eric Sedlar (Tuesday, 21 August)

Why have separate DAV:checked-in and DAV:checked-out? Peter Raymond (Sunday, 19 August)

Versions being deleted during a MERGE... Peter Raymond (Sunday, 19 August)

Making resources unversioned Lisa Dusseault (Saturday, 18 August)

RE: List of areas in the specification where properties are empty /not set Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 15 August)

label encoding Tim Ellison (Wednesday, 15 August)

Behavior of PUT on unlocked resource with invalid IF header ... John Hall (Tuesday, 14 August)

Checked out vs checked-in Lisa Dusseault (Tuesday, 14 August)

IETF-51 DeltaV WG meeting minutes Tim Ellison (Tuesday, 14 August)

Allow: header and supported methods Tim Ellison (Tuesday, 14 August)

Re-send of baseline-control diagrams Peter Raymond (Sunday, 12 August)

RE: A different perspective on versioning cf DeltaV Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 9 August)

webdav interoperability event: slide presentation Larry Masinter (Thursday, 9 August)

List of areas in the specification where properties are empty/not set Peter Raymond (Thursday, 9 August)

Comments on locking and auto-checkin... Peter Raymond (Tuesday, 7 August)

Diagram showing the effect of baseline-control... Peter Raymond (Thursday, 9 August)

Issues/questions regarding sections 3, 4 and 5... Peter Raymond (Tuesday, 7 August)

Comments regarding locking & auto-checkin... Peter Raymond (Tuesday, 7 August)

Problems with locking and DeltaV resources Lisa Dusseault (Wednesday, 8 August)

New name for variant of DAV:auto-version Lisa Dusseault (Wednesday, 8 August)

DeltaV breakout session Jim Amsden (Monday, 6 August)

DeltaV breakout session at IETF 51 Jim Amsden (Monday, 6 August)

Use of attributes Lisa Dusseault (Saturday, 4 August)

Supported-live-property-set Lisa Dusseault (Thursday, 2 August)

IETF '51 and WebDAV Jim Amsden (Thursday, 2 August)

IETF 51 and DeltaV Breakout Sessions Jim Amsden (Thursday, 2 August)

Note Well The IESG (Tuesday, 17 July)

RE: Modified: Auto update of VCR when checking an associated work ing resource Clemm, Geoff (Saturday, 14 July)

Semantics of supported-* Lisa Dusseault (Friday, 13 July)

Auto update of VCR when checking an associated working resource Jim Amsden (Thursday, 12 July)

Manual checkout, automatic checkin? Lisa Dusseault (Thursday, 12 July)

Question: after the current state Dr. Helmut Ackermann (Monday, 9 July)

auto-checkout and auto-checkin Lisa Dusseault (Thursday, 12 July)

UNCHECKOUT after automatic checkout? Lisa Dusseault (Thursday, 12 July)

Versioning and Lock Null resources Lisa Dusseault (Thursday, 12 July)

RE: Should it be DAV:must-not-be-checked-out or DAV:must-be-check ed-i n? Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 11 July)

RE: Finding the version of a resource in a Version-Controlled-Col lect ion... Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 11 July)

Should it be DAV:must-not-be-checked-out or DAV:must-be-checked-i n? Peter Raymond (Tuesday, 10 July)

Label behaviour... Peter Raymond (Tuesday, 10 July)

Finding the version of a resource in a Version-Controlled-Collect ion... Peter Raymond (Tuesday, 10 July)

Postconditions with no XML elements defined? Peter Raymond (Monday, 9 July)

The definition of a "Baseline-Controlled Collection" Peter Raymond (Monday, 9 July)

Expiration date on draft 16? Mark C. Chu-Carroll (Monday, 9 July)

Missing reference in section 8... Peter Raymond (Monday, 9 July)

Revision 16 of the DeltaV spec is all advanced :-) Peter Raymond (Monday, 9 July)

A Tidied draft-16 Steinar Bang (Monday, 9 July)

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-16.txt (Friday, 6 July)

RE: Bindings to non versioned controlled resources in version con trolled collections Jim Amsden (Thursday, 5 July)

RE: Bindings to non versioned controlled resources in version con trolled collections Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 5 July)

Bindings to non versioned controlled resources in version controlled collections Jim Amsden (Thursday, 5 July)

RE: Version-controlled collection resources - I am still missing something Jim Amsden (Thursday, 5 July)

RE: Version-controlled collection resources - I am still missing something Tim Ellison (Thursday, 5 July)

RE: Version-controlled collection resources - I am still missing something Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 5 July)

Re: Version-controlled collection resources - I am still missing something Tim Ellison (Thursday, 5 July)

RE: Version-controlled collection resources - I am still missing something Tim Ellison (Wednesday, 4 July)

draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-16 now available Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 3 July)

Clarifying subbaseline MERGE and UPDATE semantics Clemm, Geoff (Monday, 2 July)

RE: Version-controlled collection resources - I am still missing something Clemm, Geoff (Monday, 2 July)

Version-controlled collection resources - I am still missing something Alan Kent (Monday, 2 July)

Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2001 16:22:32 UTC