RE: How Clients find out if they can perform a checkout

   From: Lisa Dusseault []

   So if a client wants to find out if they can check out a resource,
   they must ...

You can use the Allow header to indicate whether a particular method
could succeed, but this won't tell you whether it will succeed with
a particular argument list (e.g. with DAV:fork-ok).

In general, WebDAV does not provide for "will this
request succeed" functionality, because the state of the server will
change between any query and the actual request, so there is little
point in trying to be overly precise about whether a particular
request would have succeeded at some earlier time.  Your client can check
to see if the CHECKOUT method is supported (or Allow'ed), and if it
is, you allow a user to request it.  If the request fails, the error
token will tell the client why, and it can report this to the user.

   1. If the server supports working-resource, gather information
   about whether there exists one or more working-resources.  Finding
   out if the resource is checked out to a working resource is tricky,
   because the DAV:checked-out property won't tell you this.  To
   discover if the resource is checked out to a working resource,
   clients must query all versions.

A client has to checkout a particular version (which is the version
whose content defines the initial editor state of that client).  That
is the version whose DAV:checkout-set and DAV:checkout-fork properties
are relevant.

     a) get the DAV:version-tree report (REPORT VCR for DAV:version-tree).
     b) If the DAV:version-tree report is not supported, get the URL to the
   (PROPFIND VCR) and then get the list of versions from the VHR (PROPFIND

The DAV:version-tree report MUST be supported, so (b) is never needed.

     c) If DAV:expand-property report is supported, get the values of
   checkout-fork and checkout-set for ALL versions (REPORT VCR for
     d) If DAV:expand-property report is not supported, client must PROPFIND
   each version to see what the value of DAV:checkout-fork and
   are.  This will result in N PROPFIND requests.

Only a PROPFIND of the version that is being checked out is required.

     e) Probably the safest way to treat checkout-fork forbidden is for the
   client to say that if it's forbidden anywhere, on any version, treat
   as forbidden overall.  I say this because I can't figure out what a
   could mean by having different values for checkout-forbidden, or what
   version the client must check the value on.

You always checkout a particular version (which becomes the
DAV:checked-out version), and that is the version whose
DAV:checkout-fork property indicates whether that version can be
checked out when its DAV:checkout-set or DAV:successor-set is

   3.  Now use the following logic:

[algorithm omitted]

   I don't think this logic will completely work because I'm afraid
   servers that support both in-place checkout and working-resource
   may be inconsistent about whether they allow both kinds of
   checkouts at the same time.   I don't know how to discover whether
   that's allowed, and I don't think it's necessarily covered by
   checkout-fork being forbidden.

You'd also have to discover whether things were locked and whether
there was enough disk space on the server, and whether the ACL's
permitted the operation, and probably a variety of other things.
And all these things can change by the time the user actually tries
the checkout.  Using just DAV:supported-method-set and the Allow
header is much simpler and sufficiently accurate.

   Digression: If supported-method-set only shows CHECKOUT if a checkout is
   theory possible, then this might make things a lot easier for the client.
   had thought that supported-method-set should show the methods that may be
   allowed on a resource depending on the server's functionality and the
   resource's type.  However, it occurs to me that it's also reasonable to
   that the supported-method-set should depend on the resource's state.
   amounts to the question:  if a resource is unlocked, should
   supported-method-set show UNLOCK or not?  I've brought this up before and
   haven't seen an answer.

It's deliberately vague to give the server some leeway, but in
general "supported" means that the method might succeed on some
state of the resource, while the Allow set indicates whether
the method might succeed on the current state of the resource.
I agree this is worth stating in the protocol (if people agree
with this characterization).

   Another solution to this problem would be to introduce another protocol
   element (vast groans from the audience) for CHECKOUT that says
   DO-NOT-CHECKOUT, just tell me if I COULD have checked it out.  Therefore,
   the checkout without the <do-not-checkout> would have succeeded, you get
   OK.  If it wouldn't, you get the error that would have been generated on

Yes, that would result in a vast groan from this member of the
audience, since it is virtually impossible to predict
without actually trying the request whether or not access control
violations or server resource constraints will make the method fail,
and even if it would fail at the time of the query, it does not mean
it will fail a second later when some of these conditions may have


Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2001 01:16:05 UTC